Bridges by Calls Music
Experimental bridges between Telegram calls and other platforms.
Current bridges
Work-in-progress bridges
All bridges are licensed under LGPL 3.0 or any later version. See the license file.
Experimental bridges between Telegram calls and other platforms.
All bridges are licensed under LGPL 3.0 or any later version. See the license file.
pyDF-Bot 🌍 Pydf - Pyrogram Document File Bot, a modular Telegram Bot which prov
Karen is a Discord Bot that will check for a list of forbidden words/expressions, removing the message that contains them and replying with another message. Everything is highly customizable.
AWS CloudSaga - Simulate security events in AWS AWS CloudSaga is for customers to test security controls and alerts within their Amazon Web Services ( · Código @client.event async def on_ready(): print('He iniciado sessión en: {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_messa
Zeitman_autofill Filling out Zeitman is boring. This script might make some of the pain go away. Requirements The selenium package and Chrome webdrive
documerica This repository holds JSON(L) artifacts and a few scripts related to managing archival data from the EPA's DOCUMERICA program. Contents: Ma
KTUN_Obis KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine selenium kullanarak girip dosyasında verdiğiniz bilgeri doldurup ardınd
Telegram Word Bot A simple Telegram bot that analyses a given word, built with python-telegram-bot. The bot is fairly useless - unless you often need
📌 DarkV2ray-Manager-Bot 0.1 UPDATE 11/11/2021 Telegram bot v2ray Test user expired date data limit paylode && sni usage user on/off heroku bot hostin
For specific function. For my own convenience. Remind owner to share data to another DITO user.
dssp-wsl Converting PDB (Protein Data Bank) file format to DSSP file format is required for generating datasets of peptides and their secondary struct
AWS Org Inventory Dumps to CSV all the resources in an organization's member accounts. Set your environment's AWS_PROFILE and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION varia
Mooncord 🌙 Discord server: Fast and small Discord-Toolset. Enjoy? Star this repo ⭐ (Main file in Mooncord/Moon-1.0.1/vers
nuub-bot About Nuub-Bot is an open source, fully customizable Discord bot that is constantly growing. You can invite it to your Discord server using t
Muzan-Discord-Nuker This is Just a simple discord server nuker in python. ✨ Feat
X-Whatsapp Hack WhatsApp Account Easily(Android) HOW TO RUN 👇 (Termux) pkg update && pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install git git clone https:/
SmsSender v3.0.0 - скрипт предназначен для бесплатной отправки SMS на любой номер и с любым текстом. Возможны небольшие баги, в скором времени исправл
MIRROR HUNTER This Mirror Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Repo la
AntiChannelBan This is a Anti Channel Ban Robots delete and ban message sent by channels Heroku Deployment 💜 Heroku is the best way to host ur Projec
Twitlists A while ago, Twitter changed their timeline to be algorithmically-fed rather than a simple reverse-chronological feed. In particular, they p