A Telegram Music+video Bot written in Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls
Xbot Music Bot
A Powerful Telegram Music+Video Bot by which you can stream songs, videos and even live streams in your group calls via various sources. It comes with user friendly and easy to use yet elegant features.
Click on buttons to expand!
String Session
You'll need a API_ID & API_HASH in order to generate pyrogram session. Always remeber to use good API combo else your account could be deleted.
Generate Session via Repl:
Generate Session via Telegram StringGen Bot:
Deploy to Heroku
Heroku has two vars[ HEROKU_API_KEY & HEROKU_APP_NAME ] for Updater to work. By setting those two vars you can get logs of your heroku app, set var, edit var, delete vars , check dyno usage and update bot. Those two vars are not Mandatory! You can leave them blank too.
Click the button below to deploy Yukki on Heroku!
Deploy to VPS
Use the method below
[email protected]~ $ git clone https://github.com/fjgaming212/XBOT-MUSIC
[email protected]~ $ cd YukkiMusicBot
[email protected]~ $ pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
[email protected]~ $ cp sample.env .env
Edit .env with your values and then start bot with
[email protected]~ $ bash start
Not Getting VPS Method? Watch Tutorial
Config Vars
view files config.py
Contact & Support
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License. See LICENSE.md
for more information.
Spesial thanks