Demonstrate how GitHub OIDC token getting should be included in boto3


boto3 should add direct support for AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity for GitHub Actions

There is a aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action that will get AWS credentials for you based on STS.AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, and put the credentials in environment variables. I see two problems with this:

  • You need to put a whole step in your job definition. Why can't it just be environment variables? Or a config file in the repo, just like the ~/.aws/config file you use elsewhere?
  • You can't use more than one role at a time. At best, you would need to serialize your use of multiple roles, separated by steps to assume those different roles.

This repo demonstrates how we can solve both problems in botocore. botocore would add a new CredentialProvider. See the demo action and the demo code, the changes for botocore, and the logs for a run.

This implementation would give you two options:

Environment variables

This is the simplest method. You would set AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole (using your role ARN, of course) and AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_SERVER=GitHub in the environment, and it would get picked up. You can optionally set AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME as well.

Note you can do this today for web identity, except that it only works with token files and the AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE environment variable. Indeed, Aidan Steele used this method a blog post to make GitHub actions work, before the AWS-created action was available.

Config file

An alternative, which would also support multiple roles, is a config file. The format for profiles would look like this:

role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole
web_identity_token_server = GitHub
region = us-east-2

(Note: role_session_name is optional in these profiles, but I set it in the config file to help differentiate which profile is being used).

Unfortunately, this requires one additional piece of configuration. The root of the checked-out repository is /home/runner/work/github-actions-boto3-demo/github-actions-boto3-demo while ~/.aws/config resolves to /home/runner/.aws/config. This means you need to set AWS_CONFIG_FILE=.github/workflows/aws_config (or whatever the path for the config file in the repo is) in the environment.

See the config file for examples.


The default audience for the OIDC token is the repo URL, which is a little weird. The audience is who should be receiving the token, which for us is the role(s) we're assuming. On the AWS side, the OIDC provider can have a list of audiences it will accept.

It should be something like the application on the destination side of the role assumption, ideally like the CloudFormation stack name that the role is in. But absent that I'd say it should be the STS service principal,

But as far as I can tell, any value provided to the GitHub OIDC token vendor other than sigstore (no idea what that's for) returns an error, including the default audience value of the repo URL.

But I've provided the ability to set the audience manually, by adding a comma-separated value at the end of the token server config value (either web_identity_token_server in the config file or AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_SERVER in the enviornment). See the config file for examples of this (using sigstore).

Manual config

AWS might object to baking in knowledge of a 3rd party provider, so I also allowed for this to be generic. Instead of a convenient "GitHub" value for web_identity_token_server, you provide a comma-separated list of the environment variables for the URL and for the token. The code then parses the configuration from this, rather than storing direct knowledge of GitHub in the code. It's then generic, rather than GitHub-specific, but requires basically a magic incantation that people would have to copy and paste. You could even take that further and make it a base64-encoded JSON object if it needed to be more complicated, a proper opaque config value.

See the config file for examples of the manual configuration.

Ben Kehoe
Cloud Robotics Research Scientist at iRobot | AWS Serverless Hero
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