Example code for interacting with solana anchor programs - candymachine



example code for interacting with solana anchor programs - candymachine


I'll probably work on making this more resilient and fully featured, but at the moment, it's mainly to be used as an example of how to use anchorpy, and to understand candy machine better. the candymachine typescript client is amazing, but it couples together too many concerns - this is meant to interact with each instruction separately.

Interaction is primarily via command line to make it more explicit

some information about candymachine

  1. candymachine is an anchor program
  2. while a large portion of interacting with it is via anchorpy, there are still a few places where the interactions are directly through solanapy - mostly interactions with spl-token, spl-token-metadata

accounts used

There are 2 main accounts used by candymachine

  1. A config account which keeps track of total supply as well as rows [{ name: name, nft_metadata_uri: nft_metadata_uri}]
  2. A candymachine account which keeps track of the price and the date to go live

creating a candy machine involves the following steps at a high level

  1. creating the config account - using the create_config_account option. This is not an anchor interaction, but a vanilla interaction with the system program
  2. Initialization the config account (this is mainly allocating space for it based on the number of NFTs to be loaded, as well as paying rent) - using the initialize_config_account command (anchor)
  3. add NFTs into the config account (load the names and metadata urls for each nft as a separate row) - add_config_lines (anchor)
  4. create the main candymachine account (this is the second one). It will keep track of price, livedate, item count, treasury address which gets the payment
  5. update the candymachine account (this is optional, in case you want to change the date or the mint or the price)
  6. Mint. This is usually done through a browser client, but for illustration purposes the code also includes a mint command

step 1 - install the necessary stuff

pip install -r requirements.txt

also install the solana command line cli. its pretty useful

step 2 - configure solana cli for the devnet and get an airdrop of 5-10 sol

solana-keygen -o myfolder/wallet.json

solana config set -u d

solana airdrop 5 myfolder/wallet.json

run the last command a few times in case it fails. the key you just generted will serve the the payment key for configuring candymachine

step 3

create the config account

python main.py create_config_account myfolder/wallet.json 10


Note down the config accounts public address since you'll be using it for other commands

couple of things of note here-

  1. the space needed is calculated based on number of NFTs
  2. the rent exemption amount is in turn calculated by amount of space necesarry/ This can be optimized for a short term rent to make it easier, but i'm lazy for now
  3. the config accounts ownership is passed onto the CANDY_MACHINE_PROGRAM_ID

step 4

initialize the config account - store some basic data in it - authority, number of nfts, royalties, royalty split between creators

python main.py initialize_config_account myfolder/wallet.json ROBOTEST 10 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf 100

here -

  1. ROBOTEST is the symbol
  2. royalties are basis points (1/100 * percentage)
  3. creator array which is an option json (do a -h to check it out) which has a % split of which address gets what % of the royalty. This should total to 100 and candymachine ts check for this but thats not the point of this tutorial for now.

step 5

Add config lines, i.e. the actual NFTs you're going to load into the machine

python main.py add_config_lines myfolder/wallet.json 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf sample_files\nft_rows.json

These config lines are in the sample_files folder and the formation structure is a list of dicts-

  {"name": "rob #1",
 "uri": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaPtzAKea1fcuaMhukiPsTVBEH7wwmMhDTxaN5Jz2zQq9/1.json"},
  {"name": "rob #2",
   "uri": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaPtzAKea1fcuaMhukiPsTVBEH7wwmMhDTxaN5Jz2zQq9/2.json"},
  {"name": "rob #3",
   "uri": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaPtzAKea1fcuaMhukiPsTVBEH7wwmMhDTxaN5Jz2zQq9/3.json"},
  {"name": "rob #4",
   "uri": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaPtzAKea1fcuaMhukiPsTVBEH7wwmMhDTxaN5Jz2zQq9/4.json"},
  {"name": "rob #5",
   "uri": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaPtzAKea1fcuaMhukiPsTVBEH7wwmMhDTxaN5Jz2zQq9/5.json"}

This sample has only 5 NFTs. It's possible to edit the code and upload the NFTs in batches, but since this is primarily for learning purposes, I'm keeping it simple (hardcoded index). becuase the index is always 0, it'll overwrite with the new set of files in the sample_files folder. Also, you'll notice this has the uri's already. Yes. This code expects you have your NFT uploaded to arweave or ipfs first. Another reason I went down this route besides learning was to keep a clear separation between code interating with solana and code interacting with arweave, file storage

step 6

create the actual cnady machine account

python main.py initialize_candy_machine myfolder/wallet.json 0.5 now 10 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf ANAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q

"now" is s convenience ooption, but you want to pass the epoch timestamp of when you want the machine to go live 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf as you know is the config account address ANAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q in this case is the wallet that should hold treasury funds

step 7

candy machine can be optionally updated. as many times as you like. Its mainly the price and the live date python main.py update_candy_machine myfolder/wallet.json 0.33 now 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf

  • price
  • time (epoch)
  • config address

#step 8 This is actually the most complex part. Here is what's happening when you're minting an NFT


  1. IMPORTANT: this is from a client side, so you would preferably want to configure another wallet + airdrop some sol in it.
  2. you create a new NFT token
  3. you create an associated token account derived from your main address to "hold" the NFT
  4. you allocate some default mint space for the account (based on some constants) - rent exempt amount because these need to be permanent
  5. you add approval for the candymachine to transfer the NFT out of your wallet, modify it and return the NFT token (now with metadata populated

Anchor insturctuions

  1. The ancor mint command doesn't take any args and just takes a list of accounts and signatures

python main.py mint myfolder/client-wallet.json 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf ANAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q NAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q

myfolder/client-wallet.json is the new wallet creator for client side config address - same old, 2yeCtaKgESShtnDWdH24EuhZLrfnkVoHk9t3WmmnJcaf ANAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q - treaury address ANAwyQU9HCZXaKkypAHkvTGzDEDGvVsHxto7jLhenp7q - authority

step 8

once this is done, you can simply check the balance of your accont spl-token accounts --owner Token Balance

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