fromepicbot_imagesimportmemes# for a discord bot@bot.command()asyncdefdrake(ctx, first, second):
awaitctx.reply(file=discord.File(awaitmemes.drake(first, second)))
# it's so easy to use
fromepicbot_imagesimporteffects@bot.command()asyncdefblur(ctx, user: discord.User):
# 1 line go brr
I won't be making docs for these, refer to the source code or ask in the support server if you have any questions
Fast Image Retrieval is an open source image retrieval framework release by Center of Image and Signal Processing Lab (CISiP Lab), Universiti Malaya. This framework implements most of the major binary hashing methods, together with both popular backbone networks and public datasets.
Fast Image Retrieval (FIRe) is an open source image retrieval project release by Center of Image and Signal Processing Lab (CISiP Lab), Universiti Malaya. This project implements most of the major binary hashing methods to date, together with different popular backbone networks and public datasets.
Python Image Morpher (PIM) is a program that can take two images and blend them to whatever extent or precision that you like! It is designed to emulate some of Python's OpenCV image processing from