Telegram bot to download almost all from Instagram


Instagram Manager Bot

The most advanced Instagram Downloader Bot.

Please fork this repository don't import code
Made with Python3
(C) @subinps
Copyright permission under MIT License
License ->

You can Download almost anything From your Instagram Account.

What Can Be Downloaded?:

    1. All posts of any Profile. (Both Public and Private profiles which you follows.)
    2. All Posts from your feed.
    3. Stories of any profile (Both Public and Private profiles which you follows.)
    4. DP of any profile (No need to follow)
    5. Followers and Followees List of any Profile.
    6. Stories of your Followees.
    7. Tagged posts of any profile.
    8. Your saved Posts.
    9. IGTV videos.
    10. Highlights from any profiles.
    11. Any Public Post from Link(Post/Reels/IGTV)

Available Commands and Usage

/start - Check wheather bot alive.
/restart - Restart the bot (If you messed up anything use /restart.)
/help - Shows this menu.
/login - Login into your account.
/logout - Logout of your account.
/account - Shows the details of logged in account.

/posts <username> - Download posts of any username. Use /posts to download own posts or  /posts <username> for others.
Example : /posts samantharuthprabhuoffl

/igtv <username> - Download IGTV videos from given username. If no username given, downloads your IGTV.

/feed <number of posts to download> - Downloads posts from your feed.If no number specified all posts from feed will be downloaded.
Example: /feed 10 to download latest 10 posts from feed.

/saved <number of posts to download> - Downloads your saved posts. If no number specified all saved posts will be downloaded.
Example: /saved 10 to download latest 10 saved posts.

/followers <username> - Get a list of all followers of given username. If no username given, then your list will be retrieved.
Example: /followers samantharuthprabhuoffl

/followees <username> - Get a list of all followees of given username. If no username given, then your list will be retrieved.

/tagged <username> - Downloads all posts in which given username is tagged. If nothing given your tagged posts will be downloaded.

/story <username> - Downloads all stories from given username. If nothing given your stories will be downloaded.

/stories - Downloads all the stories of all your followees.

/highlights <username> - Downloads highlights from given username, If nothing given your highlights will be downloaded.

Deploy to Heroku


While Deploying fill INSTA_SESSIONFILE_ID, either by running in terminal or using /login after deploy or use

For Generating Session after deployment, You Must leave the Variable as blank and fill manually after generating INSTA_SESSIONFILE_ID from your bot by sending /login.

Deploy to VPS

git clone
cd Instagram-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create Variables appropriately>



Contributions are welcomed, But Kanging and editing a few lines wont make you a Developer.
Fork the repo, Do not Import code.


Connect Me On Telegram


Developer or his team won't be liable for any loss caused by MISUSE of this Script.
This Bot is Indended to be used only for Educational Purposes.

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