Python-boilerplate - Python Boilerplate Project Structure



Python Boilerplate Project Structure

Folder Structure

.github/workflows/     # Workflows
    production.yml     # Production workflow
    development.yml    # Development workflow
config/             # Environment variables
libs/         # Utility libraries
    test.ipynb         # Test notebook (for development)
scripts/                # Job script 
tests/    # Test libraries        # Test job script              
.dockerignore          # Docker ignore file
.env-example           # Environment variables example
.gitignore             # Git ignore file            # Test configuration file
Dockerfile.kubernetes  # Dockerfile for kubernetes
Dockerfile.lambda      # Dockerfile for lambda            # Main job script        # Main service script
Makefile               # Makefile
poetry.lock            # Poetry lock file
pyproject.toml         # Pyproject.toml              # Readme

How to Fork

  • Create new repository on GitHub (new-repository-name)
  • Create another folder on local machine
  • Clone bare this repository\
    git clone --bare
  • CD to this folder (with .git suffix) and push mirror to GitHub
    cd python-boilerplate.git
    git push --mirror
  • Remove python-biolerplate.git folder from local folder
  • Clone new-repository-name to local folder

How to Code

  • Create a new branch from Boards/dev
  • Branch Name:
    # For story:
    # For task:
    story and task name are automatically generated using Board.
  • Install Poetry
    • Run poetry install
    • Run poetry shell

How to Commit

  • Commit on the branch
  • PR if it should be merged
  • Specify the type of commit:
    • feat: The new feature you're adding to a particular application
    • fix: A bug fix
    • style: Feature and updates related to styling
    • refactor: Refactoring a specific section of the codebase
    • test: Everything related to testing
    • docs: Everything related to documentation
    • chore: Regular code maintenance.[ You can also use emojis to represent commit types]
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