apysc is the Python frontend library to create html and js file, that has ActionScript 3 (as3)-like interface.



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apysc is the Python frontend library to create HTML and js files, that has ActionScript 3 (as3)-like interface.

Notes: Currently developing and only works partially.

Supported Python Version

Python 3.6 or later.


$ pip install apysc

How to start

Please see apysc documentation and quick start guide page.

What apysc can do in its current implementation

  • Save HTML or use it on the Jupyter notebook, JupyterLab, and Google Colaboratory!

Documents: save_overall_html interface, display_on_jupyter interface, display_on_colaboratory interface

  • Draw the many types of vector graphics

Example code fragments:

rectangle: ap.Rectangle = sprite.graphics.draw_rect(
    x=50, y=50, width=50, height=50)

Documents: begin_fill interface, line_style interface, draw_rect interface, draw_round_rect interface, draw_circle interface, draw_ellipse interfac, move_to and line_to interfaces, draw_line interface, draw_dotted_line interface, draw_dashed_line interface, draw_round_dotted_line interface, draw_dash_dotted_line interface, draw_dash_dotted_line interface, draw_polygon interface

  • Lots of the vector graphics updating interfaces, such as the x, width, rotation, alpha (opacity), ellipse size, scale

Example code fragments:

rectangle.x = ap.Int(100)

Document: x and y interfaces, visible interface, get_css and set_css interfaces, rotation_around_center interface, rotation_around_point interfaces, scale_x_from_center and scale_y_from_center interfaces, get_scale_from_point and set_scale_from_point interfaces, flip_x and flip_y interfaces, skew_x and skew_y interfaces

  • Set each mouse event, such as the click, double click, mouse down, mouse up, mouse over, mouse out, mouse move

Example code fragments:

def on_click(e: ap.MouseEvent, options: dict) -> None:
    ap.trace('Rectangle is clicked!')


Documents: Click interface, Double click interface, Mousedown and mouseup interfaces, Mouseover and mouseout interfaces, Mousemove interface

  • Use the timer interface and animation

Example code fragments:

def on_timer(e: ap.TimerEvent, options: dict) -> None:

ap.Timer(on_timer, delay=1000).start()

Documents: Timer

  • Lots of tween animations, including easing options

Example code fragments:

    x=100, duration=1000, easing=ap.Easing.EASE_IN_QUART,

Documents: Animation interfaces abstract (each animation attribute), AnimationEvent, Duration setting, Delay setting, Start interface, animation_complete interface, Method chaining, animation_pause and animation_play interfaces, animation_reset interface, animation_finish interface, animation_reverse interface, Sequential animation setting, animation_parallel interface

  • Basic control, like the for loop, if branch instruction, and so on

Documents: If, Elif, Else, For

For more details, please see the following document:

What apysc can do in its current implementation


This library is released under the MIT License.

The logo image is using followed Creative Commons license font:

Also, the apysc library depends on the following libraries:

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            >>> arr: ap.Array = ap.Array([10, 20, 5])
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        compileflags, 1), test.globs)
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