Writing and posting code throughout my new journey into python!



consider this account to be a journal for me to record my progress throughout my python journey

feel free to copy codes from this repository


downloaded PyCharm


released calculator v1.0

released black jack v1.0

released password generator v1.0

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This project is all about building an amazing application that will help users manage their passwords and even generate new passwords for them
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  • passwordgeneratorv1.2(Jan 2, 2022)

  • calculatorv1.2(Jan 2, 2022)

  • randompicker(Jan 1, 2022)

  • passwordgeneratorv1.1(Dec 31, 2021)

  • calculatorv1.1(Dec 31, 2021)

  • passwordgenerator(Dec 30, 2021)

    project #2: bootleg password generator; capable of randomly generating any password between lengths of 8 to 12 characters.

    how it works:

    firstly, the user selects however long a password they desire, from 8-12 characters.

    secondly, i assign a variable called "original" to the value "".

    thirdly, i set three lists; numbers (1-9), lowercase letters (a-z), and uppercase letters (A-Z). then utilise random.choice() in a set loop to pick and add characters to "original" until the length of "original" reaches the maximum length set by initial user input at the start.

    finally, print "original".

    side note: i added slight "guarantee" of one random number, one random lowercase alphabet, and one random uppercase alphabet, to the variable "original" before other characters are added to ensure the printed password fits the normal criteria.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    password_generator.v1.0.py(7.23 KB)
  • calculator(Dec 30, 2021)

    project #1: bootleg python calculator; capable of 7 basic arithmetic operations on any two values at a time.

    i intended for the calculator to ask for user input after every time a calculation has been executed, so that it could go on infinitely. however, whenever i tried to loop the process, the calculation process would bypass any request for user input. thus, i decided to limit the number of times that the user could make calculations on the calculator.

    any feedback to improve the code would be great!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    calculator.v1.0.py(2.95 KB)
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