GitHub saver for stargazers, forks, repos


GitHub backup repositories

Save your repos and list of stargazers & list of forks for them. Pure python3 and git with no dependencies to install.

GitHub API Documentation

Title GitHub Backup
Author Alexander Kapitanov
Sources Python3
Contact <hidden>
Release 16 Apr 2022
License MIT

Command line arguments

usage: [-h] -u USER_LOGIN [-t USER_TOKEN] [--user_forks] [-v] [-f] \
[--forks] [--stars] [--save | --clone] [--bare] [--recursive] [--starred] [-p SAVE_PATH] \

GitHub saver for stargazers, forks, repos.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER_LOGIN, --user_login USER_LOGIN
                        User login
  -t USER_TOKEN, --user_token USER_TOKEN
                        User access token
  --user_forks          Save forked repos by user
  -v, --verbose         Logging level=debug
  -f, --force           Force save
  --forks               Save list of forks
  --stars               Save list of stargazers
  --save                Save repos to `save_path`
  --clone               Clone repos to `save_path`
  --bare                Clone a bare git repo
  --recursive           Recursive submodules
  --starred             Get repositories starred by user
  -p SAVE_PATH, --save_path SAVE_PATH
                        Save path to your repos
  -l REPO_LIST [REPO_LIST ...], --repo_list REPO_LIST [REPO_LIST ...]
                        List of repos to clone or to save

Save list of stargazers to {user_login}_stargazers.json:

python -u USER -t TOKEN --stars

Save list of forks to {user_login}_forks.json

python -u USER -t TOKEN --forks

Download repos to save_path

python -u USER -t TOKEN --repos -p ~/backups

Clone repos to save_path

python -u USER -t TOKEN --clone -p ~/backups

Alexander Kapitanov
ex. FPGA Engineer, Data Scientist
Alexander Kapitanov
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