A BitField extension for Django Models

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Provides a BitField like class (using a BigIntegerField) for your Django models.

(If you're upgrading from a version before 1.2 the API has changed greatly and is backwards incompatible!)


  • Django >= 1.10.8
  • PostgreSQL (see notes)


  • SQLite does not support save operations using a Bit (per the example under Usage).
  • MySQL fails on most queries related to BitField's.


Install it with pip (or easy_install):

pip install django-bitfield


First you'll need to attach a BitField to your class. This acts as a BigIntegerField (BIGINT) in your database:

from bitfield import BitField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    flags = BitField(flags=(

Flags can also be defined with labels:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    flags = BitField(flags=(
        ('awesome_flag', 'Awesome Flag!'),
        ('flaggy_foo', 'Flaggy Foo'),
        ('baz_bar', 'Baz (bar)'),

Now you can use the field using very familiar Django operations:

# Create the model
o = MyModel.objects.create(flags=0)

# Add awesome_flag (does not work in SQLite)

# Set flags manually to [awesome_flag, flaggy_foo]
MyModel.objects.filter(pk=o.pk).update(flags=MyModel.flags.awesome_flag | MyModel.flags.flaggy_foo)

# Remove awesome_flag (does not work in SQLite)

# Find by awesome_flag

# Exclude by awesome_flag

# Test awesome_flag
if o.flags.awesome_flag:
    print "Happy times!"

# List all flags on the field
for f in o.flags:
    print f

# Get a flag label
print o.flags.get_label('awesome_flag')



To use the widget in the admin, you'll need to import the classes and then update or create a ModelAdmin with these formfield_overrides lines in your admin.py:

from bitfield import BitField
from bitfield.forms import BitFieldCheckboxSelectMultiple

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
            BitField: {'widget': BitFieldCheckboxSelectMultiple},

admin.site.register(MyModel, MyModelAdmin)

There is also a BitFieldListFilter list filter (Django 1.4 or newer). To use it set list_filter ModelAdmin option:

list_filter = (
        ('flags', BitFieldListFilter,)

BitFieldListFilter is in bitfield.admin module:

from bitfield.admin import BitFieldListFilter


2.1.0 - 2021-05-25:

  • Add support for Django 3.1, 3.2 (No changes needed).
  • Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with use in the Django admin.
  • Removed dead compatibility code.

2.0.1 - 2020-01-25:

  • Add support for Django 3.0.

2.0.0 - 2020-01-24:

  • Drop support for Django versions below 1.10.
  • Use _meta.private_fields instead of deprecated _meta.virtual_fields in CompositeBitField.
  • Add testing with python 3.6, 3.7 and Django 2.x to travis configuration.
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