Retrieve ECDSA signature R,S,Z values from blockchain rawtx or txid.



Retrieve ECDSA signature R,S,Z values from blockchain rawtx or txid.


The script parse the data of rawtx to fetch all the inputs in the transaction and reconstructs the unsigned message for each of them to find the Z value. The result is given as R,S,Z,Pubkey for each of the inputs present in the rawtx data. [No Internet required]

If txid is given, instead of rawtx then blockchain API is used to fetch the details of rawtx and then R,S,Z calculation starts. [Internet required]

Usage: Python 3



usage: [-h] [-txid TXID] [-rawtx RAWTX]

This tool helps to get ECDSA Signature r,s,z values from Bitcoin rawtx or txid

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -txid TXID    txid of the transaction. Use Internet to fetch rawtx from
                given txid
  -rawtx RAWTX  Raw Transaction on the blockchain. No internet required

Enjoy the program! :) Tips BTC: bc1q39meky2mn5qjq704zz0nnkl0v7kj4uz6r529at
(base) C:\anaconda3\RSZ>python -txid 82e5e1689ee396c8416b94c86aed9f4fe793a0fa2fa729df4a8312a287bc2d5e

Starting Program...
[Input Index #: 0]
     R: 009bf436ce1f12979ff47b4671f16b06a71e74269005c19178384e9d267e50bbe9
     S: 00c7eabd8cf796a78d8a7032f99105cdcb1ae75cd8b518ed4efe14247fb00c9622
     Z: 9f4503ab6cae01b9fc124e40de9f3ec3cb7a794129aa3a5c2dfec3809f04c354
PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c
[Input Index #: 1]
     R: 0094b12a2dd0f59b3b4b84e6db0eb4ba4460696a4f3abf5cc6e241bbdb08163b45
     S: 07eaf632f320b5d9d58f1e8d186ccebabea93bad4a6a282a3c472393fe756bfb
     Z: 94bbf25ba5b93ba78ee017eff80c986ee4e87804bee5770fae5b486f05608d95
PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c
(base) C:\anaconda3\RSZ>python -rawtx 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

Starting Program...
[Input Index #: 0]
     R: 009bf436ce1f12979ff47b4671f16b06a71e74269005c19178384e9d267e50bbe9
     S: 00c7eabd8cf796a78d8a7032f99105cdcb1ae75cd8b518ed4efe14247fb00c9622
     Z: 9f4503ab6cae01b9fc124e40de9f3ec3cb7a794129aa3a5c2dfec3809f04c354
PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c
[Input Index #: 1]
     R: 0094b12a2dd0f59b3b4b84e6db0eb4ba4460696a4f3abf5cc6e241bbdb08163b45
     S: 07eaf632f320b5d9d58f1e8d186ccebabea93bad4a6a282a3c472393fe756bfb
     Z: 94bbf25ba5b93ba78ee017eff80c986ee4e87804bee5770fae5b486f05608d95
PubKey: 04e3896e6cabfa05a332368443877d826efc7ace23019bd5c2bc7497f3711f009e873b1fcc03222f118a6ff696efa9ec9bb3678447aae159491c75468dcc245a6c

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