Application made in Django to generate random passwords as based on certain criteria .



Welcome to Password Generator

About The App

Password Generator is an Open Source project brought to you by Iot Lab,KIIT and it brings you easy and optimized visuals for the explanation of the code. It's an application made in Django to generate random passwords as based on various user input criterias.

What is Hacktoberfest?

A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.

โญ This repository will be open to contribute under hacktoberfest from October 9, 2021

Steps To Contribute

1.Fork the repo on your github profile from the fork button on top right corner.

2.Clone the forked repository on your machine

git clone

3.Decide the best suiting sub-category for your component under basic or advanced

4.Go to < > file and add the name and the corresponding icon.

5.Create the fragment with a demo of the component and the related codes as done in other fragments.

6.Send us a Pull Request describing about the component you have added.

Note - Adding a component that is already listed in the app with minor changes is not allowed.

Choose from these Tasks

Refer to issues for more tasks.

About IoT Labs,KIIT

This open-source project has been made by the dedicated team of students under IoT Labs,KIIT. IoT Lab at KIIT is a group of committed students who work under the guidance of a group of capable and supportive teachers who guide us through each phase and stage. IoT Lab is a research forum that examines the possibilities of crowdsourcing and the Internet of Things for transdisciplinary research and initiatives that involve greater end-user participation. We currently have a number of successful goods and prototypes. We also provide web development and app development services.

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A group of dedicated students and faculties who are keenly focused on working towards the betterment of society through technology.
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