Auto-Spotify using Voice Recognition
A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice
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Table of Contents
About The Project
Tired of Switching tabs for changing a particular song or play some song that bring the kick in your task !!!
Well Same was with me Tired of Switching tabs and loosing focus from studying / Coding something Great...
As a Result here is Auto-Spotify !!!
A Simple Script that will help you to Play / Change Songs with just your Voice.
Here's why you should using this:
- Your time should be focused on creating something amazing rather than switching tabs & Changing songs.
- You shouldn't be doing the same tasks over and over like searching for song & Playing it
- You should Simply say Song name or an Artist name or a Playlist name & Song should play along
Built With
This section should list any major frameworks that you built your project using. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.
Getting Started
Few Steps Before you can Start using this !!!
Note - Only Works With Premium Spotify Account.
Hoping you Have your Premium Spotify Account !!!
- Go to Spotify Developer and setup your developer Profile.
- Once you create an App, Go to Edit Settings,there Fill following details
Clone the repo
git clone
Install PIP packages
pip install PyAudio
pip install spotipy
pip install SpeechRecognition
Create a Python file called, In this file, enter all of the values of the required variables in the following format:
client_id=XXXXX client_secret=XXXXX device_name=Device Name redirect_uri= username= Spotify Username scope=user-read-private user-read-playback-state user-modify-playback-state user-library-read
Install all Python Libraries and also create file and replace the content inside the file
Run the follwoing command in your terminal
- Commands will be entered in the specific format explained here:
- the first word will be one of: 'album', 'artist', 'play'
- then the name of whatever item is wanted
- GUI Application.
- More Functionality.
Your Name - @Theguywithcode - [email protected]
Project Link: Auto-Spotify