Mad-cookiecutter - Cookiecutter templates for MaD projects


MaD Cookiecutter Templates

A set of templates that can be used to quickly get started with a new project.

For all templates you need to install cookiecutter:

pip install cookiecutter

Then follow the instructions for the template you want ot use

Datascience Project: ds-base

A base template for a typical datascience project. This should be a good fit for a typical thesis project.


First install:

Then run:

cookiecutter gh:mad-lab-fau/mad-cookiecutter --directory="ds-base"
cd my_project_name
git init
git commit -A -m'Initialised project based on mad-ds-base template'
poetry install

After creating a new project, check the README of your new project file. It contains some basic information on how to get started.


  • Dependency and venv management using poetry
  • Opinionated folder structure for data and experiments
  • Automatic setup of formatting and lint tools (black, isort, prospector)
  • Support for either nbstripout or jupytext to handle notebooks in git
  • Basic CI configuration for github and the mad-srv gitlab
  • Commandline tools using poethepoet:
    • Helper to create boilerplate for individual experiments
    • Helper to manage project-specific jupyter kernels

Python-Package: py-package

First install:

Then run:

cookiecutter gh:mad-lab-fau/mad-cookiecutter --directory="py-package"
cd my_project_name
git init
git commit -A -m'Initialised project based on mad-py-package template'
poetry install

Note, that you should specify a repo URL, even if you did not have a git repo yet. At least specify or as this information is used to add specific configs.


  • Dependency and venv management using poetry
  • Automatic setup of formatting and lint tools (black, isort, prospector)
  • Basic docstructure and templates
  • Basic CI configuration for github and the mad-srv gitlab

Advanced Usage

For templates based on poetry, by default your main Python will be used. To change which Python version should be used as basis for the new venv, use the poetry env use /path/to/python command.

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