A beacon generator using Cobalt Strike and a variety of tools.



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Beaconator is an aggressor script for Cobalt Strike used to generate either staged or stageless shellcode and packing the generated shellcode using your tool of choice.

Currently, it supports the following tools:

Staged Beacon Generator

Stageless Beacon Generator

How to Use


  1. Load the beaconator.cna file via Cobalt Strike > Script Manager.
  2. Access Beaconator from the menu bar by clicking the Generate Beacon menu.

Staged Beacon Generator


  1. Clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/cribdragg3r/Alaris.git
  1. Open beaconator.cna and change the value of the $ALARIS_DIR variable and point it to where Alaris is located.

Stageless Beacon Generator


  1. Install PEzor using the following:
git clone https://github.com/phra/PEzor.git
cd PEzor
  1. Add PEzor's $PATH variable in your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc (if using Bash), OR ~/.zprofile or ~/.zshrc (if using ZSH).


  1. Install the dependencies.
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y openssl osslsigncode mingw-w64
go get github.com/fatih/color
go get github.com/yeka/zip
go get github.com/josephspurrier/goversioninfo
  1. Clone the repo and build ScareCrow.
git clone https://github.com/optiv/ScareCrow.git
cd ScareCrow
go build ScareCrow.go
  1. Open beaconator.cna and change the value of the $SCARECROW_DIR variable and point it to where ScareCrow is located.



option-staged.png option-stageless.png


alaris-options.png alaris-console.png


pezor-options.png pezor-console.png


scarecrow-options.png scarecrow-console.png


  • null value error - Not fixed

    null value error - Not fixed

    The issue is not fixed by creating the folder output. See below:

    Executing: PEzor.sh -64 -unhook -antidebug -shellcode -format=exe /home/simon.davies/Cobalt_Strike_Aggressor_Scripts/Beaconator/output/shellcode.bin[10:31:56] null value error at beaconator.cna:140

    opened by Simon-Davies 4
  • options persist after payload creation

    options persist after payload creation

    If I create a payload with an option like -unhook and -x64. It will correctly create the payload. However if I then create a payload with just -x64 and -sgn, the script console says Executing: PEzor.sh -64 -unhook -sgn -shellcode -format=exe. It is keeping the old option of -unhook when not selected(the only option I have seen that does not persist to the next generation attempt is -32). I have to reload the script after every payload generation in order to get the correct options again.

    opened by foehammer762 3
  • Null error

    Null error

    The shellcode is being correctly generated but not the binary/dll in the directoty ../output/pezor/shellcode.bin.

    [*] Executing: PEzor -64 -unhook -antidebug -shellcode -format=dll /opt/tools/Beaconator/output/pezor/shellcode.bin[18:17:32] null value error at beaconator.cna:248

    FYI : The command is working fine when I run it manually in a terminal.

    opened by TH3xACE 2
  • null value error

    null value error

    When I try to create a payload using beaconater i get the folllowing error: null value error at beaconator.cna:140

    I can then copy paste the whole command from the script console to the terminal and that works properly. I already installed pezor and updated the PATH variable.
    Once I manually created the subfolder output and hard coded the full path to pezor, It is now creating the shellcode.bin file in the output folder but not creating the final payload even though it says Success beacon can be found at path/to/cna/output

    opened by foehammer762 2
  • Not sure if Bug??

    Not sure if Bug??

    null value error at beaconator.cna:243

    Tried with x86 and x64 using PEZor. With and without Syscalls in case that made any difference.

    Line 243 reads:


    opened by 4r33d0m 1
  • Fixed output folder issue and fixed issue with options persisting to subsequent payload generations

    Fixed output folder issue and fixed issue with options persisting to subsequent payload generations

    Added folder "output" and added .gitignore to ignore the generated payloads but keep the folder. This fixes the null value error. Added code to reset the options back to null so that you don't have to reload the cna script after every payload generation.

    opened by foehammer762 0
  • 2.0(Aug 10, 2021)

    • Added Alaris for generating staged shellcode
    • Added ScareCrow for generating stageless shellcode
    • Created a helper script for ScareCrow
    • Categorized selection as Staged or Stageless
    • Added tool output subfolders
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1(Jul 23, 2021)

    • Fixed error check with the use of x86 arch & syscalls
    • Fixed the "null value error" due to missing output folder
    • Fixed issue with options persisting to subsequent payload generations
    • Added PEzor's BOF format
    • Added the -cleanup option for BOFs
    • Added the -sleep option
    • Added more error checks
    • Cleaned up the code
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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