The only purpose of a byte-sized application is to help you create .desktop entry files for downloaded applications.


Turtle 🐢

Build Status made-with-python Made for elementary OS

The only purpose of a byte-sized application is to help you create .desktop entry files for downloaded applications. As of usual with elementary OS in mind. 😎

Turtle in action

Cheers! ☕️

  • If the source file isn't executable, it will

    If the source file isn't executable, it will "fail silently"

    Using Turtle to add an AppImage which isn't executable will create the .desktop file just fine, but it won't be visible in the App Menu. This is confusing to the user and makes Turtle look broken. I would prefer one of the following scenarios:

    • Turtle would refuse to create a .desktop entry for non-executable files, displaying an error.
    • Turtle would silently mark the file as executable, so that it would show in the App Menu (potential security issue!)
    • Turtle would tell the user that the chosen file is not executable, and ask them whether they want to make it executable or cancel the action.

    The last variant sounds like the best UX to me.

    opened by m93a 3
  • Doesn't add quotes to binary paths

    Doesn't add quotes to binary paths

    Trying to create a launcher for a binary with a path containing any spaces produces a .desktop that doesn't work. This could be solved by making the app add ' to either side of the selected binarys path in the .desktop example:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec='/example folder with spaces/example-executable'
    Name=Example name
    Icon=/example folder with spaces/example image.png

    the quotes aren't necessary for icons

    opened by hanaral 2
  • No way to remove added .desktop files

    No way to remove added .desktop files

    It would probably be nice to users to offer a way to remove the generated files. At the very least, opening ~/.local/share/applications for manual editing, or better, listing those files in the app and letting the user modify/delete them.

    opened by cassidyjames 2
  • Fix AppCenter listing typos

    Fix AppCenter listing typos

    Instantly add downloaded application to the App Menu. Event AppImage.

    Should probably be 'Instantly add downloaded application to the App Menu - even AppImages'

    Even better if you mention that it's for application binaries: 'Turtle lets you add any launcherless applications to the App Menu - even AppImages'

    opened by hanaral 1
  • Appdata release has invalid timestamp

    Appdata release has invalid timestamp

    Same issue as

    I noticed that the date in your release tag is 2021-16-08, which is invalid since this tag uses ISO 8601. It should instead be in YYYY-MM-DD format

    opened by danirabbit 0
  • AppData: omit app name from beginning of description

    AppData: omit app name from beginning of description

    It's redundant in all places the description is shown, and just pushes the actual description further away, e.g. in the featured banner.

    opened by cassidyjames 0
  • Drop on plank icon to open an appimage

    Drop on plank icon to open an appimage

    It'd be great if appimages could be dropped on the plank icon to open them. I imagine under the hood this is just like opening with an app.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by ChildishGiant 1
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