These are the materials for the paper "Few-Shot Out-of-Domain Transfer Learning of Natural Language Explanations".
You can find the small-e-WinoGrande dataset in the folder with that name.
These are the materials for the paper "Few-Shot Out-of-Domain Transfer Learning of Natural Language Explanations".
You can find the small-e-WinoGrande dataset in the folder with that name.
Generative Handwriting Demo using TensorFlow An attempt to implement the random handwriting generation portion of Alex Graves' paper. See my blog post
Factorized Fourier Neural Operators This repository contains the code to reproduce the results in our NeurIPS 2021 ML4PS workshop paper, Factorized Fo
PT-HCL for Zero-Shot Stance Detection The code of this repository is constantly being updated... Please look forward to it! Introduction This reposito
Keras-1D-ACGAN-Data-Augmentation What is the ACGAN(Auxiliary Classifier GANs) ? Related Paper : [Abstract : Synthesizing high resolution photorealisti
SG2HOI This repository is for our paper Exploiting Scene Graphs for Human-Object Interaction Detection accepted by ICCV 2021. Installation Pytorch 1.7
Exploring simple siamese representation learning This is a PyTorch re-implementation of the SimSiam paper on ImageNet dataset. The results match that
PruebaEnel Prueba Kaggle-Springleaf-master Prueba Kaggle-Springleaf Kaggle competition: Springleaf Marketing Response Competencia de Kaggle: Marketing
VIN: Value Iteration Networks A quick thank you A few others have released amazing related work which helped inspire and improve my own implementation
CDTrans: Cross-domain Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [arxiv] This is the official repository for CDTrans: Cross-domain Transformer for
Omninet - Pytorch Implementation of OmniNet, Omnidirectional Representations from Transformers, in Pytorch. The authors propose that we should be atte
A STRONG BASELINE FOR VEHICLE RE-IDENTIFICATION This paper is accepted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop(CVPR
FCD: Fixed-Point GAN for Cloud Detection PyTorch source code of Nyborg & Assent (2020). Abstract The detection of clouds in satellite images is an ess
PyTorch NIMA: Neural IMage Assessment PyTorch implementation of Neural IMage Assessment by Hossein Talebi and Peyman Milanfar. You can learn more from
PlaneRecNet This is an official implementation for PlaneRecNet: A multi-task convolutional neural network provides instance segmentation for piece-wis
Deep learning algorithms for muon momentum estimation in the CMS Trigger System The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose detector at the L
Source code for "UCD participation in TREC-IS 2020A, 2020B and 2021A". *** update at: 2021/05/25 This repo so far relates to the following work: Trans
Improving Contrastive Learning on Imbalanced Data via Open-World Sampling Introduction Contrastive learning approaches have achieved great success in
py_neuromodulation Click this button to run the "Tutorial ML with py_neuro" notebooks: The py_neuromodulation toolbox allows for real time capable pro
ELSED: Enhanced Line SEgment Drawing This repository contains the source code of ELSED: Enhanced Line SEgment Drawing the fastest line segment detecto
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