Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python


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Pythonic Data Structures and Algorithms

Minimal and clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms in Python 3.


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Use unittest

For running all tests write down:

$ python3 -m unittest discover tests

For running some specific tests you can do this as following (Ex: sort):

$ python3 -m unittest tests.test_sort

Use pytest

For running all tests write down:

$ python3 -m pytest tests


If you want to use the API algorithms in your code, it is as simple as:

$ pip3 install algorithms

You can test by creating a python file: (Ex: use merge_sort in sort)

from algorithms.sort import merge_sort

if __name__ == "__main__":
    my_list = [1, 8, 3, 5, 6]
    my_list = merge_sort(my_list)


If you want to uninstall algorithms, it is as simple as:

$ pip3 uninstall -y algorithms

List of Implementations


Thanks to all the contributors who helped in building the repo.

  • Implement bst tree

    Implement bst tree

    Hi, I implement the bst tree. insert, and search works now. But I am not sure why size method does not work: The error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'size' @goswami-rahul @christianbender Could you help me?

    opened by danghai 16
  • Plan for testing

    Plan for testing

    I want to add some additional matrix algorithms and some tests for that.

    So, do you have a testing plan of test format, rules of in/output example data, test script name and others?

    opened by mingrammer 16
  • Logo/Icon


    Greetings, Im a graphics designer here on Github and I would like to ask for your permission to design for your logo/icon that you maybe used for your future plans in your project. I want to help open source projects by designing logos or banners for there project. Thank you for your time reading this

    Best regards -jbeguna04

    opened by jbeguna04 15
  • added nearest neighbor algorithm - machine-learning

    added nearest neighbor algorithm - machine-learning

    • Two functions nearest_neighbor(x, tSet) and a (eulidean) distance function distance(x,y).
    • I used the numpy library for calculating the absolute value of a vector.
    • Two trainings sets for the logical AND-function and for color-analysing (dark/light color).

    Have someone a tip for finding the k-nearest neighbors? I wrote a simple algorithm.

    • [X] If creating a new file :

      • [X] added links to it in the README files ?
      • [X] included tests with it ?
      • [ ] added description (overview of algorithm, time and space compleixty, and possible edge case) in docstrings ?
    • [ ] if done some changes :

      • [ ] wrote short description in the PR explaining what the changes do ?
      • [ ] Fixes #[issue number] if related to any issue
    • [] other

    opened by christianbender 14
  • separate test module

    separate test module

    Since we now have tests in most of the algorithms, I think it is a good idea to have a separate file in each module. We can move all the tests from one module to it, and any further algorithms must have their tests in this file. It will make the repo easy to manage. @keon what do you think? I can start working on this.

    help wanted for newcomers 
    opened by goswami-rahul 11
  • WIP: Fix some issues in Travis and add more python env

    WIP: Fix some issues in Travis and add more python env

    This PR does some tasks:

    • [x] : Add requirements dependency in requirements.txt for algorithms.

    • [x] : Update cache, and coverall ( algorithms and tests) in Travis

    • [x] : Switch to use tox for running the unittest, coveralls. Add more python environment for testing. It does not only test for python 3.6. It could probably test python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

    opened by danghai 10
  • Fix sort

    Fix sort

    I added doc sting to, modified and so that the type of returned array is also numpy.ndarray when the type of input array is numpy.ndarray (the other sort method already achieved this). I alos wrap function in, so we can use quick sort just like other sort method. And I also modified all the files according to pep8 specification.

    opened by techkang 10
  • Tests in directory tests

    Tests in directory tests

    If I ran the tests I get this kind of error message:

    from search.binary_search import binary_search, binary_search_recur ImportError: No module named 'search'


    from array.delete_nth import delete_nth, delete_nth_naive ImportError: No module named 'array.delete_nth'; 'array' is not a package

    opened by christianbender 9
  • Adding in dp folder in add_K_FactorofStrings branch

    Adding in dp folder in add_K_FactorofStrings branch

    I have implemented an algorithm to solve a dp problem named "K-factor" Problem statement: The K factor of a string is defined as the number of times ‘abba’ appears as a substring. Given two numbers N and k,​ find the number of strings of length N with ‘K factor’ = k.

    opened by TheCodeYoda 8
  • Added fractional knapsack

    Added fractional knapsack

    I have added fractional knapsack code under greedy. Given the weights and values of n items, we need to put these items in a knapsack of capacity W to get the maximum total value in the knapsack. In Fractional Knapsack, we can break items for maximizing the total value of the knapsack.

    opened by ritikverma2000 8
  • Organizing the repo neatly

    Organizing the repo neatly

    Hey guys, I was wondering we should put all the algorithms in an algorithm folder or something. I feel like It's getting big with all those new files being added to it. I have to scroll all the way down or up to get to where I want and right now I feel it is a bit disorganized. It would be very easy for readers to just click the algorithm folder and look for the intended algorithms inside it. The extra junk can remain outside. What do you guys think?

    opened by SaadBenn 8
  • Added 4 more algorithms with test case

    Added 4 more algorithms with test case

    Reference issues/PRs:


    What does this implementation/fix? Explain your changes.

    These are just some algorithm that I found useful.

    algorithms/dp/ 1. Wildcard matching 2. Trapping rain water

    algorithms/graph/ 1. Kadane's algorithm 2. Kahn's algorithm

    Any other comments?


    opened by Yash5675 0
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