Generate your own NFTs and their metadata based on your desired probabilities.


Onigiri Town's Art Generation Tool (Open-Sourced)

Onigiri Town is a cozy community built on Solana. For more information, please see our website.


  1. Create the directory structure

Have a trait-layers folder that contains one subfolder for each attribute type. For example, if you look at this project's trait-layers, you will see seven different subfolders:

  • background
  • cheeks
  • eyes
  • front
  • headpiece
  • mouth
  • rice
  1. Export each attribute to its subfolder

For example, each exported headpiece can be found in the trait-layers/headpiece folder. In general, filenames should be kept lowercase, with any spaces replaced with hyphens (e.g. "Rainbow Hat" is saved as "rainbow-hat.png").

  1. Update the configuration file with desired probabilities

The configuration file, config.json, has the structure:

    "layers": [
            "name": "background",
            "values": {
                "beige": 20,
                "blue": 20,
                "brown": 20,

The layers array contains the configuration for each attribute. name is the attribute name (e.g. background, eyes, headpiece). values is a mapping between each attribute value and their weighted probability. These probabilities do not need to sum up to 100.

In this example, all NFTs will have either a beige, blue, or brown background. There's a 1/3 chance for it to be beige, another 1/3 chance for it to blue, etc.

If sometimes you do not want any value for this attribute, you can use the keyword none.

Use config.json as a reference for a fully complete configuration file.

  1. Update the metadata template with your desired metadata

The metadata template, metadata_template.json, is based on the official Metaplex documentation.

Note that seller_fee_basis_points only refers to the royalties given to creators when your NFTs are sold on secondary marketplaces. The mint price of your NFT is configured using Candy Machine.

  1. Generate your NFTs
$ python 100

The only argument required is an integer representing the number of images you want to create. All metadata and images will be saved to the assets folder (which will be created if it doesn't already exist).

Building Onigiri Town with rice, code, and love.
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