Word Lists
Word and phrase lists in CSV, collected from different sources.
- oxford-5k.csv - Oxford 3000 and 5000
- oxford-opal.csv - OPAL (Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon)
- oxford-phrase.csv - Oxford Phrase List
Word and phrase lists in CSV, collected from different sources.
A production-ready pipeline for text mining and subject indexing
kamusi JSON and CSV data for swahili dictionary with over 16600+ words. This repo consists of data from swahili dictionary with about 16683 words toge
wolf-editor A simple text editor for linux Installing using Deb Package Download newest package from releases CD into folder where the downloaded acka
Textadventure sceleton written in python Use with a map file generated on https://www.trizbort.io Use the following Sockets for walking directions: n
Text Based Adventure Jam Author: Devin McIntyre Our goal is two-fold: Create a text based adventure game engine that can parse a standard file format
WeKws Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Keyword Spotting Toolkit. The goal of this toolkit it to... Small footprint keyword spotting (K
EAF RSS Reader RSS Reader application for the Emacs Application Framework. Load application (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/eaf-rss-read
CowExcept - Spice up those exceptions with cowexcept!
pangu.py Paranoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width charact
Summarize Written by: Ling Li Ya This is a text summarizing tool written in Python. User Guide Some things to note: The application is accessible here
strbind strbind - lapidary text converter for translate an text file to the C-style string. My motivation is fast adding large text chunks to the C co
zhihu-comment-wordcloud 知乎评论区词云分析 起源于:如何看待知乎问题“男生真的很不能接受彩礼吗?”的一个回答下评论数超8万条,创单个回答下评论数新记录? 项目代码说明 2.download_comment.py 下载全量评论 2.word_cloud_by_dt 生成词云 2
split Word file by chapter we use the mircosoft word api to code this tool api url:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/ if this tool is good f
PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) Copyright (C) 2001-2020 David M. Beazley (Dabeaz LLC) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, wi
This script is used to generate a username list using the most common first and last names in Quebec in different formats. It can generate some passwords using specific patterns such as Tremblay2020.
NewsletterReader You really do NOT have time for read a newsletter? Now you can listen to it The Newsletter of Filipe Deschamps is a great place to re
auto_localize Auto translate Localizable.strings for multiple languages in Xcode Usage put your origin Localizable.strings file in folder pip3 install
Codewars Kata Exporter Note:this is not totally my work.i've edited the project to make more easier and faster for me.you can find the original work h
phonenumbers Python Library This is a Python port of Google's libphonenumber library It supports Python 2.5-2.7 and Python 3.x (in the same codebase,
verticle-horiontal-gradient-script A working (ish) python script to convert text to a gradient. This script is poorly made with the well known python