An BlockChain Based solution for storing the medical records


Blockchain-based Medical Records

📄 Abstract

Blockchain has the ability to keep an incorruptible, decentralized, and transparent log of all patient data makes it a technology rife for security applications. Additionally, while blockchain is transparent it is also private, concealing the identity of any individual with complex and secure codes that can protect the sensitivity of medical data. The decentralized nature of the technology also allows patients, doctors, and healthcare providers to share the same information quickly and safely.

🗒️ Introduction

This project effectively stores the hospital data on the blockchain network nowadays we see many Hospitals doing some fraud with the databases of the patients and manipulating it for their own good and sometimes the medical reports are even modified when someone gives bribes to the hospital staff so that they can modify the previously existing data so to keep all the data secure and transparent we have created a whole hospital management system on the blockchain network where it can be kept safe and it cannot be manipulated.

📚 Tech stack

  • SmartPy(For Smart Contracts)
  • TempleWallet(For the smart Contract Transactions)
  • Google Collaboratory
  • Pytezos
  • Streamlit

Block Diagram


The block diagram above represents the correct working of the model in that first it will take input from the Doctor regarding all the data of the patient and then Doctor will input the data and once the data is saved on the blockchain network and once it is stored on the blockchain network no one can modify that data since it is on the blockchain network.

🔖 How to run this application on your system?

📍 Download all the files from The github.
📍 Open the source code from the link given below
And copy and make a new project on google collaboratory.

💫 Link of google collab -:

📍 Upload the file which you downloaded from the GitHub.
📍 Go to Runtime and then select Run all over there.
📍 In the very last module of the collaboratory you will be able to see the link named “Your web app can be accessed from this link” and a link will be there so then click on the link and hurray your Dapp is running in front of you.

Youtube Video


  • Data is stored on the blockchain network.
  • Once the Medical Records are inserted then no one can modify them.
  • Safe and secure on the Blockchain Network


The proposed solution is going to remove all sorts of Unfairness which sometimes hospital staff does in order to manipulate the data.


  • To make our system more useful and convinient, we plan on adding whole management data inside this blockchain Network.
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