forward several ports into a single port


port forwarding Multi-Input-Single-Output

forward several ports into a single one

this tool forwards packets from several ports into one single port.

how it works:

it stays on client side before client application and forwards all packets from multiple ports into one single localhost port.
the application that wants to receive data listens to the dedicated port on localhost.

block diagram

        server         internet            client 
          │               │                   │
          │               │                   │
          │               │                   │
          ▼               ▼                   ▼
                                  ╏                 this application sits here                      ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏           ┌───────────────┐                                     ╏
                                  ╏           │               │                                     ╏
                     ┌────────────╏───────────►  socket 1     ├──────┐                              ╏
                     │            ╏           │               │      │                              ╏
                     │            ╏           └───────────────┘      │                              ╏
                     │            ╏                                  │                              ╏
    ┌────────────────┴─┐          ╏                                  │       ┌──────────────┐       ╏
    │                  │          ╏           ┌───────────────┐      └───────►              │       ╏    ┌────────────┐
    │  multipath       │          ╏           │               │              │  localhost   │       ╏    │            │
    │  multiport       ├──────────╏───────────►  socket 2     ├──────────────►  forwarding  ├───────╏────►client      │
    │  load-balancer   │          ╏           │               │              │  socket      │       ╏    │application │
    │                  │          ╏           └───────────────┘      ┌───────►              │       ╏    └────────────┘
    └────────────────┬─┘          ╏                                  │       └──────────────┘       ╏
                     │            ╏                                  │                              ╏
                     │            ╏           ┌───────────────┐      │                              ╏
                     │            ╏           │               │      │                              ╏
                     └────────────╏───────────►  socket n     ├──────┘                              ╏
                                  ╏           │               │                                     ╏
                                  ╏           └───────────────┘                                     ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏
                                  ╏                                                                 ╏

ascii block diagram drawn using

Erfan Kheyrollahi Qaroğlu
Telecommunication engineer × nix × fun matters! ×
Erfan Kheyrollahi Qaroğlu
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