🧇 Make Waffle Charts in Python.



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PyWaffle is an open source, MIT-licensed Python package for plotting waffle charts.

It provides a Figure constructor class Waffle, which could be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure and generates a matplotlib Figure object.

PyPI Page: https://pypi.org/project/pywaffle/

Documentation: http://pywaffle.readthedocs.io/


pip install pywaffle


  • Python 3.5+
  • Matplotlib


1. Value Scaling

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pywaffle import Waffle
fig = plt.figure(
    values=[48, 46, 6],
    figsize=(5, 3)


The values are automatically scaled to 24, 23 and 3 to fit 5 * 10 chart size.

2. Values in dict & Auto-sizing

data = {'Democratic': 48, 'Republican': 46, 'Libertarian': 3}
fig = plt.figure(
    legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.1, 1)}

Use values in dictionary; use absolute value as block number, without defining columns

In this example, since only rows is specified and columns is empty, absolute values in values are used as block numbers. Similarly, rows could also be optional if columns is specified.

If values is a dict, its keys are used as labels.

3. Title, Legend, Colors, Background Color, Block Color, Direction and Style

data = {'Democratic': 48, 'Republican': 46, 'Libertarian': 3}
fig = plt.figure(
    colors=["#232066", "#983D3D", "#DCB732"],
    title={'label': 'Vote Percentage in 2016 US Presidential Election', 'loc': 'left'},
    labels=[f"{k} ({v}%)" for k, v in data.items()],
    legend={'loc': 'lower left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (0, -0.4), 'ncol': len(data), 'framealpha': 0},

Add title, legend and background color; customize the block color

Many parameters, like title and legend, accept the same parameters as in Matplotlib.

4. Plot with Icons - Pictogram Chart

data = {'Democratic': 48, 'Republican': 46, 'Libertarian': 3}
fig = plt.figure(
    colors=["#232066", "#983D3D", "#DCB732"],
    legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)},

Use Font Awesome icons

PyWaffle supports Font Awesome icons in the chart.

5. Multiple Plots in One Chart

import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(
        'labels': ['Hillary Clinton', 'Donald Trump', 'Others'],
        'Virginia': [1981473, 1769443, 233715],
        'Maryland': [1677928, 943169, 160349],
        'West Virginia': [188794, 489371, 36258],

# A glance of the data:
#                  Maryland  Virginia  West Virginia
# labels                                            
# Hillary Clinton   1677928   1981473         188794
# Donald Trump       943169   1769443         489371
# Others             160349    233715          36258

fig = plt.figure(
        '311': {
            'values': data['Virginia'] / 30000,
            'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['Virginia'].items()],
            'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
            'title': {'label': '2016 Virginia Presidential Election Results', 'loc': 'left'}
        '312': {
            'values': data['Maryland'] / 30000,
            'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['Maryland'].items()],
            'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.2, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
            'title': {'label': '2016 Maryland Presidential Election Results', 'loc': 'left'}
        '313': {
            'values': data['West Virginia'] / 30000,
            'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['West Virginia'].items()],
            'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.3, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
            'title': {'label': '2016 West Virginia Presidential Election Results', 'loc': 'left'}
    rows=5,  # outside parameter applied to all subplots
    colors=["#2196f3", "#ff5252", "#999999"],  # outside parameter applied to all subplots
    figsize=(9, 5)

Multiple plots

In this chart, 1 block = 30000 votes.

Data source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2016.


Wanna try it yourself? There is Online Demo!

What's New



  • PyWaffle is under MIT license, see LICENSE file for the details.
  • The Font Awesome font is licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
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