DocumentPy is a Python application that runs in a command-line interface environment, made for creating HTML documents.



DocumentPy is a Python application that runs in a command-line interface environment, made for creating HTML documents.


Preview DocumentPy, as already said, is a commandline interface environment where you can design your own HTML document or HTML documentations. If you, for example, have some kind of new project on the line and want to quickly write a documentation for it, then don't worry, DocumentPy is your best friend!

Command Tables

Document Editing Commands

Command Arguments Purpose
paragraph, p Text Creating a paragraph with a given text
header, h Size, Text Creating a header with the given text and size
code, c Code_Text Creating a code tag element with the given text
coloring, ac Color Changing the auto coloring of a HTML Document Element
background, bg Background_Color Changes the doc's background to the given bg color
finish, fin Finalizes the document and removes the {document} tag
delete (unstable) Deletes all the current saved body content (session related)

Document Information Editing Commands

Command Arguments Purpose
lang New_Language Changes document language to given lang
title New_Title Changes the title to the given title in the document
charset New_Charset Changes the charset to the given charset in the document
author New_Author Changes the author to the given author in the document

Commandline IO & Flow Control Commands

Command Arguments Purpose
new File_Name Creates a new file with the given name and sets it to the session's file
open File_Name Opens given file and adds the {content} tag for further editing
out Output_Text Outputs text into the commandline interface environment
reload Reloads given file with current {content} aka. refresh
cls Clears all the commandline interface input/output
exit Exits the program
getfile Outputs the current file the commandline is workng in



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