This is the Game Flappy Bird which was originally developt by Dong Nguyen under .Gears recreated in Python.
This is the Game Flappy Bird which was originally developt by Dong Nguyen under .Gears recreated in Python.
A minimal open source mtg-like tcg game made in python that can be played on a terminal emulator using a keyboard.
Snake_Game Simple python implementation of the classic Snake Game in under 100 lines of code. Printscreen of the game: Imported Libraries: random; pyg
Pygame Widgets A helper module for common widgets that may be required in developing applications with Pygame. It supports fully customisable buttons,
space-inveders-pygame a game made similar as space inveders with pygame . . . if you are using it make sure to change audio and imgs file i do no own
Wordle is a word game reminiscent of mastermind. The player tries to guess a five letter word within six attempts. After each attempt, hints are given. Green tiles show that the letter is in the righ
WordleBot A simple search-based puzzle solver for Wordle, built in Python. Inspi
Attempts to solve Wordle-like puzzles.
samples: random notes about the tool general output format: (animation not supported yet but planned) vertex id Minecraft's gl_VertexID isn't per mode
About SuperChess is a GUI application for playing chess. It is written in Python 3.10 programming language, uses PySide6 GUI library, python-chess lib
DDNet-show-points-in-game DDRaceNetwork 游戏中按TAB键查看所有玩家分数的小程序
A Tic Tac Toe Bot This is the code repository for my article on Medium - Playing Games with Python - Tic Tac Toe, where I have tried to take the famou
Correlatedpy: a python library for distributed learning of correlated equilibrium in multiplayer strategic games. View Demo · Report Bug · Request Fea
ZX BASIC Copyleft (K) 2008, Jose Rodriguez-Rosa (a.k.a. Boriel) All files in this project are covered under the GPLv3 LICENSE ex
Projet jeu Azul 🕹️ Jeu Azul en Python avec 4 IAs 🤖 implémentées, jouable de 1 à 4 joueurs Par : Berachem MARKRIA et Tristan MARTINEZ Projet réalisé
Pillow automation used processing images
Brawl Stars v30 Brawl Stars v30.242 server emulator written in Python. Requirements: Python 3.7 or higher pymongo dnspython colorama Running the serve
Welcome to CarGame 👋 Car Game written in PyGame! NOTE: This is still new and there may be stuff broken... 🏠 Homepage Install install pygame by typin
Maxwell-Demon-Game Powered by Taichi. a simple keyboard game This is hw2 of Taichi course, as a basic exercise of class. Rigid 2d bodies and resolve c
Wolf 狼人杀面杀法官系统 Preview 如何使用 安装 Python 3.5.2 版本及以上(PyWebIO 要求) pip install -r requirements.txt python 所有玩家访问 Web 服务 TODO,欢迎PR TTS 目前仅支持 macOS 未
Game 2048_Python Dựa trên trò chơi nổi tiếng 2048 của Gabriele Cirulli. Mục tiêu của trò chơi là trượt các khối được đánh số trên một lưới để kết hợp