"Nesse projeto criei uma automação para abrir as tarefas no Jira em massa pegando de uma determinada fila do Zendesk."



"Nesse projeto criei uma automação para abrir as tarefas no Jira em massa pegando de uma determinada fila do Zendesk."


"In this project I created an automation to open tasks in the jira in bulk, taking them from a certain queue in zendesk."


Dentro da pasta Script fica a automação e dentro de queries fica as consulta separadamentes.

Inside the Script folder is automation and inside queries it is separate queries.

"Studying in the area of information security. I have a career in the field of technology."
Token Manager written in Python

Discord-API-Token-Entrance Description This is a Token Manager that allows your token to enter your discord server, written in python. Packages Requir

Tootle 1 Apr 15, 2022
Backend.AI Client Library for Python

Backend.AI Client The official API client library for Backend.AI Usage (KeyPair mode) You should set the access key and secret key as environment vari

Lablup 10 Feb 10, 2022
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive

[] Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Deploying on Heroku Give Star &

43 Mar 06, 2022
Get notifications in your Discord server of any software releases from Apple.

Apple Releases Get notifications in your Discord server of any software releases from Apple. Running To locally host your own instance, create a Disco

adam 17 Oct 22, 2022
Código que verifica se o grafo é Hamiltoniano (Em Python)

Código para encontrar um ciclo de Hamilton em um dado grafo e a partir daí verificar se o grafo é hamiltoniano. Um ciclo hamiltoniano é um ciclo gerad

Hemili Beatriz 1 Jan 08, 2022
Feedback-TelegramBot is a resemblance bot which can be deployed on server

Feedback-TelegramBot Feedback-TelegramBot is a resemblance bot which can be deployed on server This work is based on Telegram library, thanks to their

2 Jan 03, 2022
A simple, lightweight Discord bot running with only 512 MB memory on Heroku

Haruka This used to be a music bot, but people keep using it for NSFW content. Can't everyone be less horny? Bot commands See the built-in help comman

Haruka 4 Dec 26, 2022
API RestFull de uma clinica, onde vai efetuar os agendamentos dos pacientes e mostrar o historicos de cada agendamentos

API REstFull O que tem na API Usado para clinicas. Cadastro de pacientes. Agendamentos de pacientes. Históricos dos agendamentos vinculados com a tabe

Lucas Silva 3 Aug 29, 2022
A Python SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services

V2 - We are now GA! This repository contains code for the Azure IoT SDKs for Python. This enables python developers to easily create IoT device soluti

Microsoft Azure 381 Dec 30, 2022
A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon...

❤️ Shadow ❤️ A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon... ⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Shadow,

TeamShadow 17 Oct 21, 2022
Easy and simple, Telegram Bot to Show alert when some edits a message in Group

Edit-Message-Alert Just a simple bot to show alert when someone edits a message sent by them, Just 17 Lines of Code These codes are for those who incu

Nuhman Pk 6 Dec 15, 2021
Mailjet API implementation in Python

READ THIS FIRST!! This repository isn't compatible with the current Mailjet API (v3) and, as a consequence, is considered deprecated and won't undergo

Rick van Hattem 18 Oct 21, 2022
A combination between python-flask, that fetch and send data from league client during champion select thanks to LCU

A combination between python-flask, that fetch data and send from league client during champion select thanks to LCU and compare picked champs to the gamesDataBase that we need to collect using my ot

Anas Hamrouni 1 Jan 19, 2022
A Bot to Track Kernel Upstreams from kernel.org and Post it on Telegram Channel

Channel Kernel Tracker is the channel where the bot will be sending the updates in. Introduction This is a Telegram Bot to Track Kernel Upstreams kern

Kartikeya Hegde 3 Oct 05, 2021
radiant discord anti nuke src leaked lol.

radiant-anti-wizz-leaked radiant discord anti nuke src leaked lol, the whole anti sucks but idc. sucks to suck thats tuff bro LMAOOOOOO join my server

ok 15 Aug 06, 2022
Google Sheets Python API v4

pygsheets - Google Spreadsheets Python API v4 A simple, intuitive library for google sheets which gets your work done. Features: Open, create, delete

Nithin Murali 1.4k Jan 08, 2023
A pyrogram simple bot for Educational purpose.

A pyrogram simple bot for Educational purpose. To Learn More check at @PyrogramBot or on Documentation Mandatory variables API_ID - Get It From my.tel

SpamShield 10 Dec 06, 2022
alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API.

alpaca-trade-api-python is a python library for the Alpaca Commission Free Trading API. It allows rapid trading algo development easily, with support for both REST and streaming data interfaces

Alpaca 1.5k Jan 09, 2023
This will create new discord accounts and add them to your server

Discord-Botter This tool will create new discord accounts add them to your server, this tool needs a captcha api like capmonster.cloud or anti-captcha

Shahzain 27 Nov 30, 2022
An information scroller Twitter trends, news, weather for raspberry pi and Pimoroni Unicorn Hat Mini and Scroll Phat HD.

uticker An information scroller Twitter trends, news, weather for raspberry pi and Pimoroni Unicorn Hat Mini and Scroll Phat HD. Features include: Twi

kottuora 5 Oct 31, 2022