LF-YOLO (Lighter and Faster YOLO) is used to detect defect of X-ray weld image.

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Deep LearningLF-YOLO

This project is based on ultralytics/yolov3.

LF-YOLO (Lighter and Faster YOLO) is used to detect defect of X-ray weld image. The related paper is available here.


$ git clone https://github.com/lmomoy/LF-YOLO


We provide multiple versions of LF-YOLO with different widths.

$ python train.py --data coco.yaml --cfg LF-YOLO.yaml      --weights '' --batch-size 1
                                         LF-YOLO-1.25.yaml                           1
                                         LF-YOLO-0.75.yaml                           1
                                         LF-YOLO-0.5.yaml                            1


We test LF-YOLO on our weld defect image dataset. Other methods are trained and tested based on MMDetection.

Model size (pixels) mAP50test
params (M) FLOPS (B)
Cascasde-RCNN (ResNet50) (1333, 800) 90.0 68.9 243.2
Cascasde-RCNN (ResNet101) (1333, 800) 90.7 87.9 323.1
Faster-RCNN (ResNet50) (1333, 800) 90.1 41.1 215.4
Faster-RCNN (ResNet101) (1333, 800) 92.2 60.1 295.3
Dynamic-RCNN (ResNet50) (1333, 800) 90.3 41.1 215.4
RetinaNet (ResNet50) (1333, 800) 80.0 36.2 205.2
VFNet (ResNet50) (1333, 800) 87.0 32.5 197.8
VFNet (ResNet101) (1333, 800) 87.2 51.5 277.7
Reppoints (ResNet101) (1333, 800) 82.7 36.6 199.0
SSD300 (VGGNet) 300 88.1 24.0 30.6
YOLOv3 (Darknet52) 416 91.0 62.0 33.1
SSD (MobileNet v2) 300 82.3 3.1 0.7
YOLOv3 (MobileNet v2) 416 90.2 3.7 1.6
LF-YOLO-0.5 640 90.7 1.8 1.1
LF-YOLO 640 92.9 7.4 17.1

We test our model on public dataset MS COCO, and it also achieves competitive results.

Model size (pixels) mAP50test
params (M) FLOPS (B)
YOLOv3-tiny 640 34.8 8.8 13.2
YOLOv3 320 51.5 39.0 61.9
SSD 300 41.2 35.2 34.3
SSD 512 46.5 99.5 34.3
Faster R-CNN (VGG16) shorter size: 800 43.9 - 278.0
R-FCN (ResNet50) shorter size: 800 49.0 - 133.0
R-FCN (ResNet101) shorter size: 800 52.9 - 206.0
LF-YOLO 640 47.8 7.4 17.1


Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7. To install run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python detect.py --source data/images --weights LF-YOLO.pt --conf 0.25
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