8 Repositories
Latest Python Libraries
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization
PyTorch implementation of Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO) This repository has a simple to understand and use implementation of CPO in PyTorch. A
Plug-n-Play Reinforcement Learning in Python with OpenAI Gym and JAX
coax is built on top of JAX, but it doesn't have an explicit dependence on the jax python package. The reason is that your version of jaxlib will depend on your CUDA version.
A collection of various RL algorithms like policy gradients, DQN and PPO. The goal of this repo will be to make it a go-to resource for learning about RL. How to visualize, debug and solve RL problems. I've additionally included playground.py for learning more about OpenAI gym, etc.
Reinforcement Learning (PyTorch) 🤖 + 🍰 = ❤️ This repo will contain PyTorch implementation of various fundamental RL algorithms. It's aimed at making
A fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
Stable Baselines Stable Baselines is a set of improved implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms based on OpenAI Baselines. You can read a
Trading environnement for RL agents, backtesting and training.
TradzQAI Trading environnement for RL agents, backtesting and training. Live session with coinbasepro-python is finaly arrived ! Available sessions: L
A curated list of awesome Model-Based RL resources
Awesome Model-Based Reinforcement Learning This is a collection of research papers for model-based reinforcement learning (mbrl). And the repository w
RL Algorithms with examples in Python / Pytorch / Unity ML agents
Reinforcement Learning Project This project was created to make it easier to get started with Reinforcement Learning. It now contains: An implementati