pypinfo is a simple CLI to access PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.


pypinfo: View PyPI download statistics with ease.

pypinfo is a simple CLI to access PyPI download statistics via Google's BigQuery.


pypinfo is distributed on PyPI as a universal wheel and is available on Linux/macOS and Windows and supports Python 3.6+.

This is relatively painless, I swear.

Create project

  1. Go to

  2. Sign up if you haven't already. The first TB of queried data each month is free. Each additional TB is $5.

  3. Go to and click CREATE PROJECT if you don't already have one:
  4. This takes you to Fill out the form and click CREATE. Any name is fine, but I recommend you choose something to do with PyPI like pypinfo. This way you know what the project is designated for:
  5. The next page should show your new project. If not, reload the page and select from the top menu:

Enable BigQuery API

  1. Go to and make sure the correct project is chosen using the drop-down on top. Click the ENABLE button:
  2. After enabling, click CREATE CREDENTIALS:
  3. Choose the "BigQuery API" and "No, I'm not using them":
  4. Fill in a name, and select role "BigQuery User" (if the "BigQuery" is not an option in the list, wait 15-20 minutes and try creating the credentials again), and select a JSON key:
  5. Click continue and the JSON will download to your computer. Note the download location. Move the file wherever you want:
  1. pip install pypinfo
  2. pypinfo --auth path/to/your_credentials.json, or set an environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS that points to the file.


$ pypinfo
Usage: pypinfo [OPTIONS] [PROJECT] [FIELDS]... COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Valid fields are:

  project | version | file | pyversion | percent3 | percent2 | impl | impl-version |

  openssl | date | month | year | country | installer | installer-version |

  setuptools-version | system | system-release | distro | distro-version | cpu |

  libc | libc-version

  -a, --auth TEXT         Path to Google credentials JSON file.
  --run / --test          --test simply prints the query.
  -j, --json              Print data as JSON, with keys `rows` and `query`.
  -i, --indent INTEGER    JSON indentation level.
  -t, --timeout INTEGER   Milliseconds. Default: 120000 (2 minutes)
  -l, --limit TEXT        Maximum number of query results. Default: 10
  -d, --days TEXT         Number of days in the past to include. Default: 30
  -sd, --start-date TEXT  Must be negative or YYYY-MM[-DD]. Default: -31
  -ed, --end-date TEXT    Must be negative or YYYY-MM[-DD]. Default: -1
  -m, --month TEXT        Shortcut for -sd & -ed for a single YYYY-MM month.
  -w, --where TEXT        WHERE conditional. Default: file.project = "project"
  -o, --order TEXT        Field to order by. Default: download_count
  --all                   Show downloads by all installers, not only pip.
  -pc, --percent          Print percentages.
  -md, --markdown         Output as Markdown.
  -v, --verbose           Print debug messages to stderr.
  --version               Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

pypinfo accepts 0 or more options, followed by exactly 1 project, followed by 0 or more fields. By default only the last 30 days are queried. Let's take a look at some examples!

Tip: If queries are resulting in NoneType errors, increase timeout.

Downloads for a project

$ pypinfo requests
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 2.83 GiB
Data billed: 2.83 GiB
Estimated cost: $0.02

| download_count |
| -------------- |
|    116,353,535 |

All downloads

$ pypinfo ""
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 116.15 GiB
Data billed: 116.15 GiB
Estimated cost: $0.57

| download_count |
| -------------- |
|  8,642,447,168 |

Downloads for a project by Python version

$ pypinfo django pyversion
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 967.33 MiB
Data billed: 968.00 MiB
Estimated cost: $0.01

| python_version | download_count |
| -------------- | -------------- |
| 3.8            |      1,735,967 |
| 3.6            |      1,654,871 |
| 3.7            |      1,326,423 |
| 2.7            |        876,621 |
| 3.9            |        524,570 |
| 3.5            |        258,609 |
| 3.4            |         12,769 |
| 3.10           |          3,050 |
| 3.3            |            225 |
| 2.6            |            158 |
| Total          |      6,393,263 |

All downloads by country code

$ pypinfo "" country
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 150.40 GiB
Data billed: 150.40 GiB
Estimated cost: $0.74

| country | download_count |
| ------- | -------------- |
| US      |  6,614,473,568 |
| IE      |    336,037,059 |
| IN      |    192,914,402 |
| DE      |    186,968,946 |
| NL      |    182,691,755 |
| None    |    141,753,357 |
| BE      |    111,234,463 |
| GB      |    109,539,219 |
| SG      |    106,375,274 |
| FR      |     86,036,896 |
| Total   |  8,068,024,939 |

Downloads for a project by system and distribution

$ pypinfo cryptography system distro
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 2.52 GiB
Data billed: 2.52 GiB
Estimated cost: $0.02

| system_name | distro_name                     | download_count |
| ----------- | ------------------------------- | -------------- |
| Linux       | Ubuntu                          |     19,524,538 |
| Linux       | Debian GNU/Linux                |     11,662,104 |
| Linux       | Alpine Linux                    |      3,105,553 |
| Linux       | Amazon Linux AMI                |      2,427,975 |
| Linux       | Amazon Linux                    |      2,374,869 |
| Linux       | CentOS Linux                    |      1,955,181 |
| Windows     | None                            |      1,522,069 |
| Linux       | CentOS                          |        568,370 |
| Darwin      | macOS                           |        489,859 |
| Linux       | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server |        296,858 |
| Total       |                                 |     43,927,376 |

Most popular projects in the past year

$ pypinfo --days 365 "" project
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 1.69 TiB
Data billed: 1.69 TiB
Estimated cost: $8.45

| project         | download_count |
| --------------- | -------------- |
| urllib3         |  1,382,528,406 |
| six             |  1,172,798,441 |
| botocore        |  1,053,169,690 |
| requests        |    995,387,353 |
| setuptools      |    992,794,567 |
| certifi         |    948,518,394 |
| python-dateutil |    934,709,454 |
| idna            |    929,781,443 |
| s3transfer      |    877,565,186 |
| chardet         |    854,744,674 |
| Total           | 10,141,997,608 |

Downloads between two YYYY-MM-DD dates

$ pypinfo --start-date 2018-04-01 --end-date 2018-04-30 setuptools
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 571.37 MiB
Data billed: 572.00 MiB
Estimated cost: $0.01

| download_count |
| -------------- |
|      8,972,826 |

Downloads between two YYYY-MM dates

  • A yyyy-mm --start-date defaults to the first day of the month
  • A yyyy-mm --end-date defaults to the last day of the month
$ pypinfo --start-date 2018-04 --end-date 2018-04 setuptools
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 571.37 MiB
Data billed: 572.00 MiB
Estimated cost: $0.01

| download_count |
| -------------- |
|      8,972,826 |

Downloads for a single YYYY-MM month

$ pypinfo --month 2018-04 setuptools
Served from cache: False
Data processed: 571.37 MiB
Data billed: 572.00 MiB
Estimated cost: $0.01

| download_count |
| -------------- |
|      8,972,826 |

Percentage of Python 3 downloads of the top 100 projects in the past year

Let's use --test to only see the query instead of sending it.

$ pypinfo --test --days 365 --limit 100 "" project percent3
  file.project as project,
  ROUND(100 * SUM(CASE WHEN REGEXP_EXTRACT(details.python, r"^([^\.]+)") = "3" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*), 1) as percent_3,
  COUNT(*) as download_count,
FROM `bigquery-public-data.pypi.file_downloads`
  AND = "pip"
  download_count DESC



Important changes are emphasized.



  • Update dataset to the new Google-hosted location


  • Fix usage of date ranges


  • Use the clustered data table and standard SQL for lower query costs


  • Add support for libc & libc-version fields


  • Update TinyDB and Tinyrecord dependencies for compatibility


  • Pin TinyDB<4, Tinyrecord does not yet support TinyDB v4


  • Allow yyyy-mm[-dd] --start-date and --end-date:
    • A yyyy-mm --start-date defaults to the first day of the month
    • A yyyy-mm --end-date defaults to the last day of the month
  • Add --month as a shortcut to --start-date and --end-date for a single yyyy-mm month
  • Add --verbose option to print credentials location
  • Update installation instructions
  • Enforce black code style


  • Allow yyyy-mm-dd dates
  • Add --all option, default to only showing downloads via pip
  • Add download total row


  • Added new file field!


  • Added last_update JSON key, which is a UTC timestamp.


  • Breaking: JSON output is now a mapping with keys rows, which is all the data that was previously outputted, and query, which is relevant metadata.
  • Increased the resolution of percentages.


  • Fixed JSON output.


  • Fixed custom field ordering.


  • Added new BigQuery usage stats.
  • Lowered the default number of results to 10 from 20.
  • Updated examples.
  • Fixed table formatting regression.


  • Updated google-cloud-bigquery dependency.


  • Output table is now in Markdown format for easy copying to GitHub issues and PRs.


  • Updated google-cloud-bigquery dependency.


  • Numeric output (non-json) is now prettier (thanks hugovk)
  • You can now filter results for only pip installs with the --pip flag (thanks hugovk)



  • Fix: project names are now normalized to adhere to PEP 503.


  • Breaking: --json option is now just a flag and prints output as prettified JSON.


  • Added --json path option.


  • Initial release
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