SummerTime - Text Summarization Toolkit for Non-experts


SummerTime - Text Summarization Toolkit for Non-experts

CI License Open In Colab

A library to help users choose appropriate summarization tools based on their specific tasks or needs. Includes models, evaluation metrics, and datasets.

The library architecture is as follows:

NOTE: SummerTime is in active development, any helpful comments are highly encouraged, please open an issue or reach out to any of the team members.

Installation and setup

Create and activate a new conda environment:

!conda create -n summertime python=3.7
!conda activate summertime

pip dependencies for local demo:

!pip install -r requirements.txt
!export ROUGE_HOME=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/summ_eval/ROUGE-1.5.5/
!pip install -U  git+

Quick Start

Imports model, initializes default model, and summarizes sample documents.

import model as st_model

model = st_model.summarizer()
documents = [
    """ PG&E stated it scheduled the blackouts in response to forecasts for high winds amid dry conditions. 
    The aim is to reduce the risk of wildfires. Nearly 800 thousand customers were scheduled to be affected 
    by the shutoffs which were expected to last through at least midday tomorrow."""

# ["California's largest electricity provider has turned off power to hundreds of thousands of customers."]

Also, please run our colab notebook for a more hands-on demo and more examples.

Open In Colab


Supported Models

SummerTime supports different models (e.g., TextRank, BART, Longformer) as well as model wrappers for more complex summariztion tasks (e.g., JointModel for multi-doc summarzation, BM25 retrieval for query-based summarization).

Models Single-doc Multi-doc Dialogue-based Query-based
BartModel ✔️
BM25SummModel ✔️
HMNetModel ✔️
LexRankModel ✔️
LongformerModel ✔️
MultiDocJointModel ✔️
MultiDocSeparateModel ✔️
PegasusModel ✔️
TextRankModel ✔️
TFIDFSummModel ✔️

To see all supported models, run:

from model import SUPPORTED_SUMM_MODELS

Import and initialization:

import model as st_model

# To use a default model
default_model = st_model.summarizer()    

# Or a specific model
bart_model = st_model.BartModel()
pegasus_model = st_model.PegasusModel()
lexrank_model = st_model.LexRankModel()
textrank_model = st_model.TextRankModel()

Users can easily access documentation to assist with model selection


To use a model for summarization, simply run:

documents = [
    """ PG&E stated it scheduled the blackouts in response to forecasts for high winds amid dry conditions. 
    The aim is to reduce the risk of wildfires. Nearly 800 thousand customers were scheduled to be affected 
    by the shutoffs which were expected to last through at least midday tomorrow."""

# or 

All models can be initialized with the following optional options:

def __init__(self,
         trained_domain: str=None,
         max_input_length: int=None,
         max_output_length: int=None,

All models will implement the following methods:

def summarize(self,
  corpus: Union[List[str], List[List[str]]],
  queries: List[str]=None) -> List[str]:

def show_capability(cls) -> None:


Datasets supported

SummerTime supports different summarization datasets across different domains (e.g., CNNDM dataset - news article corpus, Samsum - dialogue corpus, QM-Sum - query-based dialogue corpus, MultiNews - multi-document corpus, ML-sum - multi-lingual corpus, PubMedQa - Medical domain, Arxiv - Science papers domain, among others.

Dataset Domain # Examples Src. length Tgt. length Query Multi-doc Dialogue Multi-lingual
ArXiv Scientific articles 215k 4.9k 220
CNN/DM(3.0.0) News 300k 781 56
MlsumDataset Multi-lingual News 1.5M+ 632 34 ✔️ German, Spanish, French, Russian, Turkish
Multi-News News 56k 2.1k 263.8 ✔️
SAMSum Open-domain 16k 94 20 ✔️
Pubmedqa Medical 272k 244 32 ✔️
QMSum Meetings 1k 9.0k 69.6 ✔️ ✔️
ScisummNet Scientific articles 1k 4.7k 150
SummScreen TV shows 26.9k 6.6k 337.4 ✔️
XSum News 226k 431 23.3

To see all supported datasets, run:

import dataset


Dataset Initialization

import dataset

cnn_dataset = dataset.CnndmDataset()
# or 
xsum_dataset = dataset.XsumDataset()
# ..etc
Dataset Object

All datasets are implementations of the SummDataset class. Their data splits can be accessed as follows:

dataset = dataset.CnndmDataset()

train_data = dataset.train_set  
dev_data = dataset.dev_set  
test_data = dataset.test_set        

To see the details of the datasets, run:

dataset = dataset.CnndmDataset()

Data instance

The data in all datasets is contained in a SummInstance class object, which has the following properties:

data_instance.source = source    # either `List[str]` or `str`, depending on the dataset itself, string joining may needed to fit into specific models.
data_instance.summary = summary  # a string summary that serves as ground truth
data_instance.query = query      # Optional, applies when a string query is present

print(data_instance)             # to print the data instance in its entirety

Loading and using data instances

Data is loaded using a generator to save on space and time

To get a single instance

data_instance = next(cnn_dataset.train_set)

To get a slice of the dataset

import itertools

# Get a slice from the train set generator - first 5 instances
train_set = itertools.islice(cnn_dataset.train_set, 5)

corpus = [instance.source for instance in train_set]

Using the datasets with the models - Examples

import itertools
import dataset
import model

cnn_dataset = dataset.CnndmDataset()

# Get a slice of the train set - first 5 instances
train_set = itertools.islice(cnn_dataset.train_set, 5)

corpus = [instance.source for instance in train_set]

# Example 1 - traditional non-neural model
# LexRank model
lexrank = model.LexRankModel(corpus)

lexrank_summary = lexrank.summarize(corpus)

# Example 2 - A spaCy pipeline for TextRank (another non-neueral extractive summarization model)
# TextRank model
textrank = model.TextRankModel()

textrank_summary = textrank.summarize(corpus)

# Example 3 - A neural model to handle large texts
# LongFormer Model
longformer = model.LongFormerModel()

longformer_summary = longformer.summarize(corpus)


SummerTime supports different evaluation metrics including: BertScore, Bleu, Meteor, Rouge, RougeWe

To print all supported metrics:



Import and initialization:

import evaluation as st_eval

bert_eval = st_eval.bertscore()
bleu_eval = st_eval.bleu_eval()
meteor_eval = st_eval.bleu_eval()
rouge_eval = st_eval.rouge()
rougewe_eval = st_eval.rougewe()

Evaluation Class

All evaluation metrics can be initialized with the following optional arguments:

def __init__(self, metric_name):

All evaluation metric objects implement the following methods:

def evaluate(self, model, data):

def get_dict(self, keys):

Using evaluation metrics

Get sample summary data

from evaluation.base_metric import SummMetric
from evaluation import Rouge, RougeWe, BertScore

import itertools

# Evaluates model on subset of cnn_dailymail
# Get a slice of the train set - first 5 instances
train_set = itertools.islice(cnn_dataset.train_set, 5)

corpus = [instance for instance in train_set]

articles = [instance.source for instance in corpus]

summaries = sample_model.summarize(articles)
targets = [instance.summary for instance in corpus]

Evaluate the data on different metrics

from evaluation import  BertScore, Rouge, RougeWe,

# Calculate BertScore
bert_metric = BertScore()
bert_score = bert_metric.evaluate(summaries, targets)

# Calculate Rouge
rouge_metric = Rouge()
rouge_score = rouge_metric.evaluate(summaries, targets)

# Calculate RougeWe
rougewe_metric = RougeWe()
rougwe_score = rougewe_metric.evaluate(summaries, targets)

To contribute

Pull requests

Create a pull request and name it [your_gh_username]/[your_branch_name]. If needed, resolve your own branch's merge conflicts with main. Do not push directly to main.

Code formatting

If you haven't already, install black and flake8:

pip install black
pip install flake8

Before pushing commits or merging branches, run the following commands from the project root. Note that black will write to files, and that you should add and commit changes made by black before pushing:

black .
flake8 .

Or if you would like to lint specific files:

black path/to/specific/
flake8 path/to/specific/

Ensure that black does not reformat any files and that flake8 does not print any errors. If you would like to override or ignore any of the preferences or practices enforced by black or flake8, please leave a comment in your PR for any lines of code that generate warning or error logs. Do not directly edit config files such as setup.cfg.

See the black docs and flake8 docs for documentation on installation, ignoring files/lines, and advanced usage. In addition, the following may be useful:

  • black [] --diff to preview changes as diffs instead of directly making changes
  • black [] --check to preview changes with status codes instead of directly making changes
  • git diff -u | flake8 --diff to only run flake8 on working branch changes

Note that our CI test suite will include invoking black --check . and flake8 --count . on all non-unittest and non-setup Python files, and zero error-level output is required for all tests to pass.


Our continuous integration system is provided through Github actions. When any pull request is created or updated or whenever main is updated, the repository's unit tests will be run as build jobs on tangra for that pull request. Build jobs will either pass or fail within a few minutes, and build statuses and logs are visible under Actions. Please ensure that the most recent commit in pull requests passes all checks (i.e. all steps in all jobs run to completion) before merging, or request a review. To skip a build on any particular commit, append [skip ci] to the commit message. Note that PRs with the substring /no-ci/ anywhere in the branch name will not be included in CI.


This repository is built by the LILY Lab at Yale University, led by Prof. Dragomir Radev. The main contributors are Ansong Ni, Zhangir Azerbayev, Troy Feng, Murori Mutuma and Yusen Zhang (Penn State).

If you use SummerTime in your work, consider citing:

     title={SummerTime: Text Summarization Toolkit for Non-experts}, 
     author={Ansong Ni and Zhangir Azerbayev and Mutethia Mutuma and Troy Feng and Yusen Zhang and Tao Yu and Ahmed Hassan Awadallah and Dragomir Radev},
     journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.12738},

For comments and question, please open an issue.

  • evaluation refactoring

    evaluation refactoring

    Modified evaluation library to better align with style conventions.

    One thing I can't figure out how to do is import SummModel into for type annotation purposes. Any help with this is appreciated.

    opened by zhangir-azerbayev 13
  • cleanup to prepare for the 0.1 release

    cleanup to prepare for the 0.1 release

    Cleaned up files/dirs that are not touch for 5+ months.

    There are some files that I am not sure whether they can be deleted, for which I will ask people to take a look in the follow-up thread.

    opened by niansong1996 12
  • Integration with SummEval

    Integration with SummEval

    @MuroriM Alex just sent out an email about SummEval being pip installable now, can you give some progress information here about integrating it with SummerTime?

    bug feature request 
    opened by niansong1996 11
  • Add XLSum and Massivesumm datasets

    Add XLSum and Massivesumm datasets

    Add the XLSum and Massivesumm datasets to SummerTime.

    still TODO:

    • add to documentation for these datasets in readme
    • create tests for these datasets
    • add support for initializing Massivesumm dataset with multiple languages
    • add utility function for downloading URL zip file from google drive
    • file organization?
    • reduce code reuse between multilingual datasets?
    • Remove big dictionary of links from ??(instead parse TSV from git repo??)
    opened by haileyschoelkopf 10
  • Troyfeng116/code styling test

    Troyfeng116/code styling test

    • Test linters (black and flake8) on sample file (see model/ for formatting diffs)
    • Add Contributors section to README with guidelines on code styling and linting
    opened by troyfeng116 10
  • Adds a try-except block for datasets that may occasionally fail

    Adds a try-except block for datasets that may occasionally fail

    • Creates a 'loading_dataset' function wrapper that has a try-except block to catch when the dataset trying to be loaded cannot be reached online.
    • Implemented for the MLsum Dataset, which occasionally has this issue
    opened by MuroriM 8
  • Yusen hmnet1

    Yusen hmnet1

    This is an intermediate result for HMNet. We need to merge after pipelining the QMSum dataset etc.


    1. checkpoint saving and loading
    2. pos_tag and role vector saving
    3. interface to the "corpus"
    4. minimize the dependencies that need to be installed
    opened by chatc 8
  • Input for Single-Doc Summerization

    Input for Single-Doc Summerization

    Hello, Is it possible to provide a list of (already split) sentences as the source input to the summarizer, as opposed to a single source document? The goal is to treat each list of sentences as one long sequence during extractive summarization.

    opened by johnhutx 6
  • Add mT5

    Add mT5

    add mT5 model (using a checkpoint fine-tuned on the XLSum dataset.)

    Ready to merge, but still todo:

    • possibly adding the rest of the 101 languages that mT5-base was trained on to supported languages, instead of just including the languages in XLSum as supported languages (~45 languages)
    opened by haileyschoelkopf 6
  • Add translation pipeline model

    Add translation pipeline model

    add a translation pipeline model class (other lang -> translate to english -> summarization in english -> translate summaries to english)

    Addressing #109

    opened by haileyschoelkopf 5
  • Troyfeng116/integration tests

    Troyfeng116/integration tests

    • Add basic integration tests
    • Update model tests: assert model output typing + against input instances
    • Debug dataset + eval tests
    • Update model classes for new output type assertions


    • Eval tests still failing to run
    • Add py7zr pip dependency
    • SummEval backend eval metrics still broken on both local machine + Tangra
    opened by troyfeng116 4
  • Error loading SUPPORTED_EVALUATION_METRICS library due to Matplotlib

    Error loading SUPPORTED_EVALUATION_METRICS library due to Matplotlib


    I get this error AttributeError: module 'matplotlib.cbook' has no attribute '_make_class_factory'

    I tried running this command on diff matplotlib versions: 3.0 & 2.1.1 but always with the same results.

    I'm trying to run the code on Colab, on a Mac M1 chip.


    opened by mterrestre01 0
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'summertime'

    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'summertime'

    Hello! I'm trying to install summertime, but I cannot import it after installation.

    How to reproduce

    Run on colab:

    %pip install [email protected]+
    %pip install [email protected]://
    %pip install summertime
    from summertime import model
    > ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'summertime'

    Edit: even after updating pip, the problem is still there.

    The package is correctly installed:

    %pip freeze | grep summertime
    > summertime==1.2.1

    I've also tried to install on Python 3.9, and the problem persists.

    opened by fabioperez 2
  • Inconsistent printing/logging

    Inconsistent printing/logging

    The printing and logging are slightly out-of-hand. We've got messages printed out everywhere, some from the models that we import and some from random places for debugging purposes.

    We should regulate this more with the python logging package and add a hierarchy of logging levels (i.e., debug, info, warning, error, etc)

    opened by niansong1996 0
  • v1.2.1(Mar 2, 2022)

    Finalizing the multilingual summarization models and pipelines

    What's Changed

    • Installation fixes for the 1.1.0 release by @niansong1996 in
    • Multilingual refactoring and language ID checking by @NickSchoelkopf in
    • Add mT5 by @NickSchoelkopf in
    • Add translation pipeline model by @NickSchoelkopf in
    • Add T5 to supported summarization models by @arjunvnair in
    • Add XLSum and Massivesumm datasets by @NickSchoelkopf in

    New Contributors

    • @arjunvnair made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    summertime-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl(12.84 KB)
    summertime-1.2.1.tar.gz(20.20 KB)
  • v1.1.0(Nov 9, 2021)

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