Maximal extractable value inspector for Ethereum, to illuminate the dark forest 🌲 💡



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Maximal extractable value inspector for Ethereum, to illuminate the dark forest 🌲 💡

Given a block, mev-inspect finds:

  • miner payments (gas + coinbase)
  • tokens transfers and profit
  • swaps and arbitrages
  • ...and more

Data is stored in Postgres for analysis.


mev-inspect-py is built to run on kubernetes locally and in production.


Set up

Create a new cluster with:

kind create cluster

Set an environment variable RPC_URL to an RPC for fetching blocks.

mev-inspect-py currently requires a node with support for Erigon traces and receipts (not geth yet 😔 ).'s "Ethereum Mainnet Archival with trace calls" is a good hosted option.


export RPC_URL=""

Next, start all services with:

tilt up

Press "space" to see a browser of the services starting up.

On first startup, you'll need to apply database migrations with:

./mev exec alembic upgrade head


Inspect a single block

Inspecting block 12914944:

./mev inspect 12914944

Inspect many blocks

Inspecting blocks 12914944 to 12914954:

./mev inspect-many 12914944 12914954

Inspect all incoming blocks

Start a block listener with:

./mev listener start

By default, it will pick up wherever you left off. If running for the first time, listener starts at the latest block.

Tail logs for the listener with:

./mev listener tail

And stop the listener with:

./mev listener stop


For larger backfills, you can inspect many blocks in parallel using kubernetes

To inspect blocks 12914944 to 12915044 divided across 10 worker pods:

./mev backfill 12914944 12915044 10

You can see worker pods spin up then complete by watching the status of all pods

watch kubectl get pods

To watch the logs for a given pod, take its pod name using the above, then run:

kubectl logs -f pod/mev-inspect-backfill-abcdefg

(where mev-inspect-backfill-abcdefg is your actual pod name)


All inspect output data is stored in Postgres.

To connect to the local Postgres database for querying, launch a client container with:

./mev db

When you see the prompt:


You're ready to query!

Try finding the total number of swaps decoded with UniswapV3Pool:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM swaps WHERE abi_name='UniswapV3Pool';

or top 10 arbs by gross profit that took profit in WETH:

FROM arbitrages
WHERE profit_token_address = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'
ORDER BY profit_amount DESC

Postgres tip: Enter \x to enter "Explanded display" mode which looks nicer for results with many columns.


How do I delete / reset my local postgres data?

Stop the system if running:

tilt down

Delete it with:

kubectl delete pvc data-postgresql-postgresql-0

Start back up again:

tilt up

And rerun migrations to create the tables again:

./mev exec alembic upgrade head

I was using the docker-compose setup and want to switch to kube, now what?

Re-add the old docker-compose.yml file to your mev-inspect-py directory.

A copy can be found here

Tear down docker-compose resources:

docker compose down

Then go through the steps in the current README for kube setup.

Error from server (AlreadyExists): pods "postgres-client" already exists

This means the postgres client container didn't shut down correctly.

Delete this one with:

kubectl delete pod/postgres-client

Then start it back up again.



Flashbots is a research and development collective working on mitigating the negative externalities of decentralized economies. We contribute with the larger free software community to illuminate the dark forest.

You are welcome here <3.

  • If you want to join us, come and say hi in our Discord chat.
  • If you have a question, feedback or a bug report for this project, please open a new Issue.
  • If you would like to contribute with code, check the CONTRIBUTING file.
  • We just ask you to be nice.


If you find a security vulnerability on this project or any other initiative related to Flashbots, please let us know sending an email to [email protected].

Made with ☀️ by the 🤖 collective.

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