🔥 Campus-Run Django Server🔥


🏫 Campus-Run

Campus-Run is a 3D racing game set on a college campus.
Designed this service to comfort university students who are unable to visit the campus in person due to the COVID-19.
Providing various ways(text and video chat) to communicate with people from different universities
Enjoy your sprint! and never miss the chance to socialize with people without a mask 😷 .

🕹 Django-Server

You can check the node-server here.
Django-Server is used to access and manage the database.
We've implemented various data-accessing APIs like below.

⭐️ User and univ related

Request-Method Request-URI About Written-By
POST /api/user Get user data using user's token
POST /api/init-univ Supporting university data initializing
GET /login/kakao/callback Kakao social sign-in when user inputs are correct
GET /activate/str:uidb64/str:token Univ e-mail authentication
POST /idTokenCheck/ User token validation
POST /api/insert-dummy-user Create virtual user data for DEMO
GET /api/user-search Response user whose name is containing the keyword
GET /api/user-by-kakaoid Response user data identified by a unique KakaoID

⭐️ Game and matching related

Request-Method Request-URI About Written-By
POST /game/api/create-room Create private game room
POST /game/api/check-room-full Check if the room is full
POST /game/api/send-invite Send a invitation for private race
GET /game/api/invitation-by-id Spread the invitation to invited users
POST /game/api/invitation-read Accept and enter the invited race
POST /game/api/invitation-reject Reject and ignore the invited race
POST /game/api/room-status-by-url Check the room status by room-url
POST /game/api/room-enter Enter the public room
POST /game/api/new-record Create time record when the race starts
POST /game/api/update-record Update record when the user passes finish line
POST /game/api/create-room-public Create public game room
GET /game/api/public-room-list Get a list of accesible room
POST /game/api/enter-wait-room Enter the clicked matching room (public)
POST /game/api/quit-wait-room Quit the clicked matching room (public)
GET /game/api/ent-arrangement Re-arrangement of waiting room users position
POST /game/api/create-ranking Update user's fastest record
GET /game/api/speedy-ranking/int:map_id Get speedy ranking by the track campus
GET /game/api/univ-ranking Get university ranking
GET /game/api/personal-ranking Get personal ranking
GET /game/api/sync-wait-room-status Matching wait-room data sync
POST /game/api/room-to-start-status Switch room status to start
GET /game/api/room-status Check the room status
GET /game/api/game-enter Moving users from the lobby to the game
GET /game/api/end-check Check if any of the participants arrives at the end line
GET /game/api/result-board Get the game result data (Ranking, Lap-time)

🧑🏻‍💻 Contributors

Youngkwon Kim

Main Developer

Sehoon In

Sub Developer

Sehoon In

Sub Developer
Youngkwon Kim
Youngkwon Kim
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