a game made similar as space inveders with pygame
if you are using it make sure to change audio and imgs file i do no own any audio or img file myself
install Requirements.txt
a game made similar as space inveders with pygame
if you are using it make sure to change audio and imgs file i do no own any audio or img file myself
install Requirements.txt
This is a simple game of rock-paper-scissors developed in Python. It allows two players to play with one another on different command lines through networking.
2048 Created by Chad Palmer for CPSC 474, Fall 2021 Overview: This is an application which can play 2048 and simulate games of 2048 with a variety of
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PySnake A python snake game based on pygame. Requirements Package version pygame = 2.1.2 opencv-python = Run Windows python Linux &
Racing Fire A simple game in the making. Using pygame, this game is made to feel like an old arcade game. I developed a simple controller for it with
A solution program of 24. game.
sWJz4KingsChess date started on 11-13-2021 In the works, creating a new Chess Board and way to Play... starting to write this in Pygame, an
A programme which basically has the same function as the actual Rock paper scissors game.
scalable-gol-computer This is a computer built in Conway’s game of life. It supports variable sizes of 8, 16 and 32 bit. Maximum program size: 256 lin
PT_BR_Wordle_Solver Este é um solver feito em Python do jogo Wordle, que recebeu sua versão PT-BR recentemente. Onde jogar Os sites para se jogar mais
Minecraft-Bedrock-Modpack-Maker Simple tool to combine multiple addons into one. Not finished! Any contributing is welcome. How to use: Move all .mcpa