Python Programming (Practical) (1-25) Download 👇🏼


BCA-603 : Python Programming (Practical) (1-25)

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🌟 How to run programs :

  1. Clone or download this repo to your computer.
  2. Unzip (If you download zip).
  3. Open "Python-Programs" folder.
  4. Run programs using cmd or any python IDE.

  1. Write a Python program to display 'Hello World" Message on Screen.

  2. Write a Python program to swap two variables

  3. Write a Python program to display the Fibonacci series

  4. Write a Python program to calculate sum of given number.

  5. Write a Python Program to print first prime number.

  6. Write a Python Program to Check Armstrong Number

  7. Write a Python Program to Create a sequence of numbers using range datatype to display 1 to 30, with an increment of 2.

  8. Write a Python Program to Find area of circle.

  9. Write a Python program to implement Factorial series up to user entered number.

  10. Write a Python program to check the given number is palindrome or not.

  11. Write a python program to display ascending and descending order from given 10 numbers.

  12. Write a Python program to print the duplicate elements of an array

  13. Write Python programs to create functions and use functions in the program.

  14. Write Python programs to using lambda function.

  15. Write Python programs Loading the module in Python code.

  16. Write a program to print following pattern

    1 2
    1 2 3
    1 2 3 4
    1 2 3 4 5
  17. Write Python programs to implement a concept of list.

  18. Write Python programs to implement a concept of tuples.

  19. Write a Python program to create nested list and display its elements.

  20. Write a Python program to using multiple inheritance.

  21. Write a Python program to read a file bca.txt and print the contents of file along with number of vowels present in it.

  22. Write a Python program for Error Handling.

  23. Write a Python program for connection with my Sql and display all record from the database.

  24. Write a Python program for modified record, display record and delete record from the database.

  25. Write a Python program for search record from the database.

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