Coltrane - A simple content site framework that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle.



A simple content site framework that harnesses the power of Django without the hassle.


  • Can be a standalone static site or added to INSTALLED_APPS to integrate into an existing Django site
  • Renders markdown files automatically
  • Can use data from JSON files in templates and content
  • All the power of Django templates, template tags, and filters
  • Can include other Django apps
  • Build HTML output for a true static site (coming soon)

Still a little experimental. ;)


Create a standalone site

  1. Make a new directory for your site and traverse into it: mkdir new-site && cd new-site
  2. Install poetry (if needed): curl -sSL | python -
  3. Add coltrane dependency: poetry init --dependency coltrane-web:latest && poetry install
  4. Initialize coltrane: poetry run coltrane init
  5. Create secret key at and update SECRET_KEY in .env
  6. Start local development server: poetry run coltrane play
  7. Go to localhost:8000 in web browser

Add to an existing Django site

Coming soon.

Render markdown files

coltrane takes the URL slug and looks up a corresponding markdown file in the content directory.

For example: http://localhost:8000/this-is-a-good-example/ will render the markdown in content/ The root (i.e. http://localhost:8000/) will look for content/

If a markdown file cannot be found, the response will be a 404.

Use JSON data

coltrane is designed to be used without a database, however, sometimes it's useful to have access to data inside your templates.


Create a file named data.json: echo {} >> data.json. Add whatever data you want to that file and it will be included in the template context.


    {"answer": 42}

{{ data.answer }} == 42

42 == 42

JSON data directory

Create a directory named data: mkdir data. Create as many JSON files as you want. The name of the file (without the json extension) will be used as the key in the context data.


    {"name": "Douglas Adams"}

{{ }} == Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams == Douglas Adams

Override templates

Overriding templates work just like in Django.

Override base template

Create a file named templates/coltrane/base.html in your app to override the base template. By default, it needs to include a content block.

{% block content %}{% endblock content %}

Override content template

Create a file named templates/coltrane/content.html in your app to override the content template. By default, it needs to include a content block for the base template and {{ content }} to render the markdown.

{% block content %}{{ content }}{% endblock content %}

Build static HTML

coltrane record will build the static HTML. Not currently implemented.

What's with the name?

coltrane is built on top of the Django web framework, which is named after the Jazz musician Django Reinhardt. coltrane is named after another Jazz musician, John Coltrane.


  • where to put the templatetags directory

    where to put the templatetags directory

    Hi @adamghill, hope you are doing great.

    I'm trying to register custom template tags and I have no idea where to put the templatetags directory, I tried to put in the directory configure as my BASE_DIR but I'm getting this:

    django.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: Invalid filter: 'test'

    I tried with the test filter from the docs.

    opened by Tobi-De 8
  • Escape django template tags in markdown code blocks

    Escape django template tags in markdown code blocks

    Hi there, I'm getting a TemplateSyntaxError when I'm trying to use Django template tags in a code block in a markdown file, e.g.

    <!-- templates/home.html -->
    {% extends 'base.html' %}

    Any ideas how I could escape the Django template tag, but still display the correct syntax in the resulting html file?

    opened by jimmybutton 7
  • InvalidTemplateLibrary when running coltrane build in example_standalone

    InvalidTemplateLibrary when running coltrane build in example_standalone

    I'm not sure where this is coming from, but it seems to be related to loading template tags from the templatetags directory.

    ❯ coltrane build
    Module  templatetags.__init__ does not have a variable named 'register'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/tobi/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coltrane-nNxGrMSQ-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/template/", line 324, in import_library
        return module.register
    AttributeError: module 'templatetags.__init__' has no attribute 'register'
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/tobi/Builds/coltrane/coltrane/", line 101, in _get_default_template_settings
        module_name = _get_template_tag_module_name(
      File "/Users/tobi/Builds/coltrane/coltrane/", line 83, in _get_template_tag_module_name
      File "/Users/tobi/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/coltrane-nNxGrMSQ-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/template/", line 326, in import_library
        raise InvalidTemplateLibrary(
    django.template.library.InvalidTemplateLibrary: Module  templatetags.__init__ does not have a variable named 'register'
    Start generating the static site...
    ✔ Use output directory of /Users/tobi/Builds/coltrane/example_standalone/output
    ✔ Load manifest
    ✔ Copy 0 static files, 2 unmodified
    ✔ Create 1 HTML files, 1 unmodified, 0 updated
    ✔ Update sitemap.xml
    ✔ Update rss.xml
    ✔ Update output.json manifest
    Static site output completed in 0.6806s

    the culprit

    def _get_template_tag_module_name(base_dir: Path, file: Path) -> str:
        Get a dot notation module name if a particular file path is a template tag.
        # TODO: Cleaner way to convert a string path to a module dot notation?
        module_name = str(file)
        if str(base_dir) != ".":
            module_name = module_name.replace(str(base_dir), "")
        module_name = module_name.replace("/", ".")
        if module_name.startswith("."):
            module_name = module_name[1:]
        if module_name.endswith(".py"):
            module_name = module_name[:-3]
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary()
        return module_name

    Building the static site works well except for this small error, already fixed in my fork but perhaps it was intentional?

    ✔ Use output directory of /Users/tobi/Builds/coltrane/example_standalone/output
    ✔ Load manifest
    ✔ Copy 2 static files
    ✔ Create 2 HTML files, 0 unmodified, 0 updated
    ✔ Update sitemap.xml
    ✔ Update rss.xml
    ✔ Update output.json manifest
    ✖ Rendering /Users/tobi/Builds/coltrane/example_standalone/content/ failed. 'debug' does not exist in template context. Available top level variables: False, None, STATIC_URL, True, csrf_token, data, h1, now, number, numbers, request, slug, template, test_string, toc

    just a debug variable missing in the context, I add it in the frontmatter to fix the error

    opened by Tobi-De 3
  • Change output directory

    Change output directory

    GitLab Pages require output directory to be called public. It would be amazing if coltrane could support this. What do you think? Should I draft a PR?

    Screenshot 2022-01-25 at 23 15 12
    opened by stlk 3
  • Server error 500

    Server error 500

    Hi, hope you are doing great, I really like the idea behind this package, always wanted a static site generator with django. I try to integrate coltrane to a simple django project (the project was generated with adamchainz simple-core template). The project is really simple, there is no custom code, I created the content directory at the root and add two simple markdown files ( and, when I try to visit the corresponding urls I get a 500 error (nothing in the console to help), coltrane seems to be working though, when I visit a non existent route I get a 404. The project code is here, I would love if you could help me solve this issue. Thanks

    opened by Tobi-De 2
  • Update install instructions to replace deprecated Poetry installer (Static Site and Standalone)

    Update install instructions to replace deprecated Poetry installer (Static Site and Standalone)

    The install instructions for static and standalone sites both ask the user to execute curl -sSL | python -, but this installer is deprecated and will be removed 'on or after January 2023.' The new suggested installation is curl -sSL | python3 -.

    On WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) using Ubuntu, running that I received the output:

    To get started you need Poetry's bin directory (/home/acmshar/.local/bin) in your PATH environment variable.

    Add export PATH="/home/acmshar/.local/bin:$PATH" to your shell configuration file.

    Alternatively, you can call Poetry explicitly with /home/acmshar/.local/bin/poetry.

    It might be worth adding a note in the new instructions to follow the directions from that output so that new users know to look for it.

    opened by programmylife 1
  • `--threads` option for record/build

    `--threads` option for record/build

    It'd be nice to give an option so that the number of threads used could be tweaked if needed. If it's 1, should it just use the single-threaded code path?

    opened by adamghill 1
  • Investigate markdown-it-py

    Investigate markdown-it-py might be a faster alternative to the markdown2 package which would be helpful for sites with lots of content.

    opened by adamghill 1
  • Add last updated date to template context

    Add last updated date to template context

    Either last_updated_date or modified_date.

    Some more thoughts and

    opened by adamghill 2
  • Investigate mypyc for potential cli speedups

    Investigate mypyc for potential cli speedups


    Could also look at or

    opened by adamghill 0
  • Support tags, keywords

    Support tags, keywords

    Look through and see what makes sense (and is easy) to support.

    Some of these might not need explicit support, but could just be added to documentation.

    After skimming the list:

    • date (parsed to datetime, could be used by url?)
    • draft (parsed to bool, respected by output command?)
    • tags (parsed into list of strings) (there is also categories, but it seems duplicative to me?)
    • keywords (parsed into list of strings)
    • publishDate (parsed in datetime, respected by output command)
    • slug (overrides file name slug)
    • description
    opened by adamghill 17
Adam Hill
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