Message commands extension for discord-py-interactions



Message commands extension for discord-py-interactions



pip install -U interactions-message-commands


Here is the example code for how to use message commands:

import interactions
from interactions.ext.message_commands import MessageCommands, MessageContext

bot = interactions.Client(
    token="token here"
cmd = MessageCommands(bot, "!")

async def ping(ctx):
    await ctx.send("pong")

async def hi(ctx: MessageContext, name: str):
    await ctx.send(f"Hello, {name}!")


First, you need to initialize your client.

Next, you need to initialize MessageCommands().

  • Multiple string prefixes in a list, tuple, or set is also allowed!

Then, you need to register your message commands.

  • @cmd.message(): register a message command
    • Only keyword argument at the time is name to override function name
    • name is optional, if not specified, the function name will be used
    • In the function, ctx is required.
    • You can have as many arguments and keyword arguments as you want! *args is supported, but not **kwargs. However, *, is supported.

Finally, start the bot.

Use message commands in the Discord chat, and the bot will respond!

Example: !ping or !hello John

There is also when_mentioned() and when_mentioned_or() for the prefix:

from interactions.ext.message_commands import MessageCommands, when_mentioned_or

cmd = MessageCommands(bot, when_mentioned_or("!", "?"))
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