Algorithms and data structures for educational, demonstrational and experimental purposes.


Algorithms and Data Structures (ands)

Python 3.5+ Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge Packagist


This project was created for personal use mostly while studying for an exam (starting in the month of June in 2015) of a previous course that I followed called Algorithms and Data Structures I decided to make it publicly available to use and modify, so that people with difficulties in understanding and applying these topics can take benefit from it.

I discourage every beginner from copying shamelessly the source code, but instead you should definitely give a chance to your brain and sense of challenge first! At the end, you will definitely feel a better and more serious programmer! If you really do not have any ideas on how to do something, try to read the comments next to each function and/or class (or even the code itself) that you are interested in. They are there for a reason!

Any suggestions to improve the code, or the design of an algorithm or data structure, or corrections are of course welcome. Feel free to open an issue.


In this repository, you will find data structures, such as binary-search trees, and algorithms that often work on (those) data structures. You will also find some algorithms related to some particular design paradigm, for example algorithms related to the greedy or dynamic programming design paradigms.

Notes, warnings and "philosophy"

  • This is a work in progress, don't expect to find here all the data structures and algorithms you're searching. Consider to contribute to the quality and size of the project.

  • Again, mistakes are possible, even if decent tests are starting to being done. You can find them under the folder tests. So, as the license says, this project is provided "as is", etc.

  • No optimisation has been done to any algorithm or data structure. The purpose of the implementations is just for exposition of the concepts!

  • My intent is to continue to contribute to this repository in my free time, and new data structures and algorithms will therefore be added.


For each module I always try not to forget to specify the specific references that I used to implement the particular concept exposed in that module.

Apart from those, the following are the references which I always keep an eye on:


There many useful resources around the web to help you (and me) understand how certain algorithms or data structures work.

One curated list that I found useful which points to a bunch of other resources is the following:

Other resources that may be useful:

Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching

Python implementation of Aho-Corasick algorithm for string searching

Daniel O'Sullivan 1 Dec 31, 2021
A Python project for optimizing the 8 Queens Puzzle using the Genetic Algorithm implemented in PyGAD.

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Ahmed Gad 16 Nov 13, 2022
TikTok X-Gorgon & X-Khronos Generation Algorithm

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implementation of the KNN algorithm on crab biometrics dataset for CS16

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Andrew W. Chen 1 Nov 18, 2021
Benchmark for Robustness Tests of Control Alrogithms

A gym-like classical control benchmark for evaluating the robustnesses of control and reinforcement learning algorithms.

Kim Taekyung 4 Jan 18, 2022
Python package to monitor the power consumption of any algorithm

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Capgemini Invent France 36 Nov 11, 2022
Resilient Adaptive Parallel sImulator for griD (rapid)

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Richard Lincoln 7 Sep 07, 2022
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Algorithms written in different programming languages

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A pure Python implementation of a mixed effects random forest (MERF) algorithm

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Manifold 199 Dec 06, 2022
RRT algorithm and its optimization

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Multiple Imputation with Random Forests in Python

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🧬 Performant Evolutionary Algorithms For Python with Ray support

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Nathan 49 Oct 20, 2022
Visualisation for sorting algorithms. Version 2.0

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Ben Woo 7 Nov 08, 2022
Python based framework providing a simple and intuitive framework for algorithmic trading

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Using A * search algorithm and GBFS search algorithm to solve the Romanian problem

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There are some basic arithmatic in Pattern Recognization and Machine Learning writed in Python in this repository

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This is a Python implementation of the HMRF algorithm on networks with categorial variables.

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