Some usefull scripts for the Nastran's 145 solution (Flutter Analysis) using the pyNastran package.




This project is intended to analyse the Supersonic Panel Flutter using the NASTRAN software.

The project uses the pyNastran and the python scientific packeges (i.e scipy, numpy, matplotlib).

Currently, the focus is to use the aerodynamic Piston Theory, available on NASTRAN with the CAERO5 element. But it can be extended to use with any aerodynamic element.

This software is result of a research project of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).


An exemple of utilization is on the script.

First it generates the plate structure and required properties.

import numpy as np
from nastran.structures.panel import LaminatedStructuralPlate
from nastran.structures.composite import OrthotropicMaterial

a, b = 100, 100

p1 = np.array([0, 0, 0])
p2 = p1 + np.array([a, 0, 0])
p3 = p1 + np.array([a, b, 0])
p4 = p1 + np.array([0, b, 0])

cfrp = OrthotropicMaterial(1, 54000., 18000., 0.3, 7200., 2.6e-9)

nchord, nspan = 10, 10

lam = LaminatedStructuralPlate.create_sawyer_plate(p1, p2, p3, p4, nspan, nchord, 1, 45, 6, 0.1, cfrp)

Then you can add the analysis properties for SOL 145 Aeroelastic Dynamic Flutter. The PanelFlutterPistonAnalysisModel class is a wrapper of the pyNastran's BDF class.

from import PanelFlutterPistonAnalysisModel

config = {
    'vref': 1000.,                      # used to calculate the non-dimensional dynamic pressure must be the same in control case (mm/s in the case)
    'ref_rho': 1.225e-12,               # air density reference (ton/mm^3 in the case)
    'ref_chord': 300.,                  # reference chord (mm in the case)
    'n_modes': 15,                      # number searched modes in modal analysis
        [.0, 3000.],                    # the range of frequency (Hz) in modal analysis
    'method': 'PK',                     # the method for solving flutter (it will determine the next parameters
    'densities_ratio': [.5],            # rho/rho_ref -> 1/2 simulates the "one side flow" of the panel (? reference ?)
    'machs': [3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5],      # Mach numbers
    'alphas': [.0, .0, .0, .0],         # AoA (°) -> 0 is more conservative (? reference ?)
        [.001, .01, .1, .2, .4, .8],    # reduced frequencies (k) (check influence)
    'velocities':                       # velocities (mm/s in the case)
        np.linspace(10, 100, 10)*1000,

params =  {
    'VREF': 1000.0,
    'COUPMASS': 1,
    'LMODES': 20,
    # 'POST': [-1]

analysis = PanelFlutterPistonAnalysisModel(lam.bdf, params=params)

You can add "super" panels, that is just a wrapper of CAEROx elements that make one element.

from import SuperAeroPanel5

spanel_p = SuperAeroPanel5(1, p1, p2, p3, p4, nchord, nspan, theory='VANDYKE')

You can set multiple subcases for example varing the boundary conditions.

cases_labels = {
    1: "Loaded edges SS & unloaded edges SS",
    2: "Loaded edges SS & unloaded edges CP",
    3: "Loaded edges SS & unloaded edges SS/CP",

spc_cases = {
    1: ('123', '123', '123', '123'),             # loaded edges SS, unloaded edges SS
    2: ('123', '123', '123456', '123456'),       # loaded edges SS, unloaded edges CP
    3: ('123', '123', '123', '123456'),          # loaded edges SS, unloaded edges SS/CP

for i, spcs in spc_cases.items():
    spc_id = analysis.idutil.get_next_sid()
    for comp, nds in zip(list(spcs), lam.limit_nodes()):
        if comp == '':
        analysis.model.add_spc1(spc_id, comp, nds, comment=cases_labels[i])
    sub_config = {
        'LABEL': cases_labels[i],
        'SPC': spc_id,
    analysis.create_subcase_from_dict(PanelFlutterSubcase, i, sub_config)

Then you must write all cards to the BDF object and export the file.

analysis.model.write_bdf('pflutter.bdf', enddata=True)

Then you can run the analysis and post-processes.


The postprocessing generates DataFrames objects from the .f06 result files.

from import read_f06, get_critical_roots, plot_vf_vg

df = read_f06("pflutter.f06")

critic_df = get_critical_roots(df)

fig = plot_vf_vg(df.xs((1,3.5))) # Subcase, Mach

And Plots



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    Bump pywin32 from 227 to 301

    Bumps pywin32 from 227 to 301.

    Release notes

    Sourced from pywin32's releases.

    Release 301

    The changes

    If you use pip: pip install pywin32 --upgrade

    A number of things don't work via pip, so you may choose to install binaries - but you must choose both the correct Python version and "bittedness".

    Even if you have a 64bit computer, if you installed a 32bit version of Python you must install the 32bit version of pywin32.

    There is one binary per-version, per-bittedness. To determine what version of Python you have, start Python and look at the first line of the banner. Compare these 2:

    Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
    Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

    If the installation process informs you that Python is not found in the registry, it almost certainly means you have downloaded the wrong version - either for the wrong version of Python, or the wrong "bittedness".

    Release 300

    This is the first release to support only Python 3.5 and up - Python 2 is no longer supported. To celebrate, the build numbers have jumped to 300! There were significant changes in this release - you are encouraged to read CHANGES.txt carefully.

    To download pywin32 binaries you must choose both the correct Python version and "bittedness".

    Note that there is one download package for each supported version of Python - please check what version of Python you have installed and download the corresponding package.

    Some packages have a 32bit and a 64bit version available - you must download the one which corresponds to the Python you have installed. Even if you have a 64bit computer, if you installed a 32bit version of Python you must install the 32bit version of pywin32.

    To determine what version of Python you have, just start Python and look at the first line of the banner. A 32bit build will look something like

    Python 3.8.1+ ... [MSC v.1913 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

    While a 64bit build will look something like:

    Python 3.8.1+ ... [MSC v.1913 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

    If the installation process informs you that Python is not found in the registry, it almost certainly means you have downloaded the wrong version - either for the wrong version of Python, or the wrong "bittedness".

    Release 228

    To download pywin32 binaries you must choose both the correct Python version and "bittedness".

    Note that there is one download package for each supported version of Python - please check what version of Python you have installed and download the corresponding package.

    Some packages have a 32bit and a 64bit version available - you must download the one which corresponds to the Python you have installed. Even if you have a 64bit computer, if you installed a 32bit version of Python you must install the 32bit version of pywin32.

    To determine what version of Python you have, just start Python and look at the first line of the banner. A 32bit build will look something like

    Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

    While a 64bit build will look something like:

    Python 2.7.2+ ... [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from pywin32's changelog.

    A changelog for recent builds as pasted into the sourceforge page.

    Generally created by hand after running: hg log -rb2xx: > log.out However contributors are encouraged to add their own entries for their work.

    Note that build 228 was the last version supporting Python 2.

    Since build 300:

    • Fix some confusion on how dynamic COM object properties work. The old code was confused, so there's a chance there will be some subtle regression here - please open a bug if you find anything, but this should fix #1427.

    • COM objects are now registered with the full path to pythoncomXX.dll, fixes #1704.

    • Creating a win32crypt.CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE object now correctly sets cbData.

    • Add wrap and unwrap operations defined in the GSSAPI to the sspi module and enhance the examples given in this module. (#1692, Emmanuel Coirier)

    • Fix a bug in win32profile.GetEnvironmentStrings() relating to environment variables with an equals sign (@​maxim-krikun in #1661)

    • Fixed a bug where certain COM dates would fail to be converted to a Python datetime object with ValueError: microsecond must be in 0..999999. Shoutout to @​hujiaxing for reporting and helping reproduce the issue (#1655)

    • Added and related constants.

    • CoClass objects should work better with special methods like len etc. (#1699)

    • Shifted work in win32.lib.pywin32_bootstrap to Python's import system from manual path manipulations (@​wkschwartz in #1651)

    • Fixed a bug where win32print.DeviceCapabilities would return strings containing the null character followed by junk characters. (#1654, #1660, Lincoln Puzey)

    Since build 228:

    • Fixed a bug where win32com.client.VARIANT params were returned in the reverse order. This only happened when win32com.client.VARIANT was explicitly used (ie, not when normal params were passed) For example:
          arg1 = VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_R4 | pythoncom.VT_BYREF, 2.0)

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
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    Sourced from pyyaml's changelog.

    5.4 (2021-01-19)

    • 58d0cb7 5.4 release
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    • ee98abd Run CI on PR base branch changes
    • ddf2033 constructor.timezone: _copy & deepcopy
    • fc914d5 Avoid repeatedly appending to yaml_implicit_resolvers
    • a001f27 Fix for CVE-2020-14343
    • fe15062 Add 3.9 to appveyor file for completeness sake
    • 1e1c7fb Add a newline character to end of pyproject.toml
    • 0b6b7d6 Start sentences and phrases for capital letters
    • c976915 Shell code improvements
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Chordwise camber geometry (curved panel)

    Chordwise camber geometry (curved panel)

    Piston Theory on Nastran has a set of parameters called Thickness Integrals, which is to account for foil thickness in an aerodynamic sense, but it must retain the chord rigidity assumption. For a panel, which has a chord-wise flexibility one element could not represent the behavior of the panel. Instead, if a set of elements is utilized it can achieve representation of the model and comply with the rigidity of the chord of the element at the same time.

    Currently, only a flat panel (plate) is implemented, but in theory, we can in implement curved panels too.

    opened by vsdsantos 0
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