a game made similar as space inveders with pygame
if you are using it make sure to change audio and imgs file i do no own any audio or img file myself
install Requirements.txt
a game made similar as space inveders with pygame
if you are using it make sure to change audio and imgs file i do no own any audio or img file myself
install Requirements.txt
Pendulum project, built using pygame and math modules.
Requirements python3 pyqt5 - can be installed with pip install PyQt5 pypng - Included Usage Instructions This program can be running py in the
Pong-Game Pong is one of the first computer games that ever created, this simple "tennis like" game features two paddles and a ball, the goal is to de
Covid_game 🍹 Simple Single Player Covid Game Using Python. 🍹 Has amazing background music theme. 😄 Game Instructions: Initial Health is 5, try to s
Jiminy is a fast and portable cross-platform open-source simulator for poly-articulated systems. It was built with two ideas in mind: provide a fast y
Stock game is a python program that simulates real-life stock marketing, saving, and investments. Users get to trade and manage their portfolio and manage their 100,000 dollar portfolio.
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TicTacToeAI A DDQN that learned to play tic tac toe by playing against itself Cu
Interstel-quickscooping-game Right from the beginning of our (i.e, me and me alone) journey in the creation of this game, our goal was to give a game
To solve games using AI, we will introduce the concept of a game tree followed by minimax algorithm.
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Space-Invaders A classic alien shooting game. Description An open source game created by me and friends. How to play Install the latest python version
pyfa What is it? Pyfa, short for python fitting assistant, allows you to create, experiment with, and save ship fittings without being in game. Open s
Maneuver a snake in its burrow and earn points while avoiding the snake itself and the walls of the snake burrow. The snake grows when it eats an apple by default which can be disabled in the setting
Wordle Wordle in the terminal, written in python Simply run bash in your terminal to run. This creates a virtual environment, installs the depe
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This is a text-based snake and ladder game .
minecraft.nix Inspired by this thread, this flake contains derivations of both v
TicTacToc simple TicTacToc game played by minimax algorithm. This app is based o