2DMC is an abrrieviation for 2 Dimensional Minecraft.

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Game Development2DMC


2DMC is an abrrieviation for 2 Dimensional Minecraft. This idea is originally created and implemented by Griffpatch on Scratch. This is a personal project of creating a Paper Minecraft clone in python, better, smoother, and more Minecrafty.


Clone the repository at https://github.com/DaNubCoding/2DMC, run the file named "main.py"

Modules to install (pip install [module]):

  • pygame
  • opensimplex
  • pywin32

How to play

  • 'a' and 'd' to move left and right
  • 'w' to jump
  • RMB to place blocks
  • LMB to remove blocks
  • 'e' to open inventory
  • F5 to open debug


Thank you to Griffpatch for the original creation of Paper Minecraft!

Structure generation code is based heavily on this answer from Megalng: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67557147/how-to-generate-trees-or-other-structures-over-chunks-in-a-2d-minecraft-like-game

Got ideas from this answer from Rabbid76 in solving a weird glitch (solved now): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67419774/falling-left-and-right-inconsistencies-in-pygame-platformer

Shoutout to onlyTr3v0r for supporting me throughout this project and helping me with ideas and git/github!

Shoutout to Hayyayson for helping with playtesting and overall support on the project!

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    opened by Hex5DA 0
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  • v0.2.1(Apr 13, 2022)

    Version 0.2.1

    Version 0.2.1 is a minor release with a host of technical changes and new features, most notably a new sprite draw system, cinematic mode & screenshots and player walk particles / held blocks!

    We also now have a new way of downloading 2DMC! You can download a non-standalone release at the bottom of this page. This is a zip that contains an executable and the game assets and information. Download this if you want to change any assets or view anuy information provided with 2dmc without having to download the repo and set up the pip packages. Also use this if you want to take screenshots or make profiles!

    Full changelog



    • Press F2 to screenshot
    • The screenshot image will be stored in a folder named "screenshots" in the same directory as main.py
    • The image will be the same resolution as the resolution of the game (1200 x 600)

    Cinematic Modes

    • To toggle cinematic modes, press F3
    • There are 4 option to toggle through in order:
      • Show both the hotbar and crosshair
      • Hide both
      • Show crosshair but hide hotbar
      • Show hotbar but hide crosshair
    • The current cinematic mode state will be shown by a popup displayed on the top-right

    Hand Held Blocks

    • Blocks will now physically appear in the player's hand when the player is holding an item

    Walking particles

    • When the player walks at over 3 blocks per second, block particles would be spawned underneath its feet

    2DMC logo

    • 2DMC now has... a logo! It will be shown on the top left corner of the game window and in Alt + Tab menu!
    • You can see it below:



    • Optimized particles with conditional collision testing
    • Text boxes now show their outer border / rect whilst in debug mode
    • Velocity now shows up as BPS (blocks per second) in debug
    • Paperdoll no longer covers held item when in inventory
    • Optimized chunk loading and structure generation
    • Spacebar is now also binded to jumping

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed particles occasionally falling into solid blocks
    • Fixed void fog particles spawning in extremely large numbers when the player enters the upper threshold of void fog particles
    • Fixed player being able to tunnel through blocks as FPS gets extremely low
    • Fixed player tunnelling when the window is moved, now, the game will just pause with dt being set to 0


    • 2DMC is now an officially Open Source project!
    • It is licensed with the GNU General Public License v3
    • You can view the full license here!
    • All src/ files now have a short header to reflect this.

    Technical Changes

    • Reworked the sprite system to allow better control over draw order, and to make the sprites easier to work with!

      • We now have a custom defined sprite class
        • This sprite class serves as a superclass for all other sprites, and provides a constructor and a number of methods that make all sprites compatible with our SpriteManager
      • We have a SpriteManager class that manages draw order, updates and other useful management functions
      • Draw order is defined in an automatic enumeration
      • Sprites can have a custom debug layer (debug information is rendered on a different layer to the sprite) or a regular debug layer (debug information is rendered on the same layer as the sprite)
      • If you want to get a better understanding of this system then you are best off looking at the code (particuarly sprite.py), be warned the code is kinda gross >.<
    • Velocity is now set and calculated with BPS (blocks per second)

    • We have implemented a Single Instance Superclass. This class ensures any subclasses can only have 1 instance of themselves at a time.

      • This is useful, for example for the inventory labels, where whenever you move the mouse a new label will spawn. However, we only want one label to spawn at a time. Previously this required a very complicated and extremely ugly system of kill methods and class attributes and conditional checks which was, in short, gross.
      • This system removes the need for this. Any sprite that inherits from SingleInstance and calls it's constructor will have this handled automatically
      • Demo (because the constructor is slightly confusing):
      class Foo(Sprite, SingleInstance):
        def __init__(self, layer: int | LayersEnum) -> None:
          Sprite.__init__(self, layer)
          SingleInstance.__init__(self, self) # The second self call passes the instance to SingleInstance, the first is just a __init__ thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • We have implemented a new system called "Information Labels"

      • These labels can be defined as "anything non-permanent that conveys information or any other content".
      • This includes images, popups, labels, toasts, ect.
      • Made a information label class to better how these labels are handled. Labels are considered sprites internally, and so can be given different layers
      • Labels are designed with OOP in mind. As of 0.2.1 the inheritance tree is as follows:
      └── GenericTextBox
          ├── InventoryLabelTextBox
          └── HotbarLabelTextBox
      • NOTE: GenericTextBox also inherits from SingleInstance but this is hard to show on an inheritance tree.
    • Structure generation and chunk loading is now done slightly differently

      • Structure that extend into already existing chunks will simply place down the extra blocks directly into the neighboring chunk
      • Base block generation is now cached by position
      • Since perlin noise (which is used for cave generation) is very slow, it is now done once per loop instead of 64 times at once
      • The cave heighmap will be generate block by block while chunks are not loading, so that when chunks load, the heightmap values have already been cached
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC.v0.2.1.exe(26.15 MB)
    2DMC.v0.2.1.Non-standalone.zip(55.70 MB)
  • v0.2.0(Feb 6, 2022)

    Version 0.2.0

    Version 0.2.0 is a major update that focuses primarily on underground generation and features. Other notable changes include pickblock, block selection, better particles and profiling.


    New blocks

    • Bedrock
    • Granite
    • Diorite
    • Andesite
    • Coal ore
    • Iron ore
    • Gold ore
    • Lapis ore
    • Redstone ore
    • Diamond ore
    • Emerald ore
    • Deepslate
    • Cobbled deepslate
    • Deepslate coal ore
    • Deepslate iron ore
    • Deepslate gold ore
    • Deepslate lapis ore
    • Deepslate redstone ore
    • Deepslate diamond ore
    • Deepslate emerald ore


    • Generated with Perlin Noise
    • You will sometimes find grass and dirt getting cut off without any actual cave generating, that is a quirk of cave generation
    • Caves will not be able to cut through bedrock

    Example: img

    Stone Types

    • There are 4 new stone types:
      • Granite
      • Diorite
      • Andesite
      • Tuff
    • Granite, diorite, and andesite generate anywhere above deepslate level ( < chunk-y 64)
    • Tuff only generates below deepslate level ( > chunk-y 64)
    • Their shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm
    • They will not generate overlapping with ore veins, neither will they replace dirt, ores, nor bedrock

    Bedrock + World Height

    • Bedrock generates from y 1024+
    • There is a blend between stone and bedrock, generated the same as stone -> deepslate
    • The player cannot break bedrock

    Ore Veins

    • Ore vein shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm.
    • They will turn into deepslate variants of the ores if they generate replacing deepslate
    • Ores will not replace bedrock or dirt


    • They generate underground with the following distribution (all percentages represent the chance of generation per chunk):
      • Coal ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating with a 16% chance at the top of the world, decreases until it reaches chunk-y 64, gets more common going down until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 128
      • Iron ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at the top of the world rarely, quickly goes to 10% chance at chunk-y 8, then gets rarer as chunk-y goes down to 72
      • Lapis ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 32, gets more common until chunk-y 64 with a 6% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 96
      • Gold ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 88 with a 7% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120
      • Redstone ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 120, then quickly gets rarer until chunk-y 128
      • Diamond ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 96, then gets more common until chunk-y 128 with a 5% chance
      • Emerald ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 72, then gets more common until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120

    Ore distribution map: ore_dist

    Best y-level for mining

    • The best chunk-y to mine for each ore, the attempts per chunk, and the chance per attempt:
      • Coal: 2 (not 1 because a large portion of chunk-y 1 is made up of dirt), 16%, 2
      • Iron: 8, 10%, 2
      • Lapis: 64, 6%, 1
      • Gold: 88, 7%, 1
      • Redstone: 120, 15%, 2
      • Diamond: 126 (not 128 or 127 because a large portion of them are made up of bedrock), 5%, 1
      • Emerald: 96, 3%, 1


    Void Fog Particles

    • Void fog particles start to spawn below y 896
    • The lower down the player is:
      • The more particles spawn
      • The bigger the particles on average
    • Void fog particles will be deleted if they either move behind a block or move outside the screen

    Player Fall Particles

    • Player fall particles will be spawned when the player falls for more than or equal to 4 blocks and lands
    • The longer the player falls for, the most particles are spawned, to a maximum of 15 blocks
    • The particles will take the color of a random pixel of the block that the player fell onto

    Block Selection Box

    • Added a selection box around the block that the crosshair is hovering over
    • It is 2 pixels thick, and is offset towards the topleft corner by 2 pixels to fit the selected block entirely within the box

    Sky Gradient

    • The background colour now has a gradient between the default blue (y = 0-) and black (y = 1024)


    • Press the MMB (middle mouse button) to pick the block the crosshair is hovering over
    • Some blocks cannot be pick-blocked, like bedrock, tall grass top, and leafed oak log
    • Pick-blocking will move the targeted block to the slot that you are selecting, no matter if it is on the hotbar or in the inventory


    • Crosshair now fades between colors instead of instantly changing
    • Added "Block position" to the debug menu, which shows the coordinates of the block the crosshair is hovering over
    • Added "Particles" to the debug menu, which shows the number of particles that is being calculated
    • Added a transparent white overlay on the inventory slot that is being hovered over

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed floating tall grass on chunk borders
    • Particles float upwards when inside a block, now they just fall out
    • Fixed tall grass being cut off by a tree on chunk borders

    Technical changes

    • Grouped code into different files in the "src" folder

    • Added comments, docstrings and type annotations explaining the code

    • Separated collision detection from camera because that is just very bad

    • Improved particle performance

    • Greatly improved chunk loading performance considering the new terrain features that have been added

    • The system by which we create, update and draw particles has been completely reworked.

      • We are now using OOP in the inheritance tree:
        ├── PhysicsParticle
        │   ├── BlockParticle
        │   └── PlayerFallParticle
        └── EnviromentalParticle


    • To make a profile for a function, pass the callable into src.utils.profile, along with its parameters
    • It will create a .prof file in build/profiles on the function that has been passed when F9 is pressed
    • The file will have the time of creation in its file name

    In game you can presss F9 and it will generate a profile of <callable> in build/profiles.

    # variable = <callable>(<*args>)
    import src.utils as utils
    variable = utils.profile(<callable>, <*args>)

    For instance, to time the loading of chunks, you could do the following:

    # self.rendered_chunks = load_chunks(self.player.camera)
    import src.utils as utils
    self.rendered_chunks = utils.profile(load_chunks, self.player.camera)

    If you want to generate a profile without you having to press a key (for example, if you want to time a function if a certain condition is met), you could do the following:

    import src.utils as utils
    if <condition>:
      utils.do_profile = True
    profile(<callable>, <*args>)

    For instance, to time the loading time of a certain chunk at (x, y), you could do the following:

    import src.utils as utils
    if chunk == (x, y):
      utils.do_profile = True
    profile(Chunk, chunk)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC.v0.2.0.exe(25.93 MB)
  • v0.1.1(Jan 3, 2022)

    Release v0.1.1 of 2DMC. An update following v0.1.0 with minor changes.



    • Camera is now offset from the player towards the cursor to increase viewing distance


    • Player speed has been tweeked again
    • The textbox above the hotbar will now fade gradually instead of staying on the screen all the time
    • FPS is now synced with the monitor refresh rate (aka Vsync in Minecraft), and FPS is now more stablized

    Bug fixes

    • Player no longer slows down when walking as FPS increases
    • Textbox will no longer appear beside the cursor in the inventory if an item has already been picked up

    Installation and running

    Therefore to play this version please extract the "2DMC_v0.1.1" zip into a directory of your choice. Do not move the exe out of the directory containing the assets and data folders! Then you can just double click the exe to run it. As for linux and mac users, try installing the packages that are imported in the .py files, and running main.py from the command line. In the future, I may provide proper instructions for running on non-windows OSs, but I don't have easy access to a Linux / Mac computer as I (sadly) use Windows, and I don't really want to fiddle around with WSL or VirtualBox to try and figure out some instructons, sorry.

    Executable's zip below vv

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC_v0.1.1.zip(25.26 MB)
  • v0.1.0(Jan 3, 2022)

    Release v0.1.1 of 2DMC. The biggest update as of yet!



    • Player animation
    • New blocks
      • Oak log
        • Naturally generate in trees
      • Oak leaves
        • Naturally generate in trees
      • Leafed oak log
        • Naturally generate in trees
        • Has 2 layers, first layer is oak leaves, second layer is oak log
      • Poppy
        • Naturally generate
      • Dandelion
        • Naturally generate
      • Tall grass
        • Naturally generate
      • Oak planks
      • Cobblestone
      • Glass
    • Tree generation
      • 5 different tree types
        • Regular oak tree
        • Short oak tree
        • Medium oak tree
        • Balloon oak tree
        • Large oak tree
    • Crosshair
      • Changes color according to the color of the pixels underneath it
    • Particles
      • When blocks are broken
    • Maximized FPS (FPS can go as high as possible instead of being restrained at 60)
    • Hotbar
      • Control with the numbers 1-9 or with the mouse scroll wheel
    • Inventory
      • By clicking the item you want to move, and clicking again to drop it off
    • Minecraft font


    • Player speed has been increased slightly
    • Doubled game resolution
    • Thinner, less obstructive lines
    • The texture of grass has been tweeked slightly
    • The debug info is now offset 6 pixels from the left of the window
    • The debug info on blocks is now offset from the cursor so that it can be seen more clearly

    Bug fixes

    • Player x velocity no longer stays fast when not jumping (player slows down when on the ground)
    • Block no longer gets placed on grass if the player is standing in the grass
    • Fixed the bug where red squares stack up when debug mode is not on, and appear all at once when debug mode is turned on
    • Frame rate independent movement: The game no longer slows down when the FPS drops
    • Grass on chunk borders no longer breaks off when the block below is gets unloaded
    • Fixed glitchy movement when player is moving at max speed

    Technical changes

    • Block update system as in real Minecraft
    • Data folder to store all text based information
    • Cleaned up the code

    Installation and running

    Packaging directories with pyinstaller is difficult, and as far as we know not possible without modifying the code. Therefore, to preserve the "originality" of the code we haven't bundled the game assets with any version before v0.1.1. Therefore to play this version please extract the "2DMC_v0.1.0" zip into a directory of your choice. Do not move the exe out of the directory containing the res folder! Then you can just double click the exe to run it. As for linux and mac users, try installing the packages that are imported in the .py files, and running main.py from the command line. Beware some older versions may require you to downgrade certain packages or modify the code. In the future, I may provide proper instructions for running on non-windows OSs, but I don't have easy access to a Linux / Mac computer as I (sadly) use Windows, and I don't really want to fiddle around with WSL or VirtualBox to try and figure out some instructons, sorry.

    Executable's zip below vv

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC_v0.1.0.zip(25.26 MB)
  • v0.0.2(Jan 3, 2022)

    Another very old release of 2DMC. There was actually a version between this and v0.0.1, which, judging by the discrepancy between this versions changelog and features, added block breaking and placing as well as some other features. This version has been lost to the sands of time, so I have rewritten the changelog to add the changes made in this "" update by finding differences between 0.0.1 and 0.0.2, and presuming any difference not mentioned in the 0.0.2 changelog is a change. However this is imperfect - any small tweaks made in that I havent noticed will be lost, so feel free to open a github issue if you notice anything! Also note some changes may me mis-attributed to the wrong version, not sure if there is any way around this sadly. I have tried my hardest to include every feature but again if I missed anything open a github issue ^-^. I will attatch the original 0.0.2 changelog here for completionists sake along with the executable. Running installation below.



    • Block selection ( feature)
      • The currently selected block is shown in white in the bottom-left.
        • This block is the block placed when placing a block.
      • You can cycle through the "hotbar" using the keys 1-4 (no scroll wheel support)
      • The items or the order of items in the hotbar cannot be changed.
      • The order of the hotbar is as follows: { 1: grass_block 2: dirt 3: stone 4: grass }
    • Block breaking and placing ( feature)
      • Block breaking - blocks can be broken by pressing the left mouse button over the block's hitbox
      • Block placing - blocks can be placed by pressing the right mouse button over any overwritable block
        • Overwritable blocks are air and grass
        • The block placed is the currently selected block.
    • Camera ( feature)
      • The camera has a slight momentum
      • If you stop moving in one direction suddenly, the camera keeps on going before returning to the player
        • This is displayed by the camera offset display in debug mode
    • Debug Mode ( feature unless otherwise stated)
      • Debug mode can be toggled using the F5 key
      • Information is displayed in the top left:
        • Seed (the seed of the world, used for terrain generation): ex. 1400917286
        • Velocity (the velocity of the player): ex. (2.7, 0.0) when walking
        • Position (the position of the player, aka their co-ords): ex. (-52, 3)
        • Camera offset (the offset of the camera relative to the player): ex (26, 0) when walking
        • Chunk (the chunk the player is standing in): ex. (-7, 0)
        • Chunks loaded (the amount of chunks the game has loaded): ex. 78
        • Rendered blocks (the amount of blocks the game is rendering): ex. 385
      • Chunk borders are displayed with yellow lines
      • The block below the mouse cursor is displayed in white text next to the mouse cursor
      • The blocks being tested for collision are highlighted in red (0.0.2 feature)
      • The player is outlined in white (0.0.2 feature)

    Tweaks (0.0.2)

    • The player hitbox size has been reduced in width to 0.225 block size
    • Player movement speed has been tweeked

    Bug fixes: (0.0.2)

    • When player travels beyond 4000 blocks, the frame rate starts to drop below 60
    • Fixed some moving left and right inconsistencies (not being able to land on a block on the left but being able to land on the right... etc)
    • Optimized the performance further

    Installation and running:

    Packaging directories with pyinstaller is difficult, and as far as we know not possible without modifying the code. Therefore, to preserve the "originality" of the code we haven't bundled the game assets with any version before v0.1.1. Therefore to play this version please extract the "2DMC_v0.0.2" zip into a directory of your choice. Do not move the exe out of the directory containing the res folder! Then you can just double click the exe to run it. As for linux and mac users, try installing the packages that are imported in the .py files, and running main.py from the command line. Beware some older versions may require you to downgrade certain packages or modify the code. In the future, I may provide proper instructions for running on non-windows OSs, but I don't have easy access to a Linux / Mac computer as I (sadly) use Windows, and I don't really want to fiddle around with WSL or VirtualBox to try and figure out some instructons, sorry.

    Executable's zip and original 0.0.2 changelog below vv

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC_v0.0.2.zip(25.23 MB)
    2DMC_v0.0.2_changelog_orig.txt(558 bytes)
  • v0.0.1(Jan 3, 2022)

    The oldest version of 2D Minecraft we have access too! Very few features because of this - and we have had to write the changelog after the fact so there may be some things missing or mis-described, I'm trying my best!



    • Blocks & Chunks
      • Added blocks! 32x32 pixels in size
      • Added 4 blocks (grass, dirt, grassy dirt and stone)
      • Added chunks made of 8x8 blocks each.
      • Chunks are unrended, rendered and generated as the player moves throughout the world.
    • Terrain Generation
      • Chunks are generated using perlin noise as the player moves throughout the world.
      • All 4 block types are used in generation.
    • Player
      • Added a player (a player might be generous, its a grey rectangle)
      • Added player movement using WAD
      • Added collision between the player and blocks
    • Camera
      • Added a static camera.
      • The player is always at the center of the camera's vision.
    • Game FPS, chunks and blocks loaded are displayed on window title.

    Installation and running:

    Packaging directories with pyinstaller is difficult, and as far as we know not possible without modifying the code. Therefore, to preserve the "originality" of the code we haven't bundled the game assets with any version before v0.1.1. Therefore to play this version please extract the "2DMC_v0.0.1" zip into a directory of your choice. Do not move the exe out of the directory containing the res folder! Then you can just double click the exe to run it. As for linux and mac users, try installing the packages that are imported in the .py files, and running main.py from the command line. Beware some older versions may require you to downgrade certain packages or modify the code. In the future, I may provide proper instructions for running on non-windows OSs, but I don't have easy access to a Linux / Mac computer as I (sadly) use Windows, and I don't really want to fiddle around with WSL or VirtualBox to try and figure out some instructons, sorry.

    Executable's zip attatched below vv

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    2DMC_v0.0.1.zip(21.83 MB)
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Tetris 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page. Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this pro

Gavin Capriola 0 Mar 01, 2022
A puzzle game coded entirely in Python.

Pyzzle A puzzle game coded entirely in Python. This is a school project created by me, Mohit Singh. The .exe file, created from the main.py script, is

Mohit Singh 1 Mar 19, 2022
Automates cubemap generation for Source Engine games.

AutoCube Automates cubemap generation for Source Engine games during compile-time. Download: see the release page Installation Using with CompilePal A

5 Feb 18, 2022
PyGame-Tutorial - Refrence for building games in pygame

PyGame-Tutorial How to build games using the python library PyGame End result Ho

St. Mark's Computer Science Club 2 Jan 09, 2022
Wordle - Implementation of wordle and a solver

Wordle - Implementation of wordle and a solver

Kurt Neufeld 1 Feb 04, 2022
A tool for the creation of rooms used in maps in the game Wastelands

Wastelands Room Data editor A tool for the creation of rooms used in maps in the game Wastelands Creates .wrd files, that get loaded by the map genera

Avant 6 Jul 12, 2021
Wordle-player - An optimal player for Wordle. Based on a rough understanding of information theory

Wordle-player - An optimal player for Wordle. Based on a rough understanding of information theory

Neill Johnston 3 Feb 26, 2022
Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator

Minecraft - Online Players Overlay Generator Contents About Quick Start Download Pre-Built Binary Run from Source Configuration Command-Line Options F

4 Sep 12, 2022
Play a game of Phazed with a bot or with other players or watch bots play with each other

Phazed Game and Player play a game of Phazed with a bot or with other players or watch bots play with each other Live Demo hosted on repl.it (makes su

Xin Yu 0 Aug 28, 2021
Fully functional BlackJack game with a graphical user interface.

BlackJack Welcome to BlackJack! This game is fully functional, with a casino sound package integrated using Pygame, dynamic game logic developed using

Shwetang Desai 2 Jan 10, 2022
Unknown Horizons official code repository

Unknown-Horizons based on Fifengine is no longer in development. We are porting it to Godot Engine. Please dont report any new bugs. Only bugfixes wil

Unknown Horizons 1.3k Dec 30, 2022
The original Tetris tile-matching game as adopted by IBM PC.

🕹️ Tetris Game The original Tetris tile-matching game as adopted by IBM PC. Game developed purely on python using the Dear PyGui Framework. 📖 Instru

14 Nov 12, 2022
Chess game for 2 players with UI

2-D Chess for 2 players Overview This is a simple 2D Chess game for 2 players using pygame library. Requirements To be able to run this game, you must

7 Apr 06, 2022
Vitrix is an open-source FPS video game coded in python

Vitrix is an open-source FPS video game coded in python Table of contents Usage Game Server Installing Requirements Hardware Requirements Software Req

Vitrix 1 Feb 13, 2022
An ongoing process to make a physics engine using python.

Simple_Physics_Engine An ongoing process to make a physics engine using python. I am using this goal as a way to learn python in and out. I am trying

Jon Sherrick 1 Jan 18, 2022