A module for use with Pygame. Includes fully customisable buttons, textboxes, sliders and many more, as well as the ability to create and run animations on these widgets.


Pygame Widgets

A helper module for common widgets that may be required in developing applications with Pygame. It supports fully customisable buttons, collections of buttons, textboxes, sliders and many more! If there are any widgets that you would like to see added, please create an issue!

Changes in Pygame Widgets v1.0.0

In v1.0.0, there are some minor changes to the use of the module, which may affect existing projects. This outlines the changes that will affect current users in the new version.

  • As more widgets are added, importing is now different
# Now
from pygame_widgets.button import Button

# Instead of
from pygame_widgets import Button  # Will not work
  • All widgets are now updated (draw and listen) by the update method
import pygame
import pygame_widgets
from pygame_widgets.button import Button

win = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))
button = Button(win, 100, 100, 300, 150)

run = True
while run:
    events = pygame.event.get()
    for event in events:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False
    win.fill((255, 255, 255))
    # Now
    # Instead of



Ensure that Python 3 and pip are installed and added to your environment PATH.

python -m pip install pygame-widgets

Open a Python console and run the following command.

import pygame_widgets

If you receive no errors, the installation was successful.


For full documentation, see pygamewidgets.readthedocs.io.

How to Contribute

Any contribution to this project would be greatly appreciated. This can include:

  • Finding errors or bugs and creating a new issue
  • Addressing active issues
  • Adding functionality
  • Improving documentation

If applicable, you should make any changes in a forked repository and then create a pull request once the changes are complete and preferably tested if possible.

Note: If writing any code, please attempt to follow the Code Style Guide

  • Buttons get clicked when the mouse is pressed outside the button and then dragged into the button area.

    Buttons get clicked when the mouse is pressed outside the button and then dragged into the button area.

    How to reproduce:

    1. Press the mouse button outside any widget button area.
    2. Drag the mouse (with the mouse button still pressed) into a widget button num. 1 area.
    3. Observe that the onClick function is called for button num. 1.
    4. With the mouse button still pressed keep dragging into another button.
    5. Observe that the onClick function is called for button num. 2.

    Video illustrating the issue

    opened by tgonzalez89 9
  • Documentation refactoring

    Documentation refactoring

    The documentation is becoming difficult to navigate.

    Perhaps it's time to put a navigation system in place to help people finding what they need

    I can do it if you need

    opened by slashformotion 7
  • Dropdown


    Dropdowns would be a great widget to add. Some things to perhaps keep in mind:

    • Setting a minimum size or number of options visible
    • Scrolling, if there are more options than the specified range
    • Formatting the text (left/right justified, centered)
    • Direction of the dropdown: U/down/left/right
    opened by Kaif-Kutchwala 4
  • Width and height should be optional

    Width and height should be optional

    I think width and height of widgets should be optional when margin is given,or them should be optional even if margin is not given, and decided by font size,then widget would be more flexible,do hope awesome update. @AustL Regards larryw3i.

    opened by larryw3i 3
  • Support for drawing in any surface.

    Support for drawing in any surface.

    Right now the code expects the widget to be drawn in the display surface. If I draw it in another surface it doesn't understand the widget's position relative to the top level display surface only to the "local" surface and it doesn't handle mouse events properly.

    opened by tgonzalez89 3
  • Possible bugs in TextBox widget, regarding font and input text

    Possible bugs in TextBox widget, regarding font and input text

    Hi! I have encountered two possible bugs/issues when using the textbox widget:

    1. Custom font TypeError:

    When I pass a custom font as an argument to the init() method of textbox, I get a TypeError: 'pygame.font.Font' object is not iterable. I’ve looked at self.font inside the class and I’ve changed it from : self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(kwargs.get('font', 'sans-serif'), self.fontSize) to:
    self.font = kwargs.get('font', pygame.font.SysFont('sans-serif', self.fontSize)), and it worked great.

    2. IndexError when the cursor is at the end of the input text:

    When the blinking cursor is at the end of the text, before submitting it to getText() method, after I press enter, I get an IndexError in self.draw() :

    (x[self.cursorPosition], self._y + self.cursorOffsetTop),
    IndexError: list index out of range

    I’ve managed to fix this one too, using a basic try and except, in self.draw():

    if self.showCursor:
                            self.win, (0, 0, 0),
                            (x[self.cursorPosition], self._y + self.cursorOffsetTop),
                            (x[self.cursorPosition], self._y + self._height - self.cursorOffsetTop)
                    except IndexError:
                        self.cursorPosition -= 1

    This only works when the cursor is at the end of the given input, but I have experienced similar problems when it’s at the beginning of the text, or when passing in an empty string : ‘ ‘ to self.setText().

    You should be able to fix those issues without much of a problem.

    opened by bowpie 3
  • Add a waiting bar / progress bar widget.

    Add a waiting bar / progress bar widget.

    A widget like a graphical progress bar (or other graphic element) based on values supplied by user code. Could be used as load waiting progress, other progress indicator, player health, etc.

    opened by deegquest 2
  • Checkbox not compatible with 1.9.6 pygame.draw

    Checkbox not compatible with 1.9.6 pygame.draw

    I understand that the rounded corners of Pygame 2.0.0 are really nice, but it's not released yet. This component is more dependent on it, but I dont mind square checkboxes for now.

    I attempted to fix the selection.py::Checkbox::draw() function but it didnt show properly.

        def draw(self):
            """ Display to surface """
            if not self.hidden:
                for row in range(self.rows):
                    colour = self.colour1 if not row % 2 else self.colour2
                    if row == 0:
                            self.win, colour, Rect(self.x, self.y + self.rowHeight * row, self.width, self.rowHeight),
                            border_radius=self.radius #, border_top_right_radius=self.radius
                    elif row == self.rows - 1:
                            self.win, colour, Rect(self.x, self.y + self.rowHeight * row, self.width, self.rowHeight),
                            border_radius=self.radius #, border_bottom_right_radius=self.radius
                            self.win, colour, Rect(self.x, self.y + self.rowHeight * row, self.width, self.rowHeight)
                    width = 0 if self.selected[row] else self.boxThickness
                    # draw_rounded_rect(
                    #     self.win, self.boxColour,
                    #     self.boxes[row],
                    #     border_radius=width
                    # )
                    self.win.blit(self.texts[row], self.textRects[row])
    opened by davidzwa 2
  • SyntaxError: invalid syntax - pygame 1.9.6

    SyntaxError: invalid syntax - pygame 1.9.6

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "VENV_PATH_HERE/tryouts/pygame-matplotlib.py", line 5, in <module>
        from pygame_widgets import Button
      File "VENV_PATH_HERE\lib\site-packages\pygame_widgets\__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
        from pygame_widgets.button import Button, ButtonArray
      File "VENV_PATH_HERE\lib\site-packages\pygame_widgets\button.py", line 160
        if (parent := super().get(attr)) is not None:
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Maybe not python 3 compatible or not 3.7 at least?

    opened by davidzwa 2
  • Add accessor for widget visibility

    Add accessor for widget visibility

    As far as I can tell, there's no way to tell if a widget is currently visible aside from the private _hidden attribute. A property or function like is_visible would be helpful to have so that the private attribute does not need to be used.

    opened by notmatthancock 1
  • Adding a search bar

    Adding a search bar


    I really enjoy that library !

    I wanted to add a search bar widget. I tried to stay compliant with how the library works. Also tried to include the DropDown menu and TextBox functionalities to ease the implementation.

    Added one py file and one md file of the doc, with an example gif where we can search a color among all the available ones in pygame.


    Also fixed few things from the drop down menu:

    • elements where clickable when hidden)
    • selection of element occured on mouse pressed instead of mouse release (click instead of clicked)

    Addition to TextBox:

    • onTextChanged callback which could be useful for other application as well

    Fixed imports

    • Should use relative imports in package

    Let me know if anything should be added/changed

    opened by lionel42 1
  • No module named 'animation'

    No module named 'animation'

    Describe the bug Hi, I tried to import pygame_widgets.animations's function, Resize, and it seems that the animation module is not found.

    Screenshots image

    Version Numbers

    • Pygame Widgets 1.1.0
    • Pygame 2.1.3.dev8
    • Python 3.11
    opened by OrangeLeafDev 0
  • There don't seem to be any type hints

    There don't seem to be any type hints

    I'm very new to python, pygame, etc, so maybe I missed something big. I'm using pylance and mypy to do static analysis, and they don't seem to be finding a type library or any type hints. Pygame itself seems to have these type hints.

    Is there an install step I missed or is it just not in the library?

    If it's not in the library, would you be interested in a PR that adds the type hints? Maybe I could contribute...

    bug documentation 
    opened by SteveBenz 1
  • [IDEA] Let's create a CHANGELOG.md

    [IDEA] Let's create a CHANGELOG.md

    Check this out : https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/ I think this could really benefit the project.

    Here is a personal exemple https://github.com/slashformotion/hugo-tufte/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

    opened by slashformotion 0
  • v1.1.0(Sep 25, 2022)

  • v1.0.0(Aug 4, 2021)

    Pygame Widgets v1.0.0

    This is the official new release of Pygame Widgets!


    To install the new version, run the following command in a terminal window. pip install pygame-widgets==1.0.0


    After creating your widgets the usual way, you no longer need to call their listen and draw methods every loop. Instead, simply add:


    at the end of the main loop and this will handle all of that. Simply call the disable or hide method if you don't want the widget to listen or draw:

    widget.disable() or widget.hide()

    Note: Documentation is now available on readthedocs.io.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0-beta(Jul 29, 2021)

    Pygame Widgets v1.0.0-beta

    This pre-release implements a new system for handling mouse input and widgets.


    To install this pre-release use the terminal command:

    pip install pygame_widgets==1.0.0b0


    After creating your widgets the usual way, you no longer need to call their listen and draw methods every loop. Instead, simply add:


    at the end of the main loop and this will handle all of that. Simply call the disable or hide method if you don't want the widget to listen or draw:

    widget.disable() or widget.hide()

    Note: Documentation will be made available as soon as possible.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.0(Jul 25, 2021)

  • v0.40(Feb 20, 2021)

  • v0.30(Feb 14, 2021)

  • v0.2.1(Sep 1, 2020)

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