macOS Initial Access Payload Generator



macOS Initial Access Payload Generator

Related Blog Post:


  1. Install Xcode on build machine (Required for Installer Package w/ Installer Plugin)
  2. Install python requirements
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Change settings within the Settings/ file to match your Mythic configs
  2. Run mystikal
  1. Select your desired payload from the options
 _______               __   __ __           __
|   |   |.--.--.-----.|  |_|__|  |--.---.-.|  |
|       ||  |  |__ --||   _|  |    <|  _  ||  |
|__|_|__||___  |_____||____|__|__|__|___._||__|
Mystikal: macOS Payload Generator
Main Choice: Choose 1 of 8 choices
Choose 1 for Installer Packages
Choose 2 for Mobile Configuration: Chrome Extension
Choose 3 for Mobile Configuration: Webloc File
Choose 4 for Office Macros: VBA
Choose 5 for Office Macros: XLM Macros in SYLK Files
Choose 6 for Disk Images
Choose 7 for Armed PDFs
Choose 8 to exit


Option 1, Option 1.4, and Option 4 have submenus shown below

Selected Installer Packages
SubMenu: Choose 1 of 5 choices
Choose 1 for Installer Package w/ only pre/postinstall scripts
Choose 2 for Installer Package w/ Launch Daemon for Persistence
Choose 3 for Installer Package w/ Installer Plugin
Choose 4 for Installer Package w/ JavaScript Functionality
Choose 5 to exit

Selected Installer Package w/ JavaScript Functionality
SubMenu Choice: Choose 1 of 3 choices
Choose 1 for Installer Package w/ JavaScript Functionality embedded
Choose 2 for Installer Package w/ JavaScript Functionality in Script
Choose 3 to exit

Selected Office Macros: VBA
SubMenu Choice: Choose 1 of 4 choices
Choose 1 for VBA Macros for Word
Choose 2 for VBA Macros for Excel
Choose 3 for VBA Macros for PowerPoint
Choose 4 to exit

Behavior Modifications:

To change the execution behavior (which binaries are called upon payload execution)

  • Modifications will be required in either the specific payload file under the Modules folder or the related template file under the Templates folder.
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