KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine bağlanıp her 15 dakikada notları kontrol eden ve değişiklik olduğu zaman size Discord Webhook ile mesaj atan uygulama.




KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemi

KTUN Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine selenium kullanarak girip setttings.py dosyasında verdiğiniz bilgeri doldurup ardından opencv kullanarak captcha kodunu çözen ve not bilgilerine giriş yapıp not bilgilerinizi kaydeden uygulama. Her 15 dakikada bir tekrar notları çeken sistem size değişen not olduğu zaman Discord Webhooklarını kullanarak size etiketler ve size değişen notları gönderir.

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Dosyaları indirip kuruluma başlayın.

Virtual Environment

Paket uyumsuzluklarını önlemek için sanal ortam oluşturmalıyız.

  • pip
    pip install virtualenv

virtualenv ile venv adında bir sanal ortam oluşturuyoruz. (venv yerine istediğiniz ismi verebilirsiniz)

virtualenv venv

Sanal ortamı aktive ediyoruz.



  1. Dosyaları bilgisayarına indirin.
  2. settings.py dosyasını düzenleyin
    # <örnek> kısımlarını silip kendi bilgilerinizi girin 
     EMAIL='<email adresin>'
     WEBHOOK_URL='<webhook linki>'
     DISCORD_USER_ID='<discord id>'
    Discord Webhook hakkında detaylı bilgi için tıkla.
    Discord kullanıcı ID'sini nereden bulacağını bilmiyorsan tıkla.
  3. Gerekli kütüphaneleri kurun.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Uygulamayı çalıştırın.
python -m main.py
İbrahim Uysal
İbrahim Uysal
Python written Rule34 API

Python written Rule34 API

1 Nov 11, 2021
A python library for building user interfaces in discord.

blurple.py A front-end framework for discord.py Blurple.py is a framework built on top of discord.py, giving you the tools you need to build discord b

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Aula-API - a school system widely used in Denmark, as you can see and read about in the python file

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Qbittorrent / Aria2 Mirror & Leech Telegram Bot

This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram. Based on python-aria-mirror-bot Feature

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Integrating the Daraja-Api with Python language

Mpesa-Daraja-Api Integrating the Daraja-Api with Python language. Credentials.py file This file contains the consumer key and the consumer secrete key

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A library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation

Trade Engine a library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation Features Limit/Market orders: you can place a Limit or Market order in

Ali Moradi 7 Jul 02, 2022
Simple Python Auto Follow Bot

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CodingLinhTinh 3 Aug 27, 2022
A simple Python TDLib wrapper

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A Discord Rich Presence App to set your own custom rich presence.

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Reddit cli to slack at work

Reddit CLI (v1.0) Introduction Why Reddit CLI? Coworker who sees me looking at something in a browser: "Glad you're not busy; I need you to do this, t

3 Jun 22, 2021
Automatic generation of crypto-arts based on image layers

NFT Generator Автоматическая генерация крипто-артов на основе слоев изображения. Установка pip3 install -r requirements.txt rm -rf result/* Как это ра

Zproger 31 Dec 29, 2022
tgEasy's Official Assistant Bot and Example Bot

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A Simple Telegram Maths Calculator Bot

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ᗪᗩᖇK ✞Oᖇᗪ 1 Dec 18, 2021
Bringing Ethereum Virtual Machine to StarkNet at warp speed!

Warp Warp brings EVM compatible languages to StarkNet, making it possible to transpile Ethereum smart contracts to Cairo, and use them on StarkNet. Ta

Nethermind 700 Dec 26, 2022
Innocent-Bot - A Discord client self-bot for destroying, nuking and causing mischief in servers

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†† 5 Jan 26, 2022
Dashbot is an application for showing the trade in U.S. Trade Market

Dashbot is an application for showing the trade in U.S. Trade Market (e.g., 4:00am to 8:00pm Eastern Time for the US market using Intraday data using Mercury..

Ahmed Nabil 2 Jan 27, 2022

阿里云盘上传脚本 Author:李小恩 Github:https://github.com/Hidove/aliyundrive-uploader 如有侵权,请联系我删除 禁止用于非法用途,违者后果自负 环境要求 python3 使用方法 安装 git clone https://github.co

Hidove 301 Jan 01, 2023
The official Python library for Shodan

shodan: The official Python library and CLI for Shodan Shodan is a search engine for Internet-connected devices. Google lets you search for websites,

John Matherly 2.1k Dec 31, 2022
Template to create a telegram bot in python

Template for Telegram Bot Template to create a telegram bot in python. How to Run First add src to PYTHONPATH: export PYTHONPATH=${PWD} Then run: pyt

Ali Hejazizo 12 Dec 24, 2022
Available slots checker for Spanish Passport

Bot that checks for available slots to make an appointment to issue the Spanish passport at the Uruguayan consulate page

1 Nov 30, 2021