[cvpr22] Perturbed and Strict Mean Teachers for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation



[cvpr22] Perturbed and Strict Mean Teachers for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation

by Yuyuan Liu, Yu Tian, Yuanhong Chen, Fengbei Liu, Vasileios Belagiannis and Gustavo Carneiro

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2022



Please install the dependencies and dataset based on this installation document.

Getting start

Please follow this instruction document to reproduce our results.


Pascal VOC12 dataset

  1. augmented set

    Backbone 1/16 (662) 1/8 (1323) 1/4 (2646) 1/2 (5291)
    50 72.83 75.70 76.43 77.88
    101 75.50 78.20 78.72 79.76
  2. high quality set (based on res101)

    1/16 (92) 1/8 (183) 1/4 (366) 1/2 (732) full (1464)
    65.80 69.58 76.57 78.42 80.01

CityScape dataset

  1. following the setting of CAC (720x720, CE supervised loss)

    Backbone slid. eval 1/8 (372) 1/4 (744) 1/2 (1488)
    50 74.37 75.15 76.02
    50 75.76 76.92 77.64
    101 76.89 77.60 79.09
  2. following the setting of CPS (800x800, OHEM supervised loss)

    Backbone slid. eval 1/8 (372) 1/4 (744) 1/2 (1488)
    50 77.12 78.38 79.22

Training details

Some examples of training details, including:

  1. VOC12 dataset in this wandb link.
  2. Cityscapes dataset in this wandb link (w/ 1-teacher inference).

In details, after clicking the run, you can checkout:

  1. overall information (e.g., training command line, hardware information and training time).
  2. training details (e.g., loss curves, validation results and visualization)
  3. output logs (well, sometimes might crash ...)

Acknowledgement & Citation

The code is highly based on the CCT. Many thanks for their great work.

Please consider citing this project in your publications if it helps your research.

  title={Perturbed and Strict Mean Teachers for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Liu, Yuyuan and Tian, Yu and Chen, Yuanhong and Liu, Fengbei and Belagiannis, Vasileios and Carneiro, Gustavo},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12903},


  • Code of deeplabv3+ for voc12
  • Code of deeplabv3+ for cityscapes
  • Code of pspnet for voc12
Yuyuan Liu
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