Open Source Tool - Cybersecurity Graph Database in Neo4j



Open Source Tool - Cybersecurity Graph Database in Neo4j


{ open source tool for a cybersecurity graph database in neo4j }

With GraphKer you can have the most recent update of cyber-security vulnerabilities, weaknesses, attack patterns and platforms from MITRE and NIST, in an very useful and user friendly way provided by Neo4j graph databases!


3 + 1 Steps to run GraphKer Tool

1) Download and Install Neo4j Desktop

  • Windows Users:

    Create an account to get the license (totally free), download and install Neo4j Desktop.

    Useful Video:

  • Linux Users:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable 4.1"
    sudo apt install neo4j
    sudo systemctl enable neo4j.service
    sudo systemctl status neo4j.service

    You should have output that is similar to the following:

    ● neo4j.service - Neo4j Graph Database
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/neo4j.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-08-07 01:43:00 UTC; 6min ago
    Main PID: 21915 (java)
    Tasks: 45 (limit: 1137)
    Memory: 259.3M
    CGroup: /system.slice/neo4j.service
    . . .

    Useful Video:

2) Create and Configure the Database

  • Create Database:
    • Windows Users:

      You can create databases in whatever version you want (latest version preferable) through GUI or Neo4j Terminal.

    • Linux Users: When you start neo4j through systemctl, type cypher-shell, then create database NAME;. Now you have to set this database, as default so when you start neo4j you start automatically this database. Go to /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf and uncomment dbms.default_database=neo4j and change it with your new database name. Restart neo4j service and you are ready.

  • Configure Database:
    • Install APOC Plugin:

      • Windows Users: In Neo4j Desktop Main Page --> Choose your Database --> Click Plugins --> APOC --> Install
      • Linux Users:
    • Configure Database Settings File:

      • Windows Users: In Neo4j Desktop Main Page --> Choose your Database --> ... (Three Dots) --> Settings --> Go to last line and set the commands below --> Apply and Restart the Database

        cypher.lenient_create_relationship = true
      • Linux Users: Same as above, in the neo4j.conf file --> check every folder path in Neo4j:

    • Configure Memory Usage:

      In Neo4j Configuration File (neo4j.conf): For 16GB RAM you can use 8G + 4G for heap. For 8GB RAM you can use 4G + 2G etc.


3) Install requirements.txt

  • GraphKer Uses: xmltodict, neo4j, requests, beautifulsoup4
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

4) Install Applications Created for Neo4j

  • There are several applications created especially for Neo4j that you can use for better experience and work.
    • Neo4j Bloom: Application for better graph presentations. Free and Easy to use.
    • Graphlytic: Third-Party App, better graph presentations, but most important auto-analytics and statistics. Free and Paid Editions. We can do the most locally with free edition. Learn More:
    • Neo4j Database Analyzer: Third-Party App, Free, provides great analysis tools for our Data and our Schema. Learn More:

Run GraphKer

// Default
// Run and Open Neo4j Browser
// Run and Open Graphlytic App
// Default Run Example in Ubuntu
sudo python3 -u BOLT_URL -n USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d /var/lib/neo4j/import/

Default Bolt URL for Neo4j: bolt://localhost:7687

Default Username in Neo4j Databases: neo4j

For Neo4j Import Folder check the link above with File Locations.

Estimated RunTime: 6-15 Minutes. Depends on hardware.

At least 8GB in your hard drive.

You can access the CVE and CPE Datasets in National Vulnerability Database by NIST (, CWE Dataset in MITRE ( and CAPEC Dataset in MITRE (

--Search, Export Data and Analytics, Enrich your Skills--

Created by Adamantios - Marios Berzovitis, Cybersecurity Expert MSc, BSc

Diploma Research - MSc @ Distributed Systems, Security and Emerging Information Technologies | University Of Piraeus -->

Co-Working with Cyber Security Research Lab | University Of Piraeus -->




Enjoy! Provide Feedback!

Adamantios - Marios Berzovitis
Cybersecurity Expert MSc, BSc | Hacking, Gaming, Fencing
Adamantios - Marios Berzovitis
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