- 安装 Python 3.5.2 版本及以上(PyWebIO 要求)
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python main.py
- 所有玩家访问 Web 服务
- TTS 目前仅支持 macOS
- 未对断线重连做支持
- 狼人自爆操作未实现
- 多狼人玩家冲突
- 狼王技能未实现
- 猎人技能未实现
Tic Tac Toe is one of the most played games and is the best time killer game that you can play anywhere with just a pen and paper.
Pyxel is open source and free to use. Let's start making a retro game with Pyxel!
Monopoly-Probabilities Simulate a Monopoly game to generate the probabilities of landing on each square. While this project originally was inspired by
Nerdle - a nerd's approach to solving Wordle
Blender-Game-Engine-Templates Blender Game Engine Game Type Templates Logic Bric
wordle_worst_case_analysis Code and outputs from analysis determining that the wordle game can always be won in six moves. This is for the general cas
PyChess - a free chess client for Linux/Windows The mission of PyChess is to create a free, pleasant, PyGObject based chess game for the Linux desktop
wordlespoiler Allows you to email people wordle spoilers. Very beta, not as many features How to Use 1.) Make a new gmail account. Go to settings (Man
Repository containing documentation about the Minecraft Legacy FUI file structure
Netskrafl - an Icelandic crossword game website English summary This repository contains the implementation of an Icelandic crossword game in the genr
OpenGL-MazeSurvivor-FirstPerson Shooting Game This application named ‘MAZE SURVIVOR’ is a first-person shooting game that finished within a month. It
ATTENTION Vous ne devez pas copier coller le code sans le comprendre, apprennez déjà, le python et pygame, et seulement ensuite, vous pourrrez l'utili
CP-Dueling Dueling Platform for Competitive Programming. Learn through Games. Setting Up Minimum Python version needed = 3.9.9 Install Virtualenv and
term2048 term2048 is a terminal-based version of 2048. Install pip install term2048 To upgrade a previous installation, use: pip install -U term2048
Chess A didactic GUI chess game made in Python3 using pygame. At the moment, there is no AI. The only way you can test the game is by playing against
Morpheus 2.0 A use of the python MCPI to enhance the multiplayer and singleplayer gameplay. To Use: You will need to install the keyboard, pysimplegui
Motus python game A game based on Motus, to be played on Unix terminals. How to play? Before playing, you need to install all the requirements needed
Scissor Paper Stone Game Using Pygame This is a simple GUI based game made on pygame python. Installation Run code on your machine: git clone https:
pygame-opengl OpenGL experiments with Pygame & ModernGL TODO Skybox & Reflections Post-process effects (motion blur, color correction, etc..) Normal m
CoinTex: Cross-platform Multi-Level Game created in Python using Kivy CoinTex is a multi-level adventure game created using the Kivy cross-platform Py