An unofficial PyTorch implementation of a federated learning algorithm, FedAvg.


Federated Averaging (FedAvg) in PyTorch arXiv

An unofficial implementation of FederatedAveraging (or FedAvg) algorithm proposed in the paper Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data in PyTorch. (implemented in Python 3.9.2.)

Implementation points

  • Exactly implement the models ('2NN' and 'CNN' mentioned in the paper) to have the same number of parameters written in the paper.
    • 2NN: TwoNN class in; 199,210 parameters
    • CNN: CNN class in; 1,663,370 parameters
  • Exactly implement the non-IID data split.
    • Each client has at least two digits in case of using MNIST dataset.
  • Implement multiprocessing of client update and client evaluation.
  • Support TensorBoard for log tracking.


  • See requirements.txt


  • See config.yaml


  • python3



  • Number of clients: 100 (K = 100)
  • Fraction of sampled clients: 0.1 (C = 0.1)
  • Number of rounds: 500 (R = 500)
  • Number of local epochs: 10 (E = 10)
  • Batch size: 10 (B = 10)
  • Optimizer: torch.optim.SGD
  • Criterion: torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss
  • Learning rate: 0.01
  • Momentum: 0.9
  • Initialization: Xavier

Table 1. Final accuracy and the best accuracy

Model Final Accuracy(IID) (Round) Best Accuracy(IID) (Round) Final Accuracy(non-IID) (Round) Best Accuracy(non-IID) (Round)
2NN 98.38% (500) 98.45% (483) 97.50% (500) 97.65% (475)
CNN 99.31% (500) 99.34% (197) 98.73% (500) 99.28% (493)

Table 2. Final loss and the least loss

Model Final Loss(IID) (Round) Least Loss(IID) (Round) Final Loss(non-IID) (Round) Least Loss(non-IID) (Round)
2NN 0.09296 (500) 0.06956 (107) 0.09075 (500) 0.08257 (475)
CNN 0.04781 (500) 0.02497 (86) 0.04533 (500) 0.02413 (366)

Figure 1. MNIST 2NN model accuracy (IID: top / non-IID: bottom) iidmnist run-Accuracy_ MNIST _TwoNN C_0 1, E_10, B_10, IID_False-tag-Accuracy

Figure 2. MNIST CNN model accuracy (IID: top / non-IID: bottom) run-Accuracy_ MNIST _CNN C_0 1, E_10, B_10, IID_True-tag-Accuracy Accuracy


  • Do CIFAR experiment (CIFAR10 dataset) & large-scale LSTM experiment (Shakespeare dataset)
  • Learning rate scheduling
  • More experiments with other hyperparameter settings (e.g., different combinations of B, E, K, and C)
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