Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!


LDAP Monitor

Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!

With this tool you can quickly see if your attack worked and if it changed LDAP attributes of the target object.


Feature Python (.py) CSharp (.exe) Powershell (.ps1)
LDAPS support ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Random delay in seconds between queries ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Custom delay in seconds between queries ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Save output to logfile ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Colored or not colored output with --no-colors ✔️
Custom page size for paged queries ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Authenticate with user and password ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Authenticate as current shell user ✔️ ✔️
Authenticate with LM:NT hashes ✔️
Authenticate with kerberos tickets ✔️
Option to ignore user logon events ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Typical use cases

Here is a few use cases where this tool can be useful:

  • Detect account lockout in real time

  • Check if your privilege escalation worked (with ntlmrelay's --escalate-user option)

  • Detect when users are login in to know when to start a network poisoning.

Cross platform !

In Python (.py)

In CSharp (.exe)

In Powershell (.ps1)




LDAP paged queries returns pageSize results per page, and it takes approximately 1 second to query a page. Therefore your monitoring refresh rate is (number of LDAP objects // pageSize) seconds. On most domain controllers pageSize = 5000.


Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.

  • [bug] Should raise error when --dc-ip is not specified and domain is not reachable

    [bug] Should raise error when --dc-ip is not specified and domain is not reachable

    I'm running python version on a Linux, and it does not use the ADIDNS server. LDAPMonitor does not fail when it's unable to contact the AD:

    No error, no output either

    python3 ./ -d DOMAIN -u XX -p XX


    python3 ./ -d DOMAIN -u XX -p XX --dc-ip XXX
    opened by CaledoniaProject 4
  • from binascii import unhexlify for lines 241 & 242

    from binascii import unhexlify for lines 241 & 242

    $ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics

    ./LDAPmonitor/python/ F821 undefined name 'unhexlify'
                lmhash = unhexlify(lmhash)
    ./LDAPmonitor/python/ F821 undefined name 'unhexlify'
                nthash = unhexlify(nthash)
    opened by cclauss 1
  • [enhancement] Add custom search base to ldapmointor

    [enhancement] Add custom search base to ldapmointor

    Add custom search base to ldapmointor:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> .\psLDAPmonitor.ps1 -dcip -Username Administrator -Password Admin123! -SearchBase "CN=user1 user1,CN=Users,DC=LAB,DC=local"
    [+] Powershell LDAP live monitor v1.3      @podalirius_  
    [>] Listening for LDAP changes ...
    [2022/01/03 07:02:40] LDAP://CN=user1 user1,CN=Users,DC=LAB,DC=local
     | Attribute description changed from 'yo' to 'yoee'
     | Attribute usnchanged changed from '28693' to '28699'
     | Attribute whenchanged changed from '1/3/2022 2:27:21 PM' to '1/3/2022 3:02:39 PM'
    opened by p0dalirius 0
  • [bug] Support for

    [bug] Support for "LDAP Signing" and "Channel Binding"?

    This is a great tool, but unfortunately is is not working if the DC enforces "LDAP Signing" and "Channel Binding".

    [+]    LDAP live monitor v1.1        @podalirius_
    [>] Trying to connect to <DC IP> ...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<PATH>/tools/LDAPmonitor/python/", line 513, in <module>
        raise e
      File "<PATH>/tools/LDAPmonitor/python/", line 478, in <module>
        ldap_server, ldap_session = init_ldap_session(
      File "<PATH>/tools/LDAPmonitor/python/", line 213, in init_ldap_session
        return init_ldap_connection(target, None, args, domain, username, password, lmhash, nthash)
      File "<PATH>/tools/LDAPmonitor/python/", line 193, in init_ldap_connection
        ldap_session = ldap3.Connection(ldap_server, user=user, password=password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM, auto_bind=True)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ldap3/core/", line 363, in __init__
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/ldap3/core/", line 412, in _do_auto_bind
        raise LDAPBindError(error)
    ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError: automatic bind not successful - strongerAuthRequired
    opened by corsch 2
  • [enhancement] Use LDAP control LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID to get only changes

    [enhancement] Use LDAP control LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID to get only changes

    Use LDAP control LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID (1.2.840.113556.1.4.528) to get only changed objects in a (objectClass=*) query.

    PersistentSearch ::= SEQUENCE 
        changeTypes INTEGER,
        changesOnly BOOLEAN,
        returnECs BOOLEAN


    With this technique, we only get the new value, and thus cannot print "Value changed from '{old_value}' to '{new_value}'"


    opened by p0dalirius 0
  • 1.3(Jan 4, 2022)

    | Feature | Python (.py) | CSharp (.exe) | Powershell (.ps1) | |---------|--------|--------|------------| | LDAPS support | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Random delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Custom delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Save output to logfile | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Colored or not colored output with --no-colors | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Custom page size for paged queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with user and password | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate as current shell user | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with LM:NT hashes | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Authenticate with kerberos tickets | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Option to ignore user logon events | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Custom search base | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Iterate over all naming contexts | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    psLDAPmonitor.ps1(12.16 KB) KB)
    SharpLDAPmonitor.exe(14.50 KB)
  • 1.2(Oct 17, 2021)

    Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!

    With this tool you can quickly see if your attack worked and if it changed LDAP attributes of the target object.


    • Added option to ignore user logon events


    | Feature | Python (.py) | CSharp (.exe) | Powershell (.ps1) | |---------|--------|--------|------------| | LDAPS support | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Random delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Custom delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Save output to logfile | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Colored or not colored output with --no-colors | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Custom page size for paged queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with user and password | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate as current shell user | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with LM:NT hashes | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Authenticate with kerberos tickets | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Option to ignore user logon events | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    psLDAPmonitor.ps1(9.18 KB) KB)
    SharpLDAPmonitor.exe(13.50 KB)
  • 1.1(Oct 17, 2021)

    Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!

    With this tool you can quickly see if your attack worked and if it changed LDAP attributes of the target object.


    | Feature | Python (.py) | CSharp (.exe) | Powershell (.ps1) | |---------|--------|--------|------------| | LDAPS support | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Random delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Custom delay in seconds between queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Save output to logfile | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Colored or not colored output with --no-colors | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Custom page size for paged queries | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with user and password | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate as current shell user | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Authenticate with LM:NT hashes | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | | Authenticate with kerberos tickets | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    psLDAPmonitor.ps1(8.34 KB) KB)
    SharpLDAPmonitor.exe(13.00 KB)
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