- Ubah Tema Termux Menjadi Linux
- Ubah Font Termux Jadi Linux
- dibuat oleh wahyudioputra
pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install python
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/wahyudioputra/termux-tema
cd termux-tema
python linux.py
pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install python
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/wahyudioputra/termux-tema
cd termux-tema
python linux.py
Pupy Installation Installation instructions are on the wiki, in addition to all other documentation. For maximum compatibility, it is recommended to u
yafuzz Yet another web fuzzer Usage This script can run in two modes of operation. Supplying a wordlist -W argument will initiate a multithreaded fuzz
EyeJo EyeJo是一款自动化资产风险评估平台,可以协助甲方安全人员或乙方安全人员对授权的资产中进行排查,快速发现存在的薄弱点和攻击面。 免责声明 本平台集成了大量的互联网公开工具,主要是方便安全人员整理、排查资产、安全测试等,切勿用于非法用途。使用者存在危害网络安全等任何非法行为,后果自负,作
Surf_Sec Security system to prevent Shoulder Surfing Attacks. REQUIREMENTS: Python 3.6+ XAMPP INSTALLED METHOD TO CONFIGURE PROJECT: Clone the repo to
This tool gives developers, researchers and companies the ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or will be used in their codes, providing information
CVE-2022-1388 POC for CVE-2022-1388 affecting multiple F5 products. Follow the Horizon3.ai Attack Team on Twitter for the latest security research: Ho
VSSTrigger Coerce authentication from Windows hosts via MS-FSRVP (Requires FS-VS
log4shell-poc-py POC for detecting the Log4Shell (Log4J RCE) vulnerability. Run on a system with python3 python3 log4shell-poc.py pathToTargetFile
CVE-2021-33564 PoC Exploit script for CVE-2021-33564 (Argument Injection in Dragonfly Ruby Gem). Usage Arbitrary File Read python3 poc.py -u https://
RDPY Remote Desktop Protocol in twisted python. RDPY is a pure Python implementation of the Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) protocol (client a
This project was developed using python 3 and Flask, it is an MVC system where the AES 128 CBC and Trivium algorithms can be tested through a communication between the computer and a device such as a
Security-System Security System using OpenCV Files in this Repository: email_send.py - This file contains python code to send an email when something
A hashtag check python module
shell-reverse Uma ferramenta de segurança da informação escrita em python3, capaz de dar acesso total ao computador de alguém! A cybersecurity tool wr
$ FIVE - FIVE is a Pentesting Framework to Test the Security & Integrity of a Website, or Multiple Websites. $ Info FIVE Was Made After Vulnnr to Prod
log4jpwn log4j rce test environment See: https://www.lunasec.io/docs/blog/log4j-zero-day/ Experiments to trigger in various software products mentione
Vuln Impact There was an unauthorized access vulnerability in Hadoop yarn ResourceManager. This vulnerability existed in Hadoop yarn, the core compone
CamRaptor is a tool that exploits several vulnerabilities in popular DVR cameras to obtain device credentials.
Übersicht RCE 0day Unauthenticated remote command execution 0day exploit for Übersicht. Description Übersicht is a desktop widget application for m
Client script for the fisherman phishing tool