Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework.

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Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework. Silk intercepts and stores HTTP requests and database queries before presenting them in a user interface for further inspection:



Silk has been tested with:

  • Django: 2.2, 3.0, 3.1
  • Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9


Via pip into a virtualenv:

pip install django-silk

In add the following:



Note: The middleware placement is sensitive. If the middleware before silk.middleware.SilkyMiddleware returns from process_request then SilkyMiddleware will never get the chance to execute. Therefore you must ensure that any middleware placed before never returns anything from process_request. See the django docs for more information on this.

Note: If you are using django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware, place that before silk.middleware.SilkyMiddleware, otherwise you will get an encoding error.

If you want to use custom middleware, for example you developed the subclass of silk.middleware.SilkyMiddleware, so you can use this combination of settings:

# Specify the path where is the custom middleware placed

# Use this variable in list of middleware

To enable access to the user interface add the following to your

urlpatterns += [url(r'^silk/', include('silk.urls', namespace='silk'))]

before running migrate:

python makemigrations

python migrate

python collectstatic

Silk will automatically begin interception of requests and you can proceed to add profiling if required. The UI can be reached at /silk/

Alternative Installation

Via github tags:

pip install<version>.tar.gz

You can install from master using the following, but please be aware that the version in master may not be working for all versions specified in requirements

pip install -e git+


Silk primarily consists of:

  • Middleware for intercepting Requests/Responses
  • A wrapper around SQL execution for profiling of database queries
  • A context manager/decorator for profiling blocks of code and functions either manually or dynamically.
  • A user interface for inspection and visualisation of the above.

Request Inspection

The Silk middleware intercepts and stores requests and responses in the configured database. These requests can then be filtered and inspecting using Silk's UI through the request overview:

It records things like:

  • Time taken
  • Num. queries
  • Time spent on queries
  • Request/Response headers
  • Request/Response bodies

and so on.

Further details on each request are also available by clicking the relevant request:

SQL Inspection

Silk also intercepts SQL queries that are generated by each request. We can get a summary on things like the tables involved, number of joins and execution time (the table can be sorted by clicking on a column header):

Before diving into the stack trace to figure out where this request is coming from:


Turn on the SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER setting to use Python's built-in cProfile profiler. Each request will be separately profiled and the profiler's output will be available on the request's Profiling page in the Silk UI.


If you would like to also generate a binary .prof file set the following:


When enabled, a graph visualisation generated using gprof2dot and viz.js is shown in the profile detail page:

A custom storage class can be used for the saved generated binary .prof files:


The default storage class is, and when using that you can specify a path of your choosing. You must ensure the specified directory exists.

# If this is not set, MEDIA_ROOT will be used.

A download button will become available with a binary .prof file for every request. This file can be used for further analysis using snakeviz or other cProfile tools

Silk can also be used to profile specific blocks of code/functions. It provides a decorator and a context manager for this purpose.

For example:

from silk.profiling.profiler import silk_profile

@silk_profile(name='View Blog Post')
def post(request, post_id):
    p = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id)
    return render_to_response('post.html', {
        'post': p

Whenever a blog post is viewed we get an entry within the Silk UI:

Silk profiling not only provides execution time, but also collects SQL queries executed within the block in the same fashion as with requests:


The silk decorator can be applied to both functions and methods

from silk.profiling.profiler import silk_profile

# Profile a view function
@silk_profile(name='View Blog Post')
def post(request, post_id):
    p = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id)
    return render_to_response('post.html', {
        'post': p

# Profile a method in a view class
class MyView(View):
    @silk_profile(name='View Blog Post')
    def get(self, request):
        p = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id)
        return render_to_response('post.html', {
            'post': p

Context Manager

Using a context manager means we can add additional context to the name which can be useful for narrowing down slowness to particular database records.

def post(request, post_id):
    with silk_profile(name='View Blog Post #%d' %
        p = Post.objects.get(pk=post_id)
        return render_to_response('post.html', {
            'post': p

Dynamic Profiling

One of Silk's more interesting features is dynamic profiling. If for example we wanted to profile a function in a dependency to which we only have read-only access (e.g. system python libraries owned by root) we can add the following to to apply a decorator at runtime:

    'module': '',
    'function': ''

which is roughly equivalent to:

class MyClass(object):
    def bar(self):

The below summarizes the possibilities:

Dynamic function decorator

    'module': '',
    'function': 'foo'

# ... is roughly equivalent to
def foo():

Dynamic method decorator

    'module': '',
    'function': ''

# ... is roughly equivalent to
class MyClass(object):

    def bar(self):

Dynamic code block profiling

    'module': '',
    'function': 'foo',
    # Line numbers are relative to the function as opposed to the file in which it resides
    'start_line': 1,
    'end_line': 2,
    'name': 'Slow Foo'

# ... is roughly equivalent to
def foo():
    with silk_profile(name='Slow Foo'):
        print (1)
        print (2)

Note that dynamic profiling behaves in a similar fashion to that of the python mock framework in that we modify the function in-place e.g:

""" my.module """
from another.module import foo

# some stuff
# some other stuff

,we would profile foo by dynamically decorating as opposed to

    'module': 'my.module',
    'function': 'foo'

If we were to apply the dynamic profile to the functions source module after it has already been imported, no profiling would be triggered.

Custom Logic for Profiling

Sometimes you may want to dynamically control when the profiler runs. You can write your own logic for when to enable the profiler. To do this add the following to your

This setting is mutually exclusive with SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER and will be used over it if present. It will work with SILKY_DYNAMIC_PROFILING.

def my_custom_logic(request):
    return 'profile_requests' in request.session

SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_FUNC = my_custom_logic # profile only session has recording enabled.

You can also use a lambda.

# profile only session has recording enabled.
SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_FUNC = lambda request: 'profile_requests' in request.session

Code Generation

Silk currently generates two bits of code per request:

Both are intended for use in replaying the request. The curl command can be used to replay via command-line and the python code can be used within a Django unit test or simply as a standalone script.



By default anybody can access the Silk user interface by heading to /silk/. To enable your Django auth backend place the following in

SILKY_AUTHENTICATION = True  # User must login
SILKY_AUTHORISATION = True  # User must have permissions

If SILKY_AUTHORISATION is True, by default Silk will only authorise users with is_staff attribute set to True.

You can customise this using the following in

def my_custom_perms(user):
    return user.is_allowed_to_use_silk

SILKY_PERMISSIONS = my_custom_perms

You can also use a lambda.

SILKY_PERMISSIONS = lambda user: user.is_superuser

Request/Response bodies

By default, Silk will save down the request and response bodies for each request for future viewing no matter how large. If Silk is used in production under heavy volume with large bodies this can have a huge impact on space/time performance. This behaviour can be configured with the following options:

SILKY_MAX_REQUEST_BODY_SIZE = -1  # Silk takes anything <0 as no limit
SILKY_MAX_RESPONSE_BODY_SIZE = 1024  # If response body>1024 bytes, ignore


Sometimes it is useful to be able to see what effect Silk is having on the request/response time. To do this add the following to your


Silk will then record how long it takes to save everything down to the database at the end of each request:

Note that in the above screenshot, this means that the request took 29ms (22ms from Django and 7ms from Silk)

Recording a Fraction of Requests

On high-load sites it may be helpful to only record a fraction of the requests that are made. To do this add the following to your

Note: This setting is mutually exclusive with SILKY_INTERCEPT_FUNC.

SILKY_INTERCEPT_PERCENT = 50 # log only 50% of requests

Custom Logic for Recording Requests

On high-load sites it may also be helpful to write your own logic for when to intercept requests. To do this add the following to your

Note: This setting is mutually exclusive with SILKY_INTERCEPT_PERCENT.

def my_custom_logic(request):
    return 'record_requests' in request.session

SILKY_INTERCEPT_FUNC = my_custom_logic # log only session has recording enabled.

You can also use a lambda.

# log only session has recording enabled.
SILKY_INTERCEPT_FUNC = lambda request: 'record_requests' in request.session

Limiting request/response data

To make sure silky garbage collects old request/response data, a config var can be set to limit the number of request/response rows it stores.


The garbage collection is only run on a percentage of requests to reduce overhead. It can be adjusted with this config:


Enable query analysis

To enable query analysis when supported by the dbms a config var can be set in order to execute queries with the analyze features.


Clearing logged data

A management command will wipe out all logged data:

python silk_clear_request_log



This is a Jazzband project. By contributing you agree to abide by the Contributor Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines.

Development Environment

Silk features a project named project that can be used for silk development. It has the silk code symlinked so you can work on the sample project and on the silk package at the same time.

In order to setup local development you should first install all the dependencies for the test project. From the root of the project directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You will also need to install silk's dependencies. From the root of the git repository:

pip install -e .

At this point your virtual environment should have everything it needs to run both the sample project and silk successfully.

Before running, you must set the DB_ENGINE and DB_NAME environment variables:

export DB_ENGINE=sqlite3
export DB_NAME=db.sqlite3

For other combinations, check tox.ini.

Now from the root of the sample project apply the migrations

python migrate

Now from the root of the sample project directory start the django server

python runserver

Running the tests

cd project
python test --noinput

Happy profiling!

  • IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

    IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "silk_response_request_id_key"

    After activating silk certain urls began erring with:

    IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "silk_response_request_id_key" DETAIL: Key (request_id)=(1166) already exists.

    Sentry stack trace:

    opened by synotna 90
  • Support Django 3.2

    Support Django 3.2

    Currently, support for Django 3.2 is broken, as per ~~this issue.~~ (EDIT: the linked issue isn't related to Django 3.2, though support was broken before the PR I have submitted, and I now believe it is fixed)

    Therefore, I created this issue to track progress on fixing django-silk in Django 3.2

    opened by Jorl17 37
  • Create new release of silk

    Create new release of silk

    I think once the jazzband migration is complete, it would be a good time to make a new release of silk, either manually or by setting up automatic releases.

    opened by albertyw 25
  • Prepare Release 4.0

    Prepare Release 4.0

    Since this is a major release as we are dropping python 2 support, we will move to 4.x instead of 3.x.

    • [x] Check the support with Django 3.0
    • [x] Test django silk if its working fine.
    • [x] Prepare a change log
    opened by nasirhjafri 22
  • `` added with `default_auto_field` set

    `` added with `default_auto_field` set

    This is to avoid unnecessary migrations caused by default "id" field type change from AutoField -> BigAutoField in Django 3.2.

    new test added

    • testing if proper AppConfig class is loaded by Django
    • testing if package has no pending migrations and will not generate new migrations when running makemigrations on user-end.
    opened by daadu 19
  • Migrations not working w/ Django 1.6.11

    Migrations not working w/ Django 1.6.11

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 13, in <module>
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 399, in execute_from_command_line
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 392, in execute
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 242, in run_from_argv
        self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 285, in execute
        output = self.handle(*args, **options)
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/management/commands/", line 111, in handle
        ignore_ghosts = ignore_ghosts,
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 173, in migrate_app
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 229, in calculate_dependencies
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 363, in calculate_dependencies
        for migration in self._get_dependency_objects("depends_on"):
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 343, in _get_dependency_objects
        for app, name in getattr(self.migration_class(), attrname, []):
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 315, in migration_class
        return self.migration().Migration
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/utils/", line 62, in method
        value = function(self)
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 304, in migration
        raise exceptions.UnknownMigration(self, sys.exc_info())
    south.exceptions.UnknownMigration: Migration 'silk:0001_initial' probably doesn't exist.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/south/migration/", line 302, in migration
        migration = __import__(full_name, {}, {}, ['Migration'])
      File "/Users/matthew/.virtualenvs/nauman/lib/python2.7/site-packages/silk/migrations/", line 4, in <module>
        from django.db import models, migrations
    ImportError: cannot import name migrations

    The solution from did not fix this.

    opened by sgtsquiggs 17
  • Profiling is not working

    Profiling is not working

    I'm trying to profile a api of this project. I had followed the instructions of the readme of django-silk, but the profiling page was empty, though i could see files generated under profiles directory which i configured.

    The project's address is, it's a simple project, the method i profiled is api/views/UserViewSet.list

    SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_RESULT_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "profiles")


    class UserViewSet(ModelViewSet):
        queryset = User.objects.all()
        serializer_class = UserSerializer
        lookup_field = 'username'
        def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return super(UserViewSet, self).list(request, *args, **kwargs)

    Thanks in advance.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by bluven 14
  • NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summary' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

    NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summary' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

    I am getting NoReverseMatch error. I tried placing middleware at top but its giving same error.

    These are my middleware classes:


    and its the traceback-

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 85, in run
        self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/staticfiles/", line 64, in __call__
        return self.application(environ, start_response)
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 168, in __call__
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 44, in load_middleware
        mw_class = import_string(middleware_path)
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/utils/", line 26, in import_string
        module = import_module(module_path)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/", line 37, in import_module
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/silk/", line 31, in <module>
        fpath = silky_reverse('summary')
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/silk/", line 27, in silky_reverse
        r = reverse(name, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/", line 551, in reverse
        return iri_to_uri(resolver._reverse_with_prefix(view, prefix, *args, **kwargs))
      File "/home/ashish/.virtualenvs/myapp/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/core/", line 468, in _reverse_with_prefix
        (lookup_view_s, args, kwargs, len(patterns), patterns))
    NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summary' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []
    [24/Aug/2015 14:15:14] "GET /silk HTTP/1.1" 500 59

    Is this error due to middleware placement or its some other issue ?

    opened by a1Gupta 14
  • Django 2.0 support

    Django 2.0 support

    I have this error after update:

     File "/Users/izvr/Projects/bet/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/silk/", line 135, in Response
        request = OneToOneField(Request, related_name='response', db_index=True)
    TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'on_delete'
    opened by volodchenkov 13
  • DB Deadlock when stress testing with silk

    DB Deadlock when stress testing with silk

    I got a deadlock error when testing with the latest version of silk (1.1.0).

    Here is the DB output:

            Process 149: DELETE FROM "silk_response" WHERE "silk_response"."request_id" IN ('629f685a-26dc-41ca-ba9d-cc8af1998ef9', '8336effc-217c-47a7-8cc2-6944b8aede7f', 'aa12852b-5f5b-40fa-a647-cc3ddd2ef4ba', '2b2d5e84-e595-4ccf-b06c-78db181b4f24', '3f94c00d-f0c3-4021-8def-703e363e4f8f', 'e88b9162-0455-4e78-ba7b-029694b493d8')
            Process 150: DELETE FROM "silk_response" WHERE "silk_response"."request_id" IN ('629f685a-26dc-41ca-ba9d-cc8af1998ef9', '9ad245bb-4b6a-49cf-b32c-1a547ee8c11f', '93c50572-f6ec-416c-a9d6-42798f1631dd', '1ffd6a86-f93e-48f8-a593-86184e26c417', '3f94c00d-f0c3-4021-8def-703e363e4f8f')
            Process 151: DELETE FROM "silk_response" WHERE "silk_response"."request_id" IN ('629f685a-26dc-41ca-ba9d-cc8af1998ef9', '9ad245bb-4b6a-49cf-b32c-1a547ee8c11f', 'aa12852b-5f5b-40fa-a647-cc3ddd2ef4ba', '8336effc-217c-47a7-8cc2-6944b8aede7f', '2b2d5e84-e595-4ccf-b06c-78db181b4f24', '93c50572-f6ec-416c-a9d6-42798f1631dd', '1ffd6a86-f93e-48f8-a593-86184e26c417', '3f94c00d-f0c3-4021-8def-703e363e4f8f', 'e88b9162-0455-4e78-ba7b-029694b493d8')
            Process 144: DELETE FROM "silk_response" WHERE "silk_response"."request_id" IN ('629f685a-26dc-41ca-ba9d-cc8af1998ef9', '9ad245bb-4b6a-49cf-b32c-1a547ee8c11f', 'aa12852b-5f5b-40fa-a647-cc3ddd2ef4ba', '8336effc-217c-47a7-8cc2-6944b8aede7f', '2b2d5e84-e595-4ccf-b06c-78db181b4f24', '93c50572-f6ec-416c-a9d6-42798f1631dd', '1ffd6a86-f93e-48f8-a593-86184e26c417', '3f94c00d-f0c3-4021-8def-703e363e4f8f', 'e88b9162-0455-4e78-ba7b-029694b493d8')
    2018-01-26 01:03:55.996 UTC [148] HINT:  See server log for query details.
    2018-01-26 01:03:55.996 UTC [148] STATEMENT:  DELETE FROM "silk_response" WHERE "silk_response"."request_id" IN ('629f685a-26dc-41ca-ba9d-cc8af1998ef9', '9ad245bb-4b6a-49cf-b32c-1a547ee8c11f', 'aa12852b-5f5b-40fa-a647-cc3ddd2ef4ba', '8336effc-217c-47a7-8cc2-6944b8aede7f', '2b2d5e84-e595-4ccf-b06c-78db181b4f24', '1ffd6a86-f93e-48f8-a593-86184e26c417', '3f94c00d-f0c3-4021-8def-703e363e4f8f', 'e88b9162-0455-4e78-ba7b-029694b493d8')
    2018-01-26 01:03:56.024 UTC [144] ERROR:  deadlock detected
    2018-01-26 01:03:56.024 UTC [144] DETAIL:  Process 144 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on tuple (443,8) of relation 16579 of database 12994; blocked by process 149.
            Process 149 waits for ShareLock on transaction 152027; blocked by process 150.
            Process 150 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on tuple (440,10) of relation 16579 of database 12994; blocked by process 151.
            Process 151 waits for ShareLock on transaction 152109; blocked by process 144.

    Output from pip freeze:


    Thanks -Selim

    opened by selimt 12
  • Quality of life improvements in Requests tab

    Quality of life improvements in Requests tab

    I'm using you're package quite often and wanted to give something back to this project 😄

    This PR focuses on improving experience on Request tab - one improvement per commit:

    • Add message when there are no requests to display: when there are no matches instead of displaying an empty page, let user know that there are no filter results
    • Add 'Clear all filters' button - when user fills in a few filters, clearing them is rather tedious task so I thought it would be nice to have a button to clear filters.
    • Add small margin for filter selects: I think this change makes filter section looks much better.

    This branch is based off 4.2.0 tag, please let me know if I need to rebase.

    opened by glujan 11
  • Allow to generate more informative profile file name

    Allow to generate more informative profile file name

    The aim of this pull request is to generate a more informative profile file name. This would allow us to identify the endpoint that generates a profile file without the need to open it.

    To avoid breaking any existent use case I set this behavior behind the setting SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_EXTENDED_FILE_NAME that by default is disabled.

    If you think we can change the generated filename without worry we can simply apply this change always without the need to introduce the new settings.

    opened by k4rl85 0
  • When is the next release?

    When is the next release?

    Hello, when will you be releasing the next version on PyPI? Been waiting for commit e814d0c520165eb2cb0630a6f283b8ed0b803c6d for a couple of months now. Thank you.

    opened by joowani 0
  • RecursionError


    Hi folks,

    thanks a lot for this great tool!

    When use it in drf project got RecursionError after some time. More deeper analysis showed that some functions get called recursively more and more times and after standard recursion depth = 1000 we see error 500.

    Restarting of python runserver Resets this "counter".

    What can it be?

    2022-12-17 13:00:35,666-ERROR-catalog_logger::middleware|56:: [email protected] GET /api/catalogs/medicine_groups/ occurred exception
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 161, in wrapped_target
        result = target(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 159, in wrapped_target
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 78, in _start_queries
        self._queries_before = self._query_identifiers_from_collector()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 74, in _query_identifiers_from_collector
        return [x for x in DataCollector().queries]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 68, in queries
        return self._get_objects(TYP_QUERIES)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 75, in _get_objects
        objects = self.objects
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 64, in objects
        return getattr(self.local, 'objects', None)
    RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 506, in dispatch
        response = handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/opt/app/utils/", line 74, in list
        return super().list(request, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 161, in wrapped_target
        result = target(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 161, in wrapped_target
        result = target(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 161, in wrapped_target
        result = target(*args, **kwargs)
      [Previous line repeated 941 more times]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 168, in wrapped_target
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 109, in _finalise_queries
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 82, in _end_queries
        self._queries_after = self._query_identifiers_from_collector()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/profiling/", line 74, in _query_identifiers_from_collector
        return [x for x in DataCollector().queries]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 68, in queries
        return self._get_objects(TYP_QUERIES)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 75, in _get_objects
        objects = self.objects
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/silk/", line 64, in objects
        return getattr(self.local, 'objects', None)
    RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

    Can dynamic profiling of generic DRF views mixins be involdev?

            'module': 'rest_framework.mixins.RetrieveModelMixin',
            'function': 'retrieve'
            'module': 'rest_framework.mixins.CreateModelMixin',
            'function': 'create'
            'module': 'rest_framework.mixins.ListModelMixin',
            'function': 'list'
            'module': 'rest_framework.mixins.UpdateModelMixin',
            'function': 'update'
            'module': 'rest_framework.mixins.DestroyModelMixin',
            'function': 'destroy'
    opened by sergun 0
  • Allow to delete some requests

    Allow to delete some requests

    In development, I let silk live in the background and I often spawn its summary page to see page that takes the most time/queries.

    Now I sometimes use pdb on some requests so the time calculated for these is not relevant, and it would be nice to have a button to remove them from the DB so that the summary page can be updated.

    feature good first issue 
    opened by SebCorbin 0
  • 5.0.2(Oct 29, 2022)

    5.0.2 (2022-10-12)

    :release-by: Albert Wang (@albertyw) Full Changelog


    • Multipart forms and RawPostDataException (#592)
    • Decrease unnecessary database hits (#587) (#588)


    • Remove unneeded pytz package (#603)
    • Use contextlib in test_profile_parser (#590)
    • Add support for storages, that don't implement full filesystem path (#596)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.1(Jul 3, 2022)

  • 4.4.1(Jul 3, 2022)

  • 5.0.0(Jun 27, 2022)

  • 4.4.0(Jun 27, 2022)

    4.4.0 (2022-06-20)

    :release-by: Albert Wang (@albertyw) Full Changelog


    • Switch 'Apply' and 'Clear all filters' ordering
    • Make filters on Requests tab more visible
    • Add small margin for filter selects
    • Add 'Clear all filters' button
    • Add message when there are no requests to display
    • Making the error logging more accurate and explicit
    • Fixing #530 - Adding support for SILKY_EXPLAIN_FLAGS

    Maintenance and Cleanup:

    • Remove unused js compilation pipeline (#561)
    • Fix pre-commit-config


    • Update jquery to 3.6.0 and jquery-ui to 1.13.1 [#508]
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate (#560, #571)
    • Add django-upgrade to pre-commit hooks (#566)

    Moved to 5.0.0

    • Drop support for Django 2.2 (EOL) (#567)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.3.0(Mar 5, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Jazzband: Synced file(s) with jazzband/.github by @jazzband-bot in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Fix installation instructions in README by @side2k in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Add Python 3.10 compatibility by @hramezani in
    • Django main by @hramezani in
    • Remove unneeded dependency Pygments by @jayvdb in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Replace assertDictContainsSubset by @albertyw in
    • Use correct db in a multi db setup by @glujan in
    • Update django version by @eduzen in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Some tests misusing assertTrue for comparisons fix by @code-review-doctor in
    • Standardize supported django versions by @albertyw in
    • Drop support for python 3.6 by @albertyw in
    • Remove duplicate requirements.txt dependencies by @albertyw in
    • Pin dependencies in requirements.txt by @albertyw in
    • Release version v4.3.0 by @albertyw in

    New Contributors

    • @jazzband-bot made their first contribution in
    • @side2k made their first contribution in
    • @jayvdb made their first contribution in
    • @glujan made their first contribution in
    • @eduzen made their first contribution in
    • @code-review-doctor made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.0(Oct 23, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • #427 Passed WSGI request to SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_FUNC by @nasirhjafri in
    • Added Django 3.1 to Travis test matrix by @smithdc1 in
    • Do not crash when silk app is not included in urls by @asalahli in
    • Add the SILKY_JSON_ENSURE_ASCII configuration item to support Chinese by @eshxcmhk in
    • Add row view for requests page by @mierz00 in
    • RequestModelFactory: fallback if request body too large, fix #162 by @ge0rg in
    • Add query execution plan to sql_detail by @MRoci in
    • Add Python 3.9 compatibility by @tirkarthi in
    • Replace url with path for Django 4.0 by @MuslimBeibytuly in
    • Migrate to GitHub Actions. by @jezdez in
    • Rename Django's dev branch to main. by @jezdez in
    • Fix transaction error for mysql by @yuekui in
    • Fix django 3.2 support by @Jorl17 in
    • parse query when counting joins by @MRoci in
    • Update django support by @hramezani in
    • Temporary fix for testing Django 2.2 by @Andrew-Chen-Wang in
    • Fix egg metadata error by @Archmonger in
    • DOC: Remove outdated security notice by @MT-Cash in
    • fix incorrectly made decorator by @Archmonger in
    • Fixed a bug that the profile tab could not be opened when the source … by @Taikono-Himazin in
    • Generate missing row.css from sass file by @przxmek in
    • Ensure sorting between most db queries requests by @ErwinJunge in
    • Don't return null values when computing "Most Time Overall" summary by @ErwinJunge in
    • fix: DB connection to ClearDB when multiple databases by @prayashm in
    • Don't return null values when computing "Most Time Overall" summary by @ErwinJunge in
    • fix: DataCollector sql_queries model not found on filter(request=self… by @armanjtehrani in
    • Add tests that access the actual DB by @marius-mather in
    • Update Django Support in the by @starryrbs in
    • added with default_auto_field set by @daadu in
    • Make sensitive keys set configurable by @jeffrey-effendy in
    • Revert " added with default_auto_field set" by @auvipy in
    • remove python 2 style super() call from models by @auvipy in
    • remove python 2 style codes from across the codebase by @auvipy in
    • doc(readme): minor correction by @daadu in
    • Fix broken test on Windows 10 (SQLite) by @Archmonger in
    • Remove Make Migrations by @Archmonger in
    • Support Simple Pre-Commit CI by @Archmonger in
    • Add isort to CI by @Archmonger in
    • Remove garbage files by @Archmonger in
    • Add pyupgrade to CI by @Archmonger in
    • Add flake8, autopep8, and pycln to CI by @Archmonger in
    • Remove obsolete files by @Archmonger in
    • [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in
    • Docln by @auvipy in

    New Contributors

    • @smithdc1 made their first contribution in
    • @asalahli made their first contribution in
    • @mierz00 made their first contribution in
    • @ge0rg made their first contribution in
    • @MRoci made their first contribution in
    • @tirkarthi made their first contribution in
    • @MuslimBeibytuly made their first contribution in
    • @jezdez made their first contribution in
    • @yuekui made their first contribution in
    • @Jorl17 made their first contribution in
    • @hramezani made their first contribution in
    • @Andrew-Chen-Wang made their first contribution in
    • @Archmonger made their first contribution in
    • @MT-Cash made their first contribution in
    • @Taikono-Himazin made their first contribution in
    • @przxmek made their first contribution in
    • @ErwinJunge made their first contribution in
    • @prayashm made their first contribution in
    • @armanjtehrani made their first contribution in
    • @marius-mather made their first contribution in
    • @starryrbs made their first contribution in
    • @daadu made their first contribution in
    • @jeffrey-effendy made their first contribution in
    • @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.1.0(Aug 7, 2020)

    4.1.0 (2020-08-07)

    Full Changelog

    New features/Implemented enhancements:

    Fixed bugs:

    Closed issues:

    • _mask_credentials uses UGC in a regex substitution #410 (barm)
    • Django Silk is not compatible with Django 3.1: EmptyResultSet is removed in Django 3.1 #431 (Tirzono)

    Merged pull requests:

    • Wrap re.sub() in try-except #412 (bambookchos)
    • Replace the call to re.findall with re.sub in _mask_credentials so matched values are not treated as regex patterns #413 (ThePumpingLemma)
    • Capture entire key name during cleansing in _mask_credentials #414 (ThePumpingLemma)
    • Clear DB error when configuring silk to use a non-' default' database #417 (eshxcmhk)
    • Fix force_text RemovedInDjango40Warning #422 (justinmayhew)
    • Make compatible with Django 3.1 #432 (Tirzono)
    • Update django-silk is tested with Django 3.1 #433 (Tirzono)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.1(Mar 12, 2020)

    4.0.1 (2020-03-12)

    Full Changelog

    New features/Implemented enhancements:

    Fixed bugs:

    Closed issues:

    • The "Clear DB" page doesn't work with PostgreSQL #395 (Ikalou)

    Merged pull requests:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0(Jan 21, 2020)

    New features/Implemented enhancements:

    Fixed bugs:

    Closed issues:

    • Ability to clean up all requests/queries #365
    • Use bulk_create to save number of queries #369
    • Headers are not sanitized #375
    • Django 3 support #382
    • Support functional cProfile enable #390

    Merged pull requests:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.4(Sep 5, 2019)

    Implemented enhancements:

    • templates: limit select width to its container one #351 (xrmx)
    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning with {% load staticfiles %} #353 (devmonkey22)
    • Simplify pattern masking and handle dicts #355 (Chris7)

    Fixed bugs:

    Closed issues:

    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning warning re load staticfiles in Django 2.1+ #352

    Merged pull requests:

    • Fix masking sensitive data in batch JSON request #342 (nikolaik)
    • Fix project url on PyPi #343 (luzfcb)
    • templates: limit select width to its container one #351 (xrmx)
    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning with {% load staticfiles %} #353 (devmonkey22)
    • Simplify pattern masking and handle dicts #355 (Chris7)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.3(Aug 13, 2019)

    Implemented enhancements:

    • templates: limit select width to its container one #351 (xrmx)
    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning with {% load staticfiles %} #353 (devmonkey22)
    • Simplify pattern masking and handle dicts #355 (Chris7)

    Fixed bugs:

    Closed issues:

    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning warning re load staticfiles in Django 2.1+ #352

    Merged pull requests:

    • Fix masking sensitive data in batch JSON request #342 (nikolaik)
    • Fix project url on PyPi #343 (luzfcb)
    • templates: limit select width to its container one #351 (xrmx)
    • Clean up RemovedInDjango30Warning with {% load staticfiles %} #353 (devmonkey22)
    • Simplify pattern masking and handle dicts #355 (Chris7)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.2(Apr 23, 2019)

    Implemented enhancements:

    Fixed bugs:

    • Long url path causes Http 500 #312

    Closed issues:

    • Permission checking is skipped due to order of silk_profile decorator #336
    • Support gprof2dot 2017.09.19 #332
    • Duplicate #310 #328
    • Profiling management commands #327
    • NoReverseMatch at /cart/detail/ Reverse for 'cart_add' with arguments not found. #324
    • Request body sanitization #305
    • How to profile middleware? #303
    • Disabling Silk for specific URLs #292
    • silk_clear_request_log fails on Postgres #290
    • silk profile is not work, with dango-version 2.0.2 and django-silk version 2.0.0 #277
    • DataError: value too long for type character varying(190) #179

    Merged pull requests:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.1(Jul 3, 2018)

  • 3.0.0(May 28, 2018)

    • Dropped support for Django<1.11.0
    • Dropped support for python 3.3
    • Fix string/byte typing (#268)
    • Fix collecting meta profiling in Django > 2 (#274)
    • Fix FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME (#278)
    • Revert opening sql queries in new tab
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Jan 28, 2018)

    • Fix migration for request.prof_file field (#245)
    • Dropped support for Django 1.5
    • Dropped support for Django 1.6
    • Dropped support for Django 1.7 (#247)
    • Updated documentation (#250)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Dec 27, 2017)

    • Support for Django 2 and Python 3.6
    • Support garbage collecting old profiling data
    • Moved project to jazzband
    • Better data visualizations (#194)
    • Added ability to filter requests by http verb (#192)
    • Various UI fixes
    • Various bug and testing fixes
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Mar 25, 2017)

    • Improved MySQL support (#167 , #38)
      • Changes length of Request.path and Request.view_name fields
      • Length changes accounts for utf8bm4
    • Updates travis matrix and requirements dependencies versions (#165)
      • Drops Django 1.7 Support & starts Django 1.11 testing
    • Fixes scenario where ValueError exception is raised therefore causing no profiling to register (#161 , #164)
    • Adds configuration for wheels support (#168 , #149)
    • Adds Code style improvements for readability (#166)

    IMPORTANT As a major version release, expect some unintended quirks over existing installations. @smaccona highlighted a couple MySQL scenario's here . PostgreSQL users should be fine. Upgrade accordingly.

    Thanks to ( @auvipy, @smaccona , @PeRDy )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.7.3(Feb 13, 2017)

    • Improves profile storage location (#152, #151 )
      • ProfileDownloadView now available.
    • Stores cProfiler into threaded local storage (#153, #155)
    • Upgrades testing library.

    Thanks to ( @r3m0t , @Drache91).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.7.2(Dec 3, 2016)

    • Fixes Django 1.10 middleware instantiation issue #148
    • Fixes Middleware exception handling to be SQL agnostic #142, #144, #146, #150
    • Adds TravisCI testing of various SQL backends #145

    Thanks to ( @mattjegan , @hanleyhansen , @lockie )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.7.1(Oct 1, 2016)

    • In the event of an SQL OperationalError while trying to process a request due to a large query, a try catch was introduced to retry the processing (#140).

    Thanks to @hanleyhansen.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.7.0(Sep 21, 2016)

    • You can now choose to save binary profile to a path/location of your choosing. (#131)
    • Middleware update to SilkyMiddleware allows for Django 1.10 compatibility. (#138)
    • csrf imports in have been swapped to avoid emitting errors. (#136)
    • Manifest file update to allow compilation of project on Windows machines. (#139)
    • Logging has been namespaced for finer-grained control of logging output across Silk components. (#133)

    Thanks to (@javaguirre, @blag, @shanx, @leifdenby, @aehlke )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6.2(Jul 28, 2016)

  • 0.6.1(Jul 13, 2016)

    • Fix for install issue via file (#125, #126 , #127 , #128 ).
      • Manifest file includes all readme files.

    Thanks to (@hanleyhansen, @chid, @SzySteve)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6.0(Jul 12, 2016)

    • Ability to export .profile as binary downloads
    • Fixes to local development project to allow continued development
    • Fixes to all unit tests for a green TravisCI build
    • Usage of Django's six module versus a statically imported version
    • Upgrade of Pillow requirement for successful installation

    Thanks to: ( @hanleyhansen, @auvipy, @chrono, @svisser )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.7(Mar 21, 2016)

    • Django 1.9 support
    • Base64 encoding of raw request body for support of binary responses. (i.e. images)
    • Ability to sort ascending/descending order in the RequestsView.
    • Unit test enhancements.
    • Stability tweaks and small performance improvements.

    Thanks to ( @Alkalit , @trik , @blag , @Wrhector , @digitaldavenyc )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.6(Sep 6, 2015)

  • 0.5.2(Apr 15, 2015)

  • 0.5.1(Apr 8, 2015)

  • 0.5(Apr 8, 2015)

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